This is what's going on with Joe Biden & Barack Obama. And what exactly is "RevCom"?


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This is what's going on with Joe Biden & Barack Obama. And what exactly is "RevCom"?

Anyone who wants a serious and close-to-accurate understanding of the role and the importance of JoeBama (Joe Biden & Barack Obama) in April 2021 needs to read this brief and 'to the point' explanation.

It dots all the "i's" and crosses all the "T's" and you won't likely find a rationale which makes more sense.

And it even "feels" right.

Throughout the first decade of this millennium there was an ideological shift, an inflection point, that became ¹most clear in the rise of a little known state representative who was appointed to become a Senator from Illinois, his name was Barack Obama.* In the background of Obama’s rise were the people who designed the modern political left. Those Obama creationists were/are hardline revolutionary communist types.

This RevCom group was comprised of the more radical elements of the progressive movement; those who wanted to “fundamentally change” the United States, and who have a very patient and methodical plan to do so.

Team Obama selected Joe Biden specifically because he was controllable; extremely controllable and almost cognitively disconnected from any functional capabilities. Team Obama also selected and installed Kamala Harris as the Vice President with the intent to use her as the substantive and moldable ally.

When Biden is removed, willingly or by political power, the radicals are planning to use Kamala to continue their “fundamental change” priorities. Biden is being thrown upon the spears of those who want to defend against the attack of the radicals.

The extreme policies we are seeing come from the Biden administration are being assigned to him specifically because he is disposable. The radicals do not care about public opinion of the policies or outcomes because they have Biden in place to absorb all the negative attachments.

Kamala Harris is the key to seeing the hidden hand of the Obama control agents at work. Harris’s associations are Obama’s associations. Harris’s crew is Obama’s crew. Anyone who is not Harris; and who carries a perspective of potential political influence; is now a thorn in the agenda.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was rising in influence, as a result he needed to be eliminated in order to retain the exclusive position of Kamala Harris as heir to the radical agenda.

Watch over the next several weeks, months and years and you will see prominent Democrats left with a decision…. Support Harris (meaning those behind her) and the RevCom agenda, OR be targeted for removal by the new radical system that includes a willing media taking targeting orders from the club.

That is what is going on…


RevCom = Revolutionary Communist
Anyone who wants a serious and close-to-accurate understanding of the role and the importance of JoeBama (Joe Biden & Barack Obama) in April 2021 needs to read this brief and 'to the point' explanation.

It dots all the "i's" and crosses all the "T's" and you won't likely find a rationale which makes more sense.

And it even "feels" right.


RevCom = Revolutionary Communist
Compared to Putin's lawlessly hacked in un American tRump and criminal family and repuke co conspires along with their MAGATs on a mission to delete Democracy and anything else of a survival nature on Earth, consider the following facts:

What Biden Learned the Last Time the World Stopped
He oversaw the 2009 economic recovery for Barack Obama. If he wins the presidency, his first task will be to perform an encore on an even more daunting scale.

It was by far the largest enterprise Joe Biden had ever led: a nearly $800 billion government-spending program intended to rescue the country from the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. It involved more than 100,000 projects—275 programs within 28 federal agencies. “If we do everything right, there’s still a 30 percent chance we’re going to get it wrong,” Biden himself said at the time.

But in overseeing the 2009 Recovery Act as Barack Obama’s vice president, Biden shepherded an effort now seen as an effective and remarkably fraud-free response to the financial crisis, even if it won little praise or political credit at the time. If Biden has the good—or bad—luck to win the presidency in November, his first task will be to perform an encore on an even more daunting scale."

The ongoing results of a legitimately elected President Biden Team of 2021:

Biden’s stimulus will affect the whole world

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For the decade after the 2008/2009 financial crisis, many commentators pointed out that monetary policy had become the “only game in town”. With governments concerned to repair their own balance sheets as tax revenues collapsed following the financial crisis, it was left up to central bankers to try to stimulate the economy through cheap money and unconventional asset-purchase programmes. The gargantuan fiscal stimulus package that will soon pass the US Congress will end this regime. The shift will have significance far beyond America’s borders.*

The OECD’s latest economic outlook forecasts that US president Joe Biden’s programme of government spending — worth 8.5 per cent of US national income — together with the rapid rollout of vaccination efforts, will lift global income by 1 per cent this year. The Paris-based think-tank estimates that the world economy will expand 5.6 per cent this year from its pandemic-induced low — up from its previous 4.2 per cent forecast last December.

