This is very disturbing...

No, the most important issue is how America is about to elect a president who has ties to terrorist extremists and Islamic fundamentalists. QUOTE]

He sat on a board with a person who was a member of the wheatherman thirty years back. He has no ties to 'Islamic fundamentalists', unless you are counting his atheist father who was born a Muslim. You are worse than Hannity and more bigoted than a Klan member.

He actually has many ties. The cat who got him into Harvard, for one. The guy in Africa he went over and campaigned for, who wanted to institute Sharia Law, for another. The 'mentor' he had growing up in Hawaii... the list goes on and on with this guy, but you morons don't care, you have these stellar IQ's and know more than the rest of us, and you're all worked up in a frenzy like the black boys doing the chants in the video, and you'll elect this man president. YES WE CAN!

BTW... It's called the Weather Underground, and Bill Ayers was a proud member, who said in 2001 (9/11/01) that he wishes they could have done more! (bombing of places like the Capitol and Pentagon.) He is a domestic terrorist, and I find it very hard to believe Obama, who launched his political campaign in this man's living room, had no idea of Ayers radical views. But... I am not a intellectual pinhead who knows more than everybody else.
No, the most important issue is how America is about to elect a president who has ties to terrorist extremists and Islamic fundamentalists. This is just a 'sidebar' issue.

You are a fucking pathetic piece of partisan shit.

Enjoy the political wilderness next month & beyond.
"that he wishes they could have done more! "

He said he wishes they had done more to stop the war; not "more bombing."

Try not to listen to everything Sean Hannity says.
He actually has many ties. The cat who got him into Harvard, for one. The guy in Africa he went over and campaigned for, who wanted to institute Sharia Law, for another. The 'mentor' he had growing up in Hawaii... the list goes on and on with this guy, but you morons don't care, you have these stellar IQ's and know more than the rest of us, and you're all worked up in a frenzy like the black boys doing the chants in the video, and you'll elect this man president. YES WE CAN!

Yep Dix. It's just us intellectuals here oppressing you family loving middle America (a place I'm not apparently located in) religious folks. You have it all figured out.

Ever thought that maybe, the Republicans were just coming up with that brand to brainwash people and make them ignore actual issues? Naw, that's crazy talk. I'm just being a condescending intellectual if I say something like that.

BTW... It's called the Weather Underground, and Bill Ayers was a proud member, who said in 2001 (9/11/01) that he wishes they could have done more! (bombing of places like the Capitol and Pentagon.) He is a domestic terrorist, and I find it very hard to believe Obama, who launched his political campaign in this man's living room, had no idea of Ayers radical views. But... I am not a intellectual pinhead who knows more than everybody els


I find it hard to believe that he actually said that specifically on 9/11. Even if he were willing to give an interview at the time, what reporter wasn't covering 9/11?
This is clearly an ethics thing. It doesn't have to violate Sec. 1.A Pg. 12 B.

It shows an utter attempt at political indoctrination and this should be obvious to anyone who has more than three brain cells, which is why it surprises me that it was obvious to Dixie.

Oh lighten up Dix.

More schools need to have programs like this. These are true, patriotic Americans.
"that he wishes they could have done more! "

He said he wishes they had done more to stop the war; not "more bombing."

Try not to listen to everything Sean Hannity says.

Onzies, Bill Ayers was a bomb maker. He and his Weather Underground cronies were responsible for as many as 20 bombings of police stations, the Pentagon and the Capitol in 1969 and 1970. His girlfriend perished in a 1970 explosion, where a nail bomb she was working on, went off prematurely. It was designed to kill American soldiers, by Ayers own admission. He wishes that they could have done more, as in, make more nail bombs and target US interests and soldiers, through acts of domestic terrorism.

It's frightening that the left is in such a zombie state over Obama, as to actually attempt to defend this man and his actions. Are you people really that far gone? That far over the edge? Apparently so!
1. The Administrator was on the radio yesterday in an interview, and she said that the school had sanctioned this 'routine' or whatever the fuck it was. I don't give a rat's ass who "initiated" it, this is not an appropriate venue for a political homage to any particular candidate. My tax dollars are not intended to be spent, indoctrinating children into the Obama Army, or whateverthefuck they call themselves.

2. The US Constitution says NOTHING about separation of church and state. And up until the early 1900's, the vast majority of primary education in this country, was sponsored by religious organizations and churches. I would venture to conclude, if the Founding Fathers had a problem with that, they would have addressed it when they wrote the Constitution.

