APP - This is serious, these lies matter


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Mystery of her doctor...

"Oh what a tangled Web we weave when first we practice to deceive."

Dr Barack has painted herself into a corner of her own making when she first agreed to let Clinton's handlers word her reports years ago.
Once done it's all but impossible to say no again and so begin the need to cobble together a story that tries to make medical sense.
And now her manufactured narrative is miles from even nonsense.
If the truth interests you hit the link. It's not a short read as it covers a couple decades of events but it's though and disturbing.
If you just hate Trump just hit return.
Personally I can't take the American Thinker seriously. And even should Hillary be sick, she and the democrats are still a wiser choice. There is no telling what Trump would do as president, he seems incapable of self control or telling the truth. Lots of data below if you doubt that.

And this document does matter:

Even conservatives shake their head. "UPDATE: I believe that if Trump becomes president, he will eventually be impeached, and on solid grounds. He cannot help himself. It’s going to be one damn thing after another."

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Winston S. Churchill

Fifty lies and counting:

Lying to Veterans

Trump's imaginary businesses

"However, a closer examination, over the course of a week, revealed an unmistakable pattern: Virtually all of Mr. Trump’s falsehoods directly bolstered a powerful and self-aggrandizing narrative depicting him as a heroic savior for a nation menaced from every direction. Mike Murphy, a Republican strategist, described the practice as creating “an unreality bubble that he surrounds himself with.""
Now BO has been caught lying about the emails.
Hrc hurts everyone trying to cover up everything whether it needs it or not.
Lying to congress, the fbi and the American people about state secrets is less troubling to you mid ? Really ?
Now BO has been caught lying about the emails.
Hrc hurts everyone trying to cover up everything whether it needs it or not.
Lying to congress, the fbi and the American people about state secrets is less troubling to you mid ? Really ?

Yes. They are all about ideology not country. Remember they hate America as founded. That is critical to understanding the left. You cannot compromise with these people. They must be treated as the traitors they are
Remember if it weren't for citizen journalism we would have never known about her catastrophic event on 9-11

I wonder how many other type "episodes" the media is covering up on her behalf?

Tomorrow night scares them. If she launches into another coughing fit, she is finished
Leave Hillary out of this for a moment, how can anyone support Trump given his dishonesty. 90% of what he says is a lie. Judge Trump on confirmed evidence of lying and tell why is that morally and politically OK? This should be good.

(Please don't come away Trump ideologues as you know what they say about kettles.)
Leave Hillary out of this for a moment, how can anyone support Trump given his dishonesty. 90% of what he says is a lie. Judge Trump on confirmed evidence of lying and tell why is that morally and politically OK? This should be good.

(Please don't come away Trump ideologues as you know what they say about kettles.)

It doesn't matter. The choice is between him and that cunt Crooked ILLary. I choose him. I wish those weren't the choices, but they are

I am voting to keep the cunt out of OUR White House.
Personally I can't take the American Thinker seriously. And even should Hillary be sick, she and the democrats are still a wiser choice. There is no telling what Trump would do as president, he seems incapable of self control or telling the truth. Lots of data below if you doubt that.

And this document does matter:

Even conservatives shake their head. "UPDATE: I believe that if Trump becomes president, he will eventually be impeached, and on solid grounds. He cannot help himself. It’s going to be one damn thing after another."

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Winston S. Churchill

Fifty lies and counting:

Lying to Veterans

Trump's imaginary businesses

"However, a closer examination, over the course of a week, revealed an unmistakable pattern: Virtually all of Mr. Trump’s falsehoods directly bolstered a powerful and self-aggrandizing narrative depicting him as a heroic savior for a nation menaced from every direction. Mike Murphy, a Republican strategist, described the practice as creating “an unreality bubble that he surrounds himself with.""

Leave Hillary out of this for a moment, how can anyone support Trump given his dishonesty. 90% of what he says is a lie. Judge Trump on confirmed evidence of lying and tell why is that morally and politically OK? This should be good.

(Please don't come away Trump ideologues as you know what they say about kettles.)

It doesn't matter. The choice is between him and that cunt Crooked ILLary. I choose him. I wish those weren't the choices, but they are

I am voting to keep the cunt out of OUR White House.

