1. The Administrator was on the radio yesterday in an interview, and she said that the school had sanctioned this 'routine' or whatever the fuck it was. I don't give a rat's ass who "initiated" it, this is not an appropriate venue for a political homage to any particular candidate. My tax dollars are not intended to be spent, indoctrinating children into the Obama Army, or whateverthefuck they call themselves.
2. The US Constitution says NOTHING about separation of church and state. And up until the early 1900's, the vast majority of primary education in this country, was sponsored by religious organizations and churches. I would venture to conclude, if the Founding Fathers had a problem with that, they would have addressed it when they wrote the Constitution.
3. The issue is not what rules or laws have been violated. Clearly, no rule or law was broken, or someone would have been fired or sent to jail. That is not the issue. We are discussing if this is appropriate in a school environment. Most posters have indicated, it is not. You, being a devout Liberal, have no problem with this, apparently. However, I would venture to say, if these were white southern kids doing a 'chant' of praise for McCain and Palin, you would be LIVID that your tax dollars were paying for it.
4. There are a LOT of things there once was "no rule against" and it has nothing to do with "freedom." In the early 1800's there was no rule against buying and selling black people... was that "freedom" in your opinion?
5. Again, had this been a white southern group, praising McCain, Palin, or Jesus... on school property, on school time, with school resources, you would be having a cow about it, and liberals would be melting down the message board in protest. It would not matter one whit, who "initiated" it, or who "sponsored" it, you would not care!