im gonna bitch slap the next neocon motherfucker that tells me nations are an illusion.
Dammit. I deleted my response before I posted it. I'll try to recreate it.
Interesting. I find that all American minorities (e.g., non-white people, non-straight people, non-Christian people, people with physical disabilities, women, etc.) share a common experience (more and less). There is no more reason to self-segregate based on race than there is to self-segregate based on any other inherent characteristics.
are you against all taxes? or just ones focused on maintaining workers lives and national vital capacities?
im gonna bitch slap the next neocon motherfucker that tells me nations are an illusion.
I'm sure that there is a minority experience which crosses boundaries of race, gender, religion, and so on. But it seems like the boundaries that most divide people, in every country and every time period, is always race.
The problem is we do understand him. He is a conman lacking human feelings and he is not very bright.Trump never learned about governance while in office.
Just like you're gonna bitch slap anyone who knows what a tariff is? Shut the fuck up, moron.
Just like you're gonna bitch slap anyone who knows what a tariff is? Shut the fuck up, moron.
Trump has a super effective rhetorical style where he is able deliver very heavy and wise advise but often mixes it with "taking the mickey" out of himself - having a laugh about his funny hair style or boasting about how very handsome he thinks he is, and so on.Humour is a great way to get an important point across.
But his most important "political" values are very elemental. One is never, ever giving up when the heat comes down on you (if you believe you are fighting to do the (morally) right thing. Another is making sure he always remembers takes good care of the small group of people who are closest to him and love him the most, that is is family and closest family friends. This is group is what the great Father of Conservative politics, Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797), the brilliant 18th century political Member of the British Parliament, political philosopher and essayist, famously called the "little platoon".... Burke wrote (in 1787, I think ?).
"To be attached to the subdivision, to love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the FIRST PRINCIPLE ( the germ as it were) of public affections. It is the first link in the series by which we proceed towards a love to our country and to mankind."
Burke was like Trump in that he was a straight - talker - there was no flowery, abstract, high falutin', waffle and bullshit about him (like Obama, for example, who was a very slippery sophist), he hated ivory tower academics and pretentious intellectuals who gave lectures and wrote complex rationalistic theories about what they thought would make for the ideal political system. He called them "Fools"!! and attacked them in his essays and other writings. Some of the more pompous high-brows got a major "bee in their bonnets", and became embroiled in long - running bun-fights with Burke. Burke would say that politics is about people (human being) and you can never use a slide rule and a calculator to work out what human nature is; and if you can never have have a complete rational/logic understanding of human nature, then you can never have a complete cut-and-dried exact and complete understanding of politics. If you can not grasp that you are f**king crazy !!
BTW: "PLATOON" is a military term. A platoon is made up of three or four squads, it has from 20 to 50 soldiers. and is commanded by a lieutenant
This is KWELL, watch it and learn !!!....
you still didn't answer if you're against all taxes. are you?
I already answered you, you brainless fuck. I am not against all taxes.
so why are you against one that protects workers, vital capacities and the future?
How did you determine that I am against the China tariffs?
are you?
You really can't hold a thought for 15 seconds. You're a fucking mess, man. I support lots of taxes. I oppose some, too. Whatever you're trying to do is failing miserably.
Maybe. I would argue that wealth (and lack thereof) separate people as much as race does. Either way, I enjoy talking with you!
thanks for proving your idiocy.
I already answered you, you brainless fuck. I am not against all taxes.