3. The issue is not what rules or laws have been violated. Clearly, no rule or law was broken, or someone would have been fired or sent to jail. That is not the issue. We are discussing if this is appropriate in a school environment. Most posters have indicated, it is not. You, being a devout Liberal, have no problem with this, apparently. However, I would venture to say, if these were white southern kids doing a 'chant' of praise for McCain and Palin, you would be LIVID that your tax dollars were paying for it.

4. There are a LOT of things there once was "no rule against" and it has nothing to do with "freedom." In the early 1800's there was no rule against buying and selling black people... was that "freedom" in your opinion?

5. Again, had this been a white southern group, praising McCain, Palin, or Jesus... on school property, on school time, with school resources, you would be having a cow about it, and liberals would be melting down the message board in protest. It would not matter one whit, who "initiated" it, or who "sponsored" it, you would not care!

1. If the school sanctioned it, that means the kids came up with the idea and the school said ok. Which also probably means these kids were Obama supporters without any faculty "indoctrination". And you don't get to decide what your tax dollars get spent on.

2. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

This is the 1st amendment to the US Constitution. And the US Supreme Court has, on several occasions, ruled that this is indeed an edict for the separation of church and state. Yes, churches have been responsible for the majority of primary eductaion in the past. That doesn't change a thing. There are still private schools run by the church. But, thankfully, we have removed it from the public school system. It had no place there, just like the 10 commandments monument had no place in the Alabama Supreme Court lobby. But I am willing to be that you were a supporter of Judge Roy Moore on that one. (see? both of us can play that game)

3. I would venture to say that you are wrong. I would have the same opinion regardless of who they were chanting for. I don't see either side as inherently right or inherently wrong. As an independent, I see the flaws in both sides.

You are correct that most posters in this thread have said they think its inappropriate. All that means is that most posters think it inappropriate. It does not automatically mean its wrong. I do not make my judgements based on the opinions of the majority.

4. When something is wrong it is the responsibility of the people to change the rules or laws to make it illegal. That was what was done to slavery.

You keep chanting the conservative mantra of "indoctrination". But the public has elected a conservative to the highest office 20 of the last 28 years. This tells me that whatever indoctrination is happening, it has not worked.

5. Dixie, you are trying to tell me what I would do in a situation. And you are absolutely wrong. This idea that I am giving the Obama campaign a pass and would slam the McCain campaign for the same thing is just a projection of your feelings. They have no bearing on my beliefs or the truth.

But yes, I would indeed have a problem with any religious group doing the same thing. But then, we have already cover the separation of church and state. The schools are forbidden from sanctioning any one religion. But there is no such rule against sanctioning a candidate.
Why is this scary? Its words are good words, its intent is pride in self. Everyone who has been in the military did this as we marched, as the DI drilled discipline and comradeship into our young heads. What I do find disturbing is the hate Sarah Palin is generating when 'kill' becomes a chant at republican rallies. I suggest everyone send McCain an email to stop this stupid low class hatred. As far as Dixie goes the author below describes him to a tee.

"The elite, the most powerful, influential, and wealthy individuals among us, have essentially succeeded in creating the most important element in sustaining their perpetual control: eternally loyal, anti-thinking, slave-followers, fundamentally hostile to any kind of meaningful thought, perhaps as much as eighty percent of the world's population. For the purposes of keeping this article short enough for publication, my comments here are limited to Americans."
If this was a charter school in Idaho with a bunch of white kids in support of Hitler, this thread would be 10 posts long with EVERYONE agreeing with Dixie.

If kids made a routine supporting someone who murdered millions of people, I think outrage is justified.

Kids making up a routine supporting a political candidate is a different issue.

If white kids in Idaho made this video on school property, with school equipment, in support of David Duke when he ran for president I would feel the same way. As long as their support was not in such a manner as to be overtly racist. I am not against anyone being positive and for something.

Perhaps this board WOULD be ranting if it were a video for McCain. But I would be saying the same thing.
Onzies, Bill Ayers was a bomb maker. He and his Weather Underground cronies were responsible for as many as 20 bombings of police stations, the Pentagon and the Capitol in 1969 and 1970. His girlfriend perished in a 1970 explosion, where a nail bomb she was working on, went off prematurely. It was designed to kill American soldiers, by Ayers own admission. He wishes that they could have done more, as in, make more nail bombs and target US interests and soldiers, through acts of domestic terrorism.

It's frightening that the left is in such a zombie state over Obama, as to actually attempt to defend this man and his actions. Are you people really that far gone? That far over the edge? Apparently so!

I'm not "defending Ayers", you lunatic, hate-mongering piece of shit. You & Hannity are lying about his "should have done more" comment, and I'm calling you on it.

