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This is what's going on with Joe Biden & Barack Obama. And what exactly is "RevCom"?
Anyone who wants a serious and close-to-accurate understanding of the role and the importance of JoeBama (Joe Biden & Barack Obama) in April 2021 needs to read this brief and 'to the point' explanation.
It dots all the "i's" and crosses all the "T's" and you won't likely find a rationale which makes more sense.
And it even "feels" right.
RevCom = Revolutionary Communist
Anyone who wants a serious and close-to-accurate understanding of the role and the importance of JoeBama (Joe Biden & Barack Obama) in April 2021 needs to read this brief and 'to the point' explanation.
It dots all the "i's" and crosses all the "T's" and you won't likely find a rationale which makes more sense.
And it even "feels" right.
Throughout the first decade of this millennium there was an ideological shift, an inflection point, that became ¹most clear in the rise of a little known state representative who was appointed to become a Senator from Illinois, his name was Barack Obama.* In the background of Obama’s rise were the people who designed the modern political left. Those Obama creationists were/are hardline revolutionary communist types.
This RevCom group was comprised of the more radical elements of the progressive movement; those who wanted to “fundamentally change” the United States, and who have a very patient and methodical plan to do so.
Team Obama selected Joe Biden specifically because he was controllable; extremely controllable and almost cognitively disconnected from any functional capabilities. Team Obama also selected and installed Kamala Harris as the Vice President with the intent to use her as the substantive and moldable ally.
When Biden is removed, willingly or by political power, the radicals are planning to use Kamala to continue their “fundamental change” priorities. Biden is being thrown upon the spears of those who want to defend against the attack of the radicals.
The extreme policies we are seeing come from the Biden administration are being assigned to him specifically because he is disposable. The radicals do not care about public opinion of the policies or outcomes because they have Biden in place to absorb all the negative attachments.
Kamala Harris is the key to seeing the hidden hand of the Obama control agents at work. Harris’s associations are Obama’s associations. Harris’s crew is Obama’s crew. Anyone who is not Harris; and who carries a perspective of potential political influence; is now a thorn in the agenda.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was rising in influence, as a result he needed to be eliminated in order to retain the exclusive position of Kamala Harris as heir to the radical agenda.
Watch over the next several weeks, months and years and you will see prominent Democrats left with a decision…. Support Harris (meaning those behind her) and the RevCom agenda, OR be targeted for removal by the new radical system that includes a willing media taking targeting orders from the club.
That is what is going on…
RevCom = Revolutionary Communist