A booming US economy means economic demand will “spill over” into the rest of the world, particularly its nearest neighbours and most important trading partners Mexico and Canada as well as export-oriented economies in east Asia and Europe. For advanced economies, which borrow in their own currencies, the implications of faster growth in the US is almost entirely positive — increasing potential exports as well as encouraging the “risk on” sentiment that boosts investment.

An overheating US — if the greater demand for goods and services leads to capacity constraints and causes higher inflation — could, however, trigger higher interest rates globally. Investors are betting that the Federal Reserve will either be forced into increasing rates to choke off inflationary pressure or feel comfortable removing stimulus as the economy returns to something near full employment. Members of the European Central Bank’s board are already concerned that this could raise financing costs — reducing the effectiveness of their stimulus efforts in a region where monetary policy remains by far the largest form of stimulus.*

Poorer countries that struggle to borrow in their own currencies will find it harder to adjust. Rising rates will reverse some of the capital flows that have financed fragile economies and led to a stronger dollar, especially if the US recovery diverges from other rich countries. The most exposed countries are in a better position today than during the 2013 “taper tantrum”, when the Fed suggested it would begin to reduce the pace of asset purchases, and emerging market currencies plummeted. Many have spent the intervening period building up reserves to protect against similar outflows and reduce their reliance on external, dollar-denominated finance.*"
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Compared to Putin's lawlessly hacked in un American tRump and criminal family and repuke co conspires along with their MAGATs on a mission to delete Democracy and anything else of a survival nature on Earth, consider the following facts:

What Biden Learned the Last Time the World Stopped
He oversaw the 2009 economic recovery for Barack Obama. If he wins the presidency, his first task will be to perform an encore on an even more daunting scale.

It was by far the largest enterprise Joe Biden had ever led: a nearly $800 billion government-spending program intended to rescue the country from the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. It involved more than 100,000 projects—275 programs within 28 federal agencies. “If we do everything right, there’s still a 30 percent chance we’re going to get it wrong,” Biden himself said at the time.

But in overseeing the 2009 Recovery Act as Barack Obama’s vice president, Biden shepherded an effort now seen as an effective and remarkably fraud-free response to the financial crisis, even if it won little praise or political credit at the time. If Biden has the good—or bad—luck to win the presidency in November, his first task will be to perform an encore on an even more daunting scale."

The ongoing results of a legitimately elected President Biden Team of 2021:

Biden’s stimulus will affect the whole world

Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at

For the decade after the 2008/2009 financial crisis, many commentators pointed out that monetary policy had become the “only game in town”. With governments concerned to repair their own balance sheets as tax revenues collapsed following the financial crisis, it was left up to central bankers to try to stimulate the economy through cheap money and unconventional asset-purchase programmes. The gargantuan fiscal stimulus package that will soon pass the US Congress will end this regime. The shift will have significance far beyond America’s borders.*

The OECD’s latest economic outlook forecasts that US president Joe Biden’s programme of government spending — worth 8.5 per cent of US national income — together with the rapid rollout of vaccination efforts, will lift global income by 1 per cent this year. The Paris-based think-tank estimates that the world economy will expand 5.6 per cent this year from its pandemic-induced low — up from its previous 4.2 per cent forecast last December.

A booming US economy means economic demand will “spill over” into the rest of the world, particularly its nearest neighbours and most important trading partners Mexico and Canada as well as export-oriented economies in east Asia and Europe. For advanced economies, which borrow in their own currencies, the implications of faster growth in the US is almost entirely positive — increasing potential exports as well as encouraging the “risk on” sentiment that boosts investment.