Google the interview. He clarifies that he does not mean "more bombing." I understand why you have to lie & distort at this point of the campaign, but that doesn't mean you're not going to get called on it.
If this was a charter school in Idaho with a bunch of white kids in support of Hitler, this thread would be 10 posts long with EVERYONE agreeing with Dixie.

;) if this were a charter school in Idaho with white kids in support of hitler Dixie would not be complainin .
BTW... It's called the Weather Underground, and Bill Ayers was a proud member, who said in 2001 (9/11/01) that he wishes they could have done more! (bombing of places like the Capitol and Pentagon.) He is a domestic terrorist, and I find it very hard to believe Obama, who launched his political campaign in this man's living room, had no idea of Ayers radical views. But... I am not a intellectual pinhead who knows more than everybody else.
I've always liked his remark after they found that some of the evidence had been gathered illegally and he was released.

"Guilty as Hell, free as a bird!"
I'm not "defending Ayers", you lunatic, hate-mongering piece of shit. You & Hannity are lying about his "should have done more" comment, and I'm calling you on it.

Google the interview. He clarifies that he does not mean "more bombing." I understand why you have to lie & distort at this point of the campaign, but that doesn't mean you're not going to get called on it.
That's an ignorant argument. The Weather Underground was "underground." They had moved beyond the mainstream of SDS and were out of sight. They couldn't organize rallies and fundraisers. All they did was plot acts of terror (i.e. bombings). Doing more would simply have meant more bombings, and as it was there were a few that were never carried out due to technical difficulties (in one case, the makers blew their dumbass selves up in an accident).
That's an ignorant argument. The Weather Underground was "underground." They had moved beyond the mainstream of SDS and were out of sight. They couldn't organize rallies and fundraisers. All they did was plot acts of terror (i.e. bombings). Doing more would simply have meant more bombings, and as it was there were a few that were never carried out due to technical difficulties (in one case, the makers blew their dumbass selves up in an accident).

Ayers goes on to further clarify in the interview that by "we" he meant every American.

I don't think the guy is a saint, but he was very clear what he meant by "didn't do enough," and the truth takes a holiday with people like Dixie & Hannity because they have a "free license" to make up anything they want, because anyone who tries to point out that this isn't what he said is "defending a terrorist."
Onzies, you do realize you are defending a domestic terrorist, right? Of course, it's nothing new to you, as you defiantly defended Saddam Hussein in much the same way. If they came out with a video of Obama meeting with Osama Bin Laden to plan 9/11, you would be 'explaining' how this was just a 'tactical advisory' meeting, and didn't mean Obama was involved in the attack itself. You guys are so far over the edge, you can't be brought back. That is scary to me, because it means our boys in uniform will have to eventually put you down like we did the Nazis. Oh well, at least liberals don't have guns.
Onzies, you do realize you are defending a domestic terrorist, right? Of course, it's nothing new to you, as you defiantly defended Saddam Hussein in much the same way. If they came out with a video of Obama meeting with Osama Bin Laden to plan 9/11, you would be 'explaining' how this was just a 'tactical advisory' meeting, and didn't mean Obama was involved in the attack itself. You guys are so far over the edge, you can't be brought back. That is scary to me, because it means our boys in uniform will have to eventually put you down like we did the Nazis. Oh well, at least liberals don't have guns.

I'm not defending him, you miserable lying fuck. You're lying about a quote, and I'm correcting you on it.

At what point, in miserable lying fuck Dixieland, does it not become "defending Ayers." If you & Hannity said that Ayers was really talking about not bombing enough babies, and that Obama was associated with baby-bombers, and I corrected you on that...would I be defending Ayers?

Anyway, you get the point, lying fuck hack. Keep spewing your lies about Obama being best buddies with terrorists & Islamic extremists, and have fun in November.
Yes, you are defending him. He is a domestic terrorist, he was responsible for at least 20 bombings, he made the bombs, and he said he wishes more could have been done. How can you interpret that any other way? He wishes he, we, other Americans, could have committed domestic terrorism more! His solution for ending the war in Vietnam, was to instigate domestic terrorism! Maybe he wishes they could have done more, as in make more deadly bombs, perhaps nuclear bombs or dirty bombs? Maybe he wishes they could have done more, as in killing more innocent people? You know, I really don't give a fuck what he meant, he is a domestic terrorist, that says enough for me!

The point remains, this man is closely associated with Obama, and Obama can deny that all he likes, the proof is there. It seems, Obama has this amazing tendency to be close to all kinds of radical extremist people, who he has 'no idea' of their views. I just find that impossible to believe. I think he is lying his ass off, and you jackasses have been so duped by the fact that he is not Bush, you will buy anything he says. Hell, maybe he'll appoint Ayers Secretary of Defense, and he will know how best to defeat radical terrorists?