And some still wonder at Trump's appeal when this is the level of dialogue? Obviously the thought below is wasted on the hate filled partisans among us. But I'm still waiting for reasons not vulgarity.

"Voters attracted by the force of the Trump personality should pause and take note of the precise qualities he exudes as an audaciously different politician: bluster, savage mockery of those who challenge him, degrading comments about women, mendacity, crude generalizations about nations and religions. Our presidents are role models for generations of our children. Is this the example we want for them?"
Leave Hillary out of this for a moment, how can anyone support Trump given his dishonesty. 90% of what he says is a lie. Judge Trump on confirmed evidence of lying and tell why is that morally and politically OK? This should be good.

(Please don't come away Trump ideologues as you know what they say about kettles.)

its probably because all the things you bring up about lies by Trump combined don't amount to a scratch compared to the wounds left by Hillary's falsehoods.....its like a mountain calling a grain of sand an obstacle......
its probably because all the things you bring up about lies by Trump combined don't amount to a scratch compared to the wounds left by Hillary's falsehoods.....its like a mountain calling a grain of sand an obstacle......

You have yet to show me a single factual lie of Hillary. You are full of empty words same as your savior Donald. Empty words don't count.
And some still wonder at Trump's appeal when this is the level of dialogue? Obviously the thought below is wasted on the hate filled partisans among us. But I'm still waiting for reasons not vulgarity.

"Voters attracted by the force of the Trump personality should pause and take note of the precise qualities he exudes as an audaciously different politician: bluster, savage mockery of those who challenge him, degrading comments about women, mendacity, crude generalizations about nations and religions. Our presidents are role models for generations of our children. Is this the example we want for them?"

The thing is you can't leave Crooked ILLary out of it. I have two choices. They aren't the choices I want but there they are. You think this is some sociology class, but it isn't.

Given the two choices, I choose Trump
You have yet to show me a single factual lie of Hillary. You are full of empty words same as your savior Donald. Empty words don't count.

Benghazi......YouTube video......rinse, repeat......

emails......I have turned them all over to the state department......rinse, repeat.....
Benghazi......YouTube video......rinse, repeat......

emails......I have turned them all over to the state department......rinse, repeat.....

Again nothing, Benghazi turned up nothing, emails I've explained too often to repeat. If you have something substantive please link it. When a child believes in a bogeyman no amount of reason changes that, the right wing is like that child, they believe their bogeyman and nothing changes that. Sorry but you guys are being led by your noses and haven't figured it out yet.

While off topic a bit debate comment below.

I thought the open format showed just how empty Trump is. He is a windbag plain and simple. Americans on the right have grow so dumb that when Hilliary talks substantively about issues that's not a plus but a negative. One must speak in slogans for the right to understand, any conversation above 'printable on a hat level' is criticized. The other week 'The Daily Show' interviewed Trump supporters at his rally. If you want to fear for your nation, listen to these people. (Google it, I' tired of trying to educate the uneducatable.)

"About midway through their first debate, Hillary Clinton said of Donald Trump: “I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. And, yes, I did. And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president. And I think that’s a good thing.”

It was one of her best moments, an understated swipe at Trump’s evident lack of preparation for the responsibilities of the Oval Office, and it got to the heart of their often disjointed exchanges: Clinton was measured and assured, if a little too much of a policy wonk at times, while Trump was as erratic and peevish as he has been since the beginning of his campaign."
Again nothing, Benghazi turned up nothing, emails I've explained too often to repeat.

you asked for her didn't specify I had to come up with things you don't refuse to accept as're a liberal......there isn't anything you don't refuse to accept as true.....
Try harder

not if I have to try which of her many lies you won't deny.....

how about we talk about sniper fire in Bosnia? about being dead broke when she and Bill left the WhiteHouse? about the claim there was no classified material on her email server.....
Off topic, while related to security, but did you find Bush Cheney outing a CIA agent Ok? If so, why?

I haven't heard about wouldn't be referring to Plame would you?.....because the investigation concluded that neither Bush or Cheney had anything to do with it.....I do find it interesting that a person was sentenced to jail for doing precisely what Hillary did, lying to investigators......even though they concluded his lie was not intentional.......precedents tell us what to do with presidents who lie to investigators.......