An overheating US — if the greater demand for goods and services leads to capacity constraints and causes higher inflation — could, however, trigger higher interest rates globally. Investors are betting that the Federal Reserve will either be forced into increasing rates to choke off inflationary pressure or feel comfortable removing stimulus as the economy returns to something near full employment. Members of the European Central Bank’s board are already concerned that this could raise financing costs — reducing the effectiveness of their stimulus efforts in a region where monetary policy remains by far the largest form of stimulus.*

Poorer countries that struggle to borrow in their own currencies will find it harder to adjust. Rising rates will reverse some of the capital flows that have financed fragile economies and led to a stronger dollar, especially if the US recovery diverges from other rich countries. The most exposed countries are in a better position today than during the 2013 “taper tantrum”, when the Fed suggested it would begin to reduce the pace of asset purchases, and emerging market currencies plummeted. Many have spent the intervening period building up reserves to protect against similar outflows and reduce their reliance on external, dollar-denominated finance.*"

You desperately need to learn how to edit, how to condense so that you are not wasting everyone's time.
Anyone who wants a serious and close-to-accurate understanding of the role and the importance of JoeBama (Joe Biden & Barack Obama) in April 2021 needs to read this brief and 'to the point' explanation.

It dots all the "i's" and crosses all the "T's" and you won't likely find a rationale which makes more sense.

And it even "feels" right.


RevCom = Revolutionary Communist

Thanks for the Q NUT monthly update, I thought I missed it.
Anyone who wants a serious and close-to-accurate understanding of the role and the importance of JoeBama (Joe Biden & Barack Obama) in April 2021 needs to read this brief and 'to the point' explanation.

It dots all the "i's" and crosses all the "T's" and you won't likely find a rationale which makes more sense.

And it even "feels" right.


RevCom = Revolutionary Communist

what paranoid right wing bullshit. with emphasis on the shit. of course, if you use as a source, it does prove you are a moron from the get-go.

let me ask you a question- what radical socialist policy does obama or biden or harris have that makes you wet your panties so much in fear, wimpy boy?

Thanks for the Q NUT monthly update, I thought I missed it.

That must be a constant, nagging problem for you, as I see your posts are based on craziness, you certainly wouldn't want to run out. No one would whose entire political philosophy is so closely associated with nuttiness.

Here is some more nuttiness for you. But you have this memorized, I'm sure.

Muslim Brotherhood gleeful at the prospect of a Biden presidency


Most major Muslim organizations in the U.S. are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, which has the stated goal (according to a captured internal document) in America of “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house.” What better way to do that than by enabling a socialist internationalist who has sold his country’s interests to the highest bidder?
what paranoid right wing bullshit. with emphasis on the shit. of course, if you use as a source, it does prove you are a moron from the get-go.

let me ask you a question- what radical socialist policy does obama or biden or harris have that makes you wet your panties so much in fear, wimpy boy?

Read the article. You should always get your news from the source or else the twerps who misinterpret things to manipulate you might gain greater ease in controlling your brain.

Although, in your case, the horses all seem to have escaped to the pasture.
Jim Clyburn and the black church ladies picked Joe Biden,
I wasn't happy about it.
Bernie and Liz were my two favorites.

But my African American brothers and sisters won, I had to get over it,
and even in Bernie or Liz would have been even better,
Joe Biden is Lincoln, FDR, and Jesus of Nazareth combined compared to the vile pigfucker Trump.

End of story. This thread is just more bullshit
Compared to Putin's lawlessly hacked in un American tRump and criminal family and repuke co conspires along with their MAGATs on a mission to delete Democracy and anything else of a survival nature on Earth, consider the following facts:

What Biden Learned the Last Time the World Stopped
He oversaw the 2009 economic recovery for Barack Obama. If he wins the presidency, his first task will be to perform an encore on an even more daunting scale.

It was by far the largest enterprise Joe Biden had ever led: a nearly $800 billion government-spending program intended to rescue the country from the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. It involved more than 100,000 projects—275 programs within 28 federal agencies. “If we do everything right, there’s still a 30 percent chance we’re going to get it wrong,” Biden himself said at the time.

