This is what's going on with Joe Biden & Barack Obama. And what exactly is "RevCom"?

“Rev-Com,” pretty funny, just shows how out of date and antiquated a lot of wingers are, Commie is a 20th Century paranoia, it hasn’t been relevant in the world in close to fifty years, most Americans today have no familiarity nor association with the term, which is understandable given there has been a Communist nation around since the end of Mao

When these goals were entered in the Congressional Record in 1963, non of them had been accomplished.

Today, they all have been.

You are ill-informed or lying.

45 Communist Goals From The Naked Communist: Exposing Communism and Restoring Freedom
“Rev-Com,” pretty funny, just shows how out of date and antiquated a lot of wingers are, Commie is a 20th Century paranoia, it hasn’t been relevant in the world in close to fifty years, most Americans today have no familiarity nor association with the term, which is understandable given there has been a Communist nation around since the end of Mao

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the U.S.

In his book "Reagan’s War," Peter Schweizer demonstrates the astonishing degree to which communists and communist sympathizers have penetrated the Democratic Party. In his book, Schweizer writes about the presidential election of 1979.
When these goals were entered in the Congressional Record in 1963, non of them had been accomplished.

Today, they all have been.

You are ill-informed or lying.


All of which could have come straight out of the John Birch Society gospel, circa 1966, last Century

Didn’t waste my time. I never bother to read one line of something that long.

I do if the person writing it has a history of producing good content, and even if not I will often skim looking for clues that there is something worthy of my time. Do people learn to skim anymore?

The place is weird...we routinely have OP with no words and also posts that ramble through many hundreds of words as if they are trying to be low quality on purpose...I have never seen this anywhere else.
We don't hate traitors who love Liberty.

We call them refugees.


Attempting an insurrection/sedition isn't liberty.
Attempting to steal an election isn't liberty.

Teabaggers ( think so.
We need to not just call them refugees, they need to BE refugees.
The ones who aren't executed should be exiled to to Russia, China or N. Korea, they love stealing elections.
Here is the Iranian national anthem to help you remember all your great memories from back home. You should go home in order to resist becoming a traitor.

National Anthem: Iran

Official Lyrics of the Russian National Anthem

Россия – священная наша держава,
Россия – любимая наша страна.
Могучая воля, великая слава –
Твоё достоянье на все времена!

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!

От южных морей до полярного края
Раскинулись наши леса и поля.
Одна ты на свете! Одна ты такая –
Хранимая Богом родная земля!

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!

Широкий простор для мечты и для жизни.
Грядущие нам открывают года.
Нам силу даёт наша верность Отчизне.
Так было, так есть и так будет всегда!

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!

The anthem of Traitors, that teabaggers ( and their dear leader love so much.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013
Can anyone explain this pic of Muslim ritual showing Imam ...
Search domain
Nothing new with that report. Awhile ago a TV documentary called 'The Singing Boys of Bagdad' - exposed all that. These married/single muslim men having sexual encounters with 'young boys' - some saying its 'supposedly' written in the Koran - and that this activity is approved.

In 1991, as Mr. Trump was teetering on personal bankruptcy and scrambling to raise cash, he sold his 282-foot yacht "Princess" to Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin-Talal for $20 million, a third less than what he reportedly paid for it.

Four years later, the prince came to his rescue again, joining other investors in a $325 million deal for Mr. Trump's money-losing Plaza Hotel.

In 2001, Mr. Trump sold the entire 45th floor of the Trump World Tower across from the U.N. in New York for $12 million, the biggest purchase in that building to that point, according to the brokerage site Streeteasy. The buyer: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Shortly after he announced his run for president, Mr. Trump began laying the groundwork for possible new business in the kingdom. He registered eight companies with names tied to the country, such as "THC Jeddah Hotel Advisor LLC" and "DT Jeddah Technical Services," according to a 2016 financial disclosure report to the federal government. Jeddah is a major city in the country.

"Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million," Trump told a crowd at an Alabama rally on Aug. 21, 2015, the same day he created four of the entities. "Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much."

Teabaggers ( praise one Muslim country, even lied to invade two more but scorn another?

Attempting an insurrection/sedition isn't liberty.
Attempting to steal an election isn't liberty.

Teabaggers ( think so.
We need to not just call them refugees, they need to BE refugees.
The ones who aren't executed should be exiled to to Russia, China or N. Korea, they love stealing elections.

I agree with you on this. You'll pay.