This just in

im drunk.

in other news, tonight i met a hot girl. we started talking about politics. I of course said my usual lie about how I am liberal (being in a liberal area, this works 95% of the time).

Tonight however, it turns out she was a conservative hot girl, which is super super super rare.

fucking bullshit.
Women know that most con guys are gay or greedy bastards so no use to chase em.
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im drunk.

in other news, tonight i met a hot girl. we started talking about politics. I of course said my usual lie about how I am liberal (being in a liberal area, this works 95% of the time).

Tonight however, it turns out she was a conservative hot girl, which is super super super rare.

fucking bullshit.

Sounds like the law of 50/50/90. You have a 50/50 chance, and you pick the wrong one 90% of the time.
A functional alcoholic on an island infested with flying cockroaches?

Sounds like fun to me.
Sounds very tropical. The warmer the climate the more bugs you get.

Buy a pellet gun and thin the population.
Yeah sure. If I only had a dollar for every time I've heard that story.

Reminds me of a very funny story.

In Wisconsin, a weather man had predicted 6 to 8 inches of snow the previous day. The weather had remained clear. The next night, in the final minutes of the local evening news, the female anchor turned to the weather man and asked (without thinking what it sounded like) "So where is that 8 inches you promised me last night?".

The entire studio fell apart laughing. The camera was shaking because the cameraman was unable to keep from laughing uncontrollably.

It had to be one of the most embarrassing events in human history.
Beefy, where are you living?

It sounds like Hawaii or south Florida.
Ok, so he gets the trade-off of having flying cockroaches and big centipedes, but has some of the most beautiful scenery on the planet, great weather, very potent weed, and lots of fresh pineapple.

Sounds like Beefy has it made.
Ok, so he gets the trade-off of having flying cockroaches and big centipedes, but has some of the most beautiful scenery on the planet, great weather, very potent weed, and lots of fresh pineapple.

Sounds like Beefy has it made.
In the Pacific Northwest we don't have the roaches, and we do lack the pineapple. There is very potent weed in So. Oregon, so we got that as well. And of course, it is really beautiful out here amongst the evergreens. Some may knock our weather, but I don't think tropical weather is better than temperate weather all year around. The tropics are great to vacation too, but I could never live through the summers.
In the Pacific Northwest we don't have the roaches, and we do lack the pineapple. There is very potent weed in So. Oregon, so we got that as well. And of course, it is really beautiful out here amongst the evergreens. Some may knock our weather, but I don't think tropical weather is better than temperate weather all year around. The tropics are great to vacation too, but I could never live through the summers.

I would have to agree with you, 3D. I lived in Florida for several years, and I missed having seasons.

I have not been to the Pacific Northwest, but its on my list of places to go.
I would have to agree with you, 3D. I lived in Florida for several years, and I missed having seasons.

I have not been to the Pacific Northwest, but its on my list of places to go.

Great! I'm not well-traveled myself, having only been to OR, CA, TX, MS, and FL. Heck, I haven't even been outside of the country yet!