But in overseeing the 2009 Recovery Act as Barack Obama’s vice president, Biden shepherded an effort now seen as an effective and remarkably fraud-free response to the financial crisis, even if it won little praise or political credit at the time. If Biden has the good—or bad—luck to win the presidency in November, his first task will be to perform an encore on an even more daunting scale."

The ongoing results of a legitimately elected President Biden Team of 2021:

Biden’s stimulus will affect the whole world

Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found at

For the decade after the 2008/2009 financial crisis, many commentators pointed out that monetary policy had become the “only game in town”. With governments concerned to repair their own balance sheets as tax revenues collapsed following the financial crisis, it was left up to central bankers to try to stimulate the economy through cheap money and unconventional asset-purchase programmes. The gargantuan fiscal stimulus package that will soon pass the US Congress will end this regime. The shift will have significance far beyond America’s borders.*

The OECD’s latest economic outlook forecasts that US president Joe Biden’s programme of government spending — worth 8.5 per cent of US national income — together with the rapid rollout of vaccination efforts, will lift global income by 1 per cent this year. The Paris-based think-tank estimates that the world economy will expand 5.6 per cent this year from its pandemic-induced low — up from its previous 4.2 per cent forecast last December.

A booming US economy means economic demand will “spill over” into the rest of the world, particularly its nearest neighbours and most important trading partners Mexico and Canada as well as export-oriented economies in east Asia and Europe. For advanced economies, which borrow in their own currencies, the implications of faster growth in the US is almost entirely positive — increasing potential exports as well as encouraging the “risk on” sentiment that boosts investment.

An overheating US — if the greater demand for goods and services leads to capacity constraints and causes higher inflation — could, however, trigger higher interest rates globally. Investors are betting that the Federal Reserve will either be forced into increasing rates to choke off inflationary pressure or feel comfortable removing stimulus as the economy returns to something near full employment. Members of the European Central Bank’s board are already concerned that this could raise financing costs — reducing the effectiveness of their stimulus efforts in a region where monetary policy remains by far the largest form of stimulus.*

Poorer countries that struggle to borrow in their own currencies will find it harder to adjust. Rising rates will reverse some of the capital flows that have financed fragile economies and led to a stronger dollar, especially if the US recovery diverges from other rich countries. The most exposed countries are in a better position today than during the 2013 “taper tantrum”, when the Fed suggested it would begin to reduce the pace of asset purchases, and emerging market currencies plummeted. Many have spent the intervening period building up reserves to protect against similar outflows and reduce their reliance on external, dollar-denominated finance.*"

Why hasn't Communism ever worked before?

Not in 40 different countries the past 100 years. And despite it resulting in the impoverishment, imprisonment, and deprivations in EVERY CASE, of all of the citizens who were tricked into believing it, as you do, it resulted in the deaths of more than 100 million people.

And yet, you are excited and intoxicated by the lure of something for nothing.

The world OWES you a living!

The fantasy of every incompetent and inadequate person who ever lived is to be free from the challenges of earning his own living AND along with that fantasy the Communist enthusiast dreams of being treated just as well as the finest nobleman or captain of industry might be treated.

With Communism, you would never be looked down on again!

Every dullard can be somebody.

They can be somebody who hunts for stray dogs and cats to kill and eat under Communism.

Ami Horowitz: What's wrong with socialism?
what paranoid right wing bullshit. with emphasis on the shit. of course, if you use as a source, it does prove you are a moron from the get-go.

let me ask you a question- what radical socialist policy does obama or biden or harris have that makes you wet your panties so much in fear, wimpy boy?

the main complaints against neoliberals are that they're globalist fascists, and even more totalitarian about it than any globalist republican traitor to humanity.
the main complaints against neoliberals are that they're globalist fascists, and even more totalitarian about it than any globalist republican traitor to humanity.

what does global fascists mean? how can you even try to say democrats are more totalitarian than right wingers? do you know what words mean?
what does global fascists mean? how can you even try to say democrats are more totalitarian than right wingers? do you know what words mean?

internationalist fascism: the belief that the interests of multinational corporations should be the sole focus of all national trade policies.

and if you do it while supressing free speech, freedom to assemble, rights to privacy, and gun rights, you're doing it very totalitarianly.

