APP - This is serious, these lies matter

I haven't heard about wouldn't be referring to Plame would you?.....because the investigation concluded that neither Bush or Cheney had anything to do with it.....I do find it interesting that a person was sentenced to jail for doing precisely what Hillary did, lying to investigators......even though they concluded his lie was not intentional.......precedents tell us what to do with presidents who lie to investigators.......

Sure thing, his lying is not intentional but her's is. And then there is the matter that you have yet to show me a lie? Do you not realize how hypocritical you sound. Carry on believing whatever you like, Hillary will be our next president in spite of all this BS from the republicans and followers like you. Believe if it gives you comfort.
Sure thing, his lying is not intentional but her's is. And then there is the matter that you have yet to show me a lie? Do you not realize how hypocritical you sound. Carry on believing whatever you like, Hillary will be our next president in spite of all this BS from the republicans and followers like you. Believe if it gives you comfort.

well besides Benghazi and the emails I gave you post #19......I haven't seen your denial yet.....and if Hillary is sworn in as president it will only be until impeachment, so no worries.....
well besides Benghazi and the emails I gave you post #19......I haven't seen your denial yet.....and if Hillary is sworn in as president it will only be until impeachment, so no worries.....

And Post 19: how about we talk about sniper fire in Bosnia? about being dead broke when she and Bill left the WhiteHouse? about the claim there was no classified material on her email server.....

We have covered Benghazi and nothing was found by numerous and constant investigation. If there is impeachment action it will result in the same effect the republicans had when they tried to impeach Bill, nothing will come of it and they will have wasted tax payer money once more. They do that well, what they do for America is another question.

Sniper fire was exaggerated but that was a dangerous place and she had the honesty to say she misspoke. Leaving the presidency would have set them back in earnings as you have to stay away from what would appear to be using the office for gain. Her words were poorly chosen but for lawyers probably contained a morsel of truth. Emails can be classified after the fact for a variety of reasons. I managed email for a major corporation for years. We had to be tested and signed off every year, the government did not do that. You can blame the government but from everything I have read their security apparatus was pathetic. Powell did the same, even worse in my expert opinion as he used a vendor. The bureaucrats say now they will test and do a better job. I can't blame Hillary for our pathetic government bureaucracy, if any blame is required the republicans shoulder most of it as they want to eliminate regulatory structure in many areas. None of these political items rise to the incompetency and utter stupidity of Donald J. Trump and most Republicans know this and are endorsing HRC for president. You have some points, but in your hatred of Hillary and maybe democrats you blind yourself from reality.

Republican for 126 years now supporting Hillary

Republicans endorsing Hillary

Other conservative newspapers supporting HRC