This may not be my 1st presidential election to vote in

Grinds video was funny. I'm not voting for Trump or Hillary either. Norah, I cast a protest vote for Cynthia McKinney back when she ran as the green candidate in 2008. Likely this year I will do something similar. I may write in Ted Cruz if Trump the chump gets the nod ... in you honor of course. ;)
This is just me sharing my thoughts but today I have told myself, God, and my parents that if this years presidential election is between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that I will not vote. It's really sad for me to say that because I have been looking forward to voting in a presidential election for the first time and have been really excited to support a few of the candidates this past year (Cruz, Paul, and Perry) with Cruz being the last one standing out of the three. It basically all just came down to could I attach my name, my heart, my faith, and my soul to either Clinton or Trump and I just can't do it on any level. I consider myself to be a conservative republican and a good Christian but I do not consider Donald Trump to be any of those things. In my personal opinion he's mean, he's a bully, he's crass, he's greedy, he's selfish, he uses Christianity as a tool for votes, he lies about his positions, and he all but brags about each of these things as if they are something to be desired and mimicked. To vote for him would be to cast aside my faith in Christ and his teachings, my morals and values, and my political beliefs. I just can't do it. I pray to God that Cruz does well enough tomorrow to stay in the race and compete for the top spot as the primaries go on and I will do my part tomorrow to vote for him, but if it doesn't work out then it looks like I will have to wait four more years to vote for a president that I feel is right for me to vote for.

Don't lose heart Norah, there are still a lot of primaries to go before we can consider him the presumptive nominee. He's only won three states so far.
Norah, still fill out your ballot for all of the other candidates and measures. Then vote for Gary Johnson in the presidential race.
Don't lose heart Norah, there are still a lot of primaries to go before we can consider him the presumptive nominee. He's only won three states so far.

silly girl, maybe you should look at the polls and educate yourself. trump is crushing the vast majority of super tuesday states by double digit margins. He's probably going to beat both kasich and rubio in their home states. He has 49% support nationally from all republicans. Guy is about as big of a lock as you can get unless the republicans just kamikaze themselves.
If Trump sweeps everywhere besides Texass, I hope that Rubio and Kasich concede, and, along with Bush, immediately endorse Cruz. Then it would just be Trump, Cruz, and Carson, and no one is really voting for Carson, anyway. He'll likely concede by the end of this month, anyway.
The only people in the UK the majority of whom consistently vote are the retired. It is no accident that they are the only people except the very rich who have not suffered, the 'austerity' that masks an outright offensive against ordinary people's living standards. Do learn to be cynical, Cowgirl, and to use your head.
How does voting for who you want to win waste your vote?

Actually, the only votes wasted are the ones where the person stays at home.

If you are a liberal and you vote for the independent candidate from some bumfuck party, your vote is one taken away from Hillary. By all means, do that.

If you are a conservative and you sit home or vote third party, your vote DEFINITELY might as well go to Hillary.

We saw the WORST FUCKING PRESIDENT IN HISTORY get a second term because a lot of conservatives sat home and didn't vote for Romney.
Don't lose heart Norah, there are still a lot of primaries to go before we can consider him the presumptive nominee. He's only won three states so far.

He is going to be the nominee. Period. End of story. He's ahead in ALL the polls except Texas, and that could be a competitive night.

And he is going to be the next president of the United States.
This is just me sharing my thoughts but today I have told myself, God, and my parents that if this years presidential election is between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump that I will not vote. It's really sad for me to say that because I have been looking forward to voting in a presidential election for the first time and have been really excited to support a few of the candidates this past year (Cruz, Paul, and Perry) with Cruz being the last one standing out of the three. It basically all just came down to could I attach my name, my heart, my faith, and my soul to either Clinton or Trump and I just can't do it on any level. I consider myself to be a conservative republican and a good Christian but I do not consider Donald Trump to be any of those things. In my personal opinion he's mean, he's a bully, he's crass, he's greedy, he's selfish, he uses Christianity as a tool for votes, he lies about his positions, and he all but brags about each of these things as if they are something to be desired and mimicked. To vote for him would be to cast aside my faith in Christ and his teachings, my morals and values, and my political beliefs. I just can't do it. I pray to God that Cruz does well enough tomorrow to stay in the race and compete for the top spot as the primaries go on and I will do my part tomorrow to vote for him, but if it doesn't work out then it looks like I will have to wait four more years to vote for a president that I feel is right for me to vote for.

cruz is an even worse human being than trump
I don't get why liberals would be melting down, though for all I know some are. The right is actually imploding before our eyes. McConnell is telling Republican Senators they are free to run ads against their own party's Presidential candidate if it's Trump. Ryan had to come out and denounce Trump. Have you seen Ross Douthat, David Brooks, or William Kristol's writings and twitter feeds? Suicide watch! I honestly compare this to the Whigs. The Republican party is breaking down and will be reborn into something new, but there's going to be a very ugly split first. There is a very ugly split. It's happening before our eyes.

If Trump wins the Presidency (And Hillary would have to implode for this to happen), the Dems will retake the Senate at the same time, and by 2020 they will have the House. Trump will not serve more than one term, and will likely be impeached long before his first term is up. What liberal cares? Trump has staged a coup on the Republican party and he is its death. They're dead. I am loving the show, so if you know any liberals who are melting down they must be stupid. Probably bernie bros. Those guys go full emo at the slightest provocation. I make them cry every day on twitter so I'm not surprised if they're in hysterics over Trump, the single biggest disaster to ever hit the R party in our lifetimes. The party will not survive Trump. It's a bloody good show!
I don't get why liberals would be melting down, though for all I know some are. The right is actually imploding before our eyes. McConnell is telling Republican Senators they are free to run ads against their own party's Presidential candidate if it's Trump. Ryan had to come out and denounce Trump. Have you seen Ross Douthat, David Brooks, or William Kristol's writings and twitter feeds? Suicide watch! I honestly compare this to the Whigs. The Republican party is breaking down and will be reborn into something new, but there's going to be a very ugly split first. There is a very ugly split. It's happening before our eyes.

If Trump wins the Presidency (And Hillary would have to implode for this to happen), the Dems will retake the Senate at the same time, and by 2020 they will have the House. Trump will not serve more than one term, and will likely be impeached long before his first term is up. What liberal cares? Trump has staged a coup on the Republican party and he is its death. They're dead. I am loving the show, so if you know any liberals who are melting down they must be stupid. Probably bernie bros. Those guys go full emo at the slightest provocation. I make them cry every day on twitter so I'm not surprised if they're in hysterics over Trump, the single biggest disaster to ever hit the R party in our lifetimes. The party will not survive Trump. It's a bloody good show!

Would you let Rune have a free "poke" at you, seeing as how it might calm him down; if his heart doesn't give out first.