The Conservative Tree House posts conservative-leaning stories that sometimes include misinformation. It has a lengthy description on its “About Us” page, including:

“Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.”

The site is registered through Domains By Proxy, a company that hides the identity and location of the owner of the website.


The Conservative Tree House posts conservative-leaning stories that sometimes include misinformation. It has a lengthy description on its “About Us” page, including:

“Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.”

The site is registered through Domains By Proxy, a company that hides the identity and location of the owner of the website.


Thanks. I'm going to bookmark that site.
That must be a constant, nagging problem for you, as I see your posts are based on craziness, you certainly wouldn't want to run out. No one would whose entire political philosophy is so closely associated with nuttiness.

Here is some more nuttiness for you. But you have this memorized, I'm sure.

Muslim Brotherhood gleeful at the prospect of a Biden presidency


Most major Muslim organizations in the U.S. are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, which has the stated goal (according to a captured internal document) in America of “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house.” What better way to do that than by enabling a socialist internationalist who has sold his country’s interests to the highest bidder?

Wow, an opinion from a blogger.

That carries some weight.

Guess, he really must have hated Trump, who visited Saudi in his very first foreign trip, redirected our troops from Syria to Saudi to protect their oil.

During a 16 June 2015 speech at Trump Tower announcing his presidential candidacy, Trump said: “Saudi Arabia, they make $1 billion a day. $1 billion a day. I love the Saudis. Many are in this building.” At a campaign rally one month later, he said: “I like the Saudis; they are very nice. I make a lot of money with them. They buy all sorts of my stuff — all kinds of toys from Trump. They pay me millions and hundreds of millions.”

At a campaign rally in Mobile, Alabama in August 2015, Trump said: “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

"In June 2017 that Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C., received payments amounting to roughly $270,000 for services provided to lobbyists working for the Saudi government.

So, teabaggers ( overlook that butt are "outraged" of a Muslim opinion of Biden.
Wow, an opinion from a blogger.

That carries some weight.

Guess, he really must have hated Trump, who visited Saudi in his very first foreign trip, redirected our troops from Syria to Saudi to protect their oil.

During a 16 June 2015 speech at Trump Tower announcing his presidential candidacy, Trump said: “Saudi Arabia, they make $1 billion a day. $1 billion a day. I love the Saudis. Many are in this building.” At a campaign rally one month later, he said: “I like the Saudis; they are very nice. I make a lot of money with them. They buy all sorts of my stuff — all kinds of toys from Trump. They pay me millions and hundreds of millions.”

At a campaign rally in Mobile, Alabama in August 2015, Trump said: “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

"In June 2017 that Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C., received payments amounting to roughly $270,000 for services provided to lobbyists working for the Saudi government.

So, teabaggers ( overlook that butt are "outraged" of a Muslim opinion of Biden.

You reveal your lack of depth of knowledge on this subject or your total ease with playing dumb.

Donald Trump demonstrated how diplomacy works.

He made friends when and where he could, which confounded his critics who had previously assured everyone that he would be like a "bull in a china shop" as POTUS.

But that is contrasted by Joe Biden who will lie down, and has a long history of lying down, for the most hostile Muslim entities and fighting Jewish interests unless pressured by domestic audiences to not spread his ass cheeks (or America's) to be buggered by the Muslim believers whose goal is the total domination of mankind and the elimination of ALL governments ruled by "man's laws" instead of Sharia.

Here are a few examples.

Joe Biden Delivered Egyptian Disinformation to Israel Ahead of Yom Kippur War and Later Lied About It

13 Dec 2020

In 1973, 30-year-old freshman senator Joe Biden made his first overseas trip to Egypt and Israel. This week, an Israeli historian revealed Biden had passed on disinformation to then-Israeli prime minister Golda Meir, telling her Egypt believed it would be impossible to go to war with Israel — contributing to an Israeli consensus that would end up costing the Jewish state dearly when its neighboring foe caught it unawares a little more than a month later and attacked.

Despite Israel’s victory in the Yom Kippur War, the fact that Egypt caught it by surprise is still an open wound for the country.

