This is the guy I'm supporting for Congress...

Why would a capitalist hate Christmas ? The biggest retail sales time of the year.
One of the big reasons Christians and cons get along so good.
Tax exemptions and profit, what better combination can you get ?
I'm supporting this great American for the race in the 1st district of Washington:


After one second of research.
2006 U.S. Representative Jay Inslee Larry W. Ishmael (R) Re-elected 68% 32%

It doesn't look like good ole larry has much of a chance in hell. :(
This is the Great American I'd vote for if I just happened to live in Washington's seventh district:


After two seconds of research.

And here's the great American I AM voting for in the fourth of Mississippi:


He's a hottie.

Anyone see a single common link between all these people I'm mentioning?
Baghdad Jim McDermott is an asshole.

He should be tarred and feathered and removed from office.

Unfortunately, Socialist Seattle usually reelects the bastard with 80% of the vote. What a bunch of schmucks.

McDermott is not an American.
Baghdad Jim McDermott is an asshole.

He should be tarred and feathered and removed from office.

Unfortunately, Socialist Seattle usually reelects the bastard with 80% of the vote. What a bunch of schmucks.

McDermott is not an American.

Republicans are not Americans. Americans believe in freedom, like the patriot McDermott. Republicans are murderers and they hate our freedoms, they hate our liberty, while McDermott tries to protect it. They should all be hung as the last people executed in the US. No, they shouldn't be hung, they should be tortured to death, for they are far worse than the worst murder in the US, and they've murdered in cold blood far more patriotic Americans in their country hating theocratic anti-American zeal.
Republicans are not Americans. Americans believe in freedom, like the patriot McDermott.

Then why does Baghdad Jim want to take away our guns and silence conservative talk show hosts? You call that freedom? I call it communism. Jim is a filthy communist bastard who should be tarred and feathered, and paraded through the streets of Seattle like the worthless piece of shit he is.

Republicans are murderers and they hate our freedoms, they hate our liberty,

Tell that to Ron Paul who has worked tirelessly to restore our liberty.

while McDermott tries to protect it.


They should all be hung as the last people executed in the US. No, they shouldn't be hung, they should be tortured to death, for they are far worse than the worst murder in the US, and they've murdered in cold blood far more patriotic Americans in their country hating theocratic anti-American zeal.

You're the same sniveling little child you've always been.

You were never a true Libertarian.
Then why does Baghdad Jim want to take away our guns and silence conservative talk show hosts? You call that freedom? I call it communism. Jim is a filthy communist bastard who should be tarred and feathered, and paraded through the streets of Seattle like the worthless piece of shit he is.

Tell that to Ron Paul who has worked tirelessly to restore our liberty.


You're the same sniveling little child you've always been.

You were never a true Libertarian.

It's true, I was never a member of the libertarian party.

Do you think throwing out the 1st and 2nd Amendments is in the best interest of our liberty? Because that's exactly what McDermott seeks to do. He wants to take away our guns, and force conservative talk show hosts off the air. Is that the America you want to live in?

Do you think throwing out the 1st and 2nd Amendments is in the best interest of our liberty? Because that's exactly what McDermott seeks to do. He wants to take away our guns, and force conservative talk show hosts off the air. Is that the America you want to live in?

Of course.