This is just me sharing my thoughts but today I have told myself, God, and my parents that if this years presidential election is between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that I will not vote. It's really sad for me to say that because I have been looking forward to voting in a presidential election for the first time and have been really excited to support a few of the candidates this past year (Cruz, Paul, and Perry) with Cruz being the last one standing out of the three. It basically all just came down to could I attach my name, my heart, my faith, and my soul to either Clinton or Trump and I just can't do it on any level. I consider myself to be a conservative republican and a good Christian but I do not consider Donald Trump to be any of those things. In my personal opinion he's mean, he's a bully, he's crass, he's greedy, he's selfish, he uses Christianity as a tool for votes, he lies about his positions, and he all but brags about each of these things as if they are something to be desired and mimicked. To vote for him would be to cast aside my faith in Christ and his teachings, my morals and values, and my political beliefs. I just can't do it. I pray to God that Cruz does well enough tomorrow to stay in the race and compete for the top spot as the primaries go on and I will do my part tomorrow to vote for him, but if it doesn't work out then it looks like I will have to wait four more years to vote for a president that I feel is right for me to vote for.