Biden met with mid-tier Egyptian officials in Cairo, the highest ranking of whom was the Minister of Propaganda. Hassanein Heikel, then-editor of the semi-official Al-Ahram daily and former minister of information, was also at the meeting, Yigal Kipnis told Israel’s Channel 12 news this week.

Later, the junior senator from Delaware would sit with Israel’s premier, a meeting he often recounts when speaking at Jewish or pro-Israel events, and tell her that the general consensus among the Egyptian officials he met with was that Israel’s military superiority made it all but impossible to consider the option of entering a conflict with it.

Biden Is No Friend of Israel; He’s an Adversary
Julie Strauss Levin
Posted: Sep 17, 2020 2:14 PM

Biden claims he’s a friend of Israel but it just isn’t so.* Let’s walk down memory lane with the most hostile, anti-Israel administration in American history. It was Obama-Biden that rewarded the Palestinian Authority (PA) with taxpayer dollars despite it handing out millions of dollars to PA terrorists for killing Americans and Israelis. It was Obama-Biden that pressured Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders, release Palestinian terrorists from jail, divide Israel’s capital Jerusalem, refrain from building homes, and more. Deafening silence from Obama-Biden regarding the PA’s murderous track record and its refusal to recognize Israel as the one Jewish state.

It was Obama-Biden that got in bed with Iran, the world’s single largest state sponsor of terrorism. How Obama-Biden fathomed making a deal with an enemy that cried, “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” defies credulity. Obama-Biden gave Iran a clear pathway to nuclear weapons and billions of dollars, $1.8 billion of which was sent in cold, hard U.S.-taxpayer cash in the dead of night.

Biden pledges to re-enter the Iran deal. Iran’s goal of annihilating the United States and Israel doesn’t seem to bother Biden.

How precious that Biden is offended about foreign election interference when it was Obama-Biden that meddled in Israel’s election, funneling U.S.-taxpayer dollars to organizations trying to defeat PM Netanyahu and then misleading Congress about it.

It was Obama-Biden that refused to oppose the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement, whose goal BDS co-founder admitted is to eliminate “any Zionist state like the one we speak about [in present-day Israel].”* Even WaPo’s Jennifer Rubin (not exactly a friend of Republicans) succinctly titled her piece, “Obama Winks at BDS” and stated it well: “That the administration would in any way encourage BDS practitioners or suggest that some forms of BDS might not be so objectionable is as unprecedented as it is unsurprising. It is increasingly difficult for fair-minded people to deny the president’s [Obama] anti-Israel animus.” The same goes for Biden.

And, on its way out of the door, it was the Obama-Biden administration that betrayed Israel again in December 2016 by orchestrating the U.N. Resolution 2334 vote, falsely claiming the Old City of Jerusalem was “illegal” and “Occupied Palestinian territory.” And if that wasn’t bad enough, Obama-Biden actually instigated the humiliation of Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Danon by having every other ambassador at the Security Council table stand and applaud the Resolution’s passage as Danon sat there.* As Ambassador Haley said with respect to the U.N.’s bias against Israel, “what really broke my heart … was how much the Obama administration contributed to it.”

Biden’s abysmal Israel track record speaks for itself.* The United States simply cannot relive this nightmare and neither can Israel.

Julie Strauss Levin is an attorney who loves her country and the Jewish homeland of Israel.

Reminder: After 9/11, Biden Wanted to Send $200 Million to Iran
March 10, 2015 4:49 PM

Vice President Joe Biden, fresh off attacking Republicans for writing an open letter to the Iranian regime, is pushing for $1 billion in new aid to Central America.

Reminder, in autumn of 2001, right after the 9/11 attacks, Joe Biden wanted to send $200 million to the Iranian regime.

At the Tuesday-morning meeting with committee staffers, Biden launches into a stream-of-consciousness monologue about what his committee should be doing, before he finally admits the obvious: “I’m groping here.” Then he hits on an idea: America needs to show the Arab world that we’re not bent on its destruction. “Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran,” Biden declares. He surveys the table with raised eyebrows, a How do ya like that? look on his face.
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