This president needed the evangelicals to get him elected.

I was having a beer at a bar a few weeks ago. The bartender brought up her having to pay some tax penalty for not having health insurance. I said something about what might happen if she got sick? She stated she didn't, so it wasn't fair she had to pay. I did mention something about if she had a heart attack (very obese and smoking at the time). I am not lying, next she said something about Trump repealing this obamacare penalty and bringing God back to America after Obama ran him out. I am rarely left speechless, but I just finished my beer and left. I just don't understand how the evangelicals voted for this guy.

So how did you reach the conclusion she was an Evangelical?
A timely moment for these.


The evangelicals went from being a group of hypocritical haters to this countries enemy. It definitely is not Christianity that's the enemy, first they aren't christian. They are a organization that is a voting block who elected a man of hate, who is everything bad that can be packed into one body. He is their type of Christian.