This is what you get when you help the poor people!!!

I have had enough!!!! We'll never help anyone again!! I'm too kindhearted, or I'm too stupid....Yesterday it was so cold out that we took a man into our home out of the kindness of our heart. We felt so sorry for him. Poor thing was trembling out in the cold, but this morning he had just vanished. Not a word...not even a goodbye or a thank you for sheltering him!!
The last straw?! When I realized he had peed all over the living room floor!!! That's the thank you I get for being good to people?!?!?!
Now I'm going to warn my friends to watch out for this man! He is heavy set, wearing nothing but a scarf, he has a nose that looks like a carrot, two black eyes, and his arms are so skinny they look like sticks!!! Don't bring him into your house!! What a huge mess he made on the floor.

I finally got it.
Never seen this kind of a joke on a political chat forum before.

So this is your/this board's idea of a great joke?
Seems harmless but ever-so-slightly sick to me.



Have a good day.
I have had enough!!!! We'll never help anyone again!! I'm too kindhearted, or I'm too stupid....Yesterday it was so cold out that we took a man into our home out of the kindness of our heart. We felt so sorry for him. Poor thing was trembling out in the cold, but this morning he had just vanished. Not a word...not even a goodbye or a thank you for sheltering him!!
The last straw?! When I realized he had peed all over the living room floor!!! That's the thank you I get for being good to people?!?!?!
Now I'm going to warn my friends to watch out for this man! He is heavy set, wearing nothing but a scarf, he has a nose that looks like a carrot, two black eyes, and his arms are so skinny they look like sticks!!! Don't bring him into your house!! What a huge mess he made on the floor.

I lost two cell phones helping poor people this year and I am poor monetarily myself.
I have had enough!!!! We'll never help anyone again!! I'm too kindhearted, or I'm too stupid....Yesterday it was so cold out that we took a man into our home out of the kindness of our heart. We felt so sorry for him. Poor thing was trembling out in the cold, but this morning he had just vanished. Not a word...not even a goodbye or a thank you for sheltering him!!
The last straw?! When I realized he had peed all over the living room floor!!! That's the thank you I get for being good to people?!?!?!
Now I'm going to warn my friends to watch out for this man! He is heavy set, wearing nothing but a scarf, he has a nose that looks like a carrot, two black eyes, and his arms are so skinny they look like sticks!!! Don't bring him into your house!! What a huge mess he made on the floor.

you still did the right thing. find him and tell him he missed a spot.
Not the worst snowman story.

Having an eight on your scorecard, which is known as a snowman, is much worse than having a puddle of urine on your floor.

Having an eight, in fact, is somewhat akin to making your own puddle on the floor. And pile to go with it.
how's the leader of the great white nortenos this morning?

Thanks Hat and I am not really all that well. Have a broken heart, on meds (hopefully will get these issues resolved soon) I have been very distracted especially by this broken heart. I suspect I will be fine though. I have much work to do but again just not feeling the drive to do it these days so I suppose focusing on my wellness might be best for all of us in the end ... How are you doing Hat?
Yeah those who fight globalist shit heads for decades on international levels these days are destined to be monetarily poor ... very funny. I am proud to have given up on my own selfishness to fight the good fight.

No no no I agree with you. Please read the whole OP. I, myself, help the poor all the time. Gave them clothes, food and stuff.
I have had enough!!!! We'll never help anyone again!! I'm too kindhearted, or I'm too stupid....Yesterday it was so cold out that we took a man into our home out of the kindness of our heart. We felt so sorry for him. Poor thing was trembling out in the cold, but this morning he had just vanished. Not a word...not even a goodbye or a thank you for sheltering him!!
The last straw?! When I realized he had peed all over the living room floor!!! That's the thank you I get for being good to people?!?!?!
Now I'm going to warn my friends to watch out for this man! He is heavy set, wearing nothing but a scarf, he has a nose that looks like a carrot, two black eyes, and his arms are so skinny they look like sticks!!! Don't bring him into your house!! What a huge mess he made on the floor.

Pretty poor behavior out of a guy who dates a fashion model....

Thanks Hat and I am not really all that well. Have a broken heart, on meds (hopefully will get these issues resolved soon) I have been very distracted especially by this broken heart. I suspect I will be fine though. I have much work to do but again just not feeling the drive to do it these days so I suppose focusing on my wellness might be best for all of us in the end ... How are you doing Hat?

losing my shit all day long, actually, as every dystopian novel seems to be coming true at once. screw this.