This should be a law

GDP by state [Bureau of Economic Analysis).

GDP by State:

1. CA
2. TX*
3. NY
4. FL*
5. IL
6. PA*
7. OH*
8. NJ
9. GA*
10. NC*

6 of the top 10 are red states.

But those four Blue States add up to nearly thirty percent of the total US GDP, the six Red States less than a quarter, and seven out of the next ten are Blue States
There is an interesting phenomena among leftists that I think should be addressed

Step 1: They vote for policies and politicians that make leftist States unlivable

Step 2: Once it becomes unbearable, they leave for conservative states with low taxes and low regulation to escape the bullshit they voted for

Step 3: They begin to vote for the same policies that led them to leave their left wing totalitarian State

With that in mind, red states should pass laws that prohibit people moving from Blue states from voting in state and local elections for a period of 10 years after they move. They will be able to vote in national elections for President, Senate and House. But nothing local.

We have to stop these diseased leftists from spreading their poisonous ideology

I agree....and we should also let red states fend for themselves by letting my state, CA and other progressive states, give just enough to keep the toilets running in the white house.

Anything more your state will need will have to come from the revenue of your low taxes and deregulation.

And for the record...… one is moving to bumfuckkentucky!
I understand. But the red states are not responsible for money being redistributed to them by the federal government and are most often the ones seeking to cut back on some of those programs (although the current budget increased non-defense discretionary spending by 11%). Also, there may be more red states that fit into that category, but they are all small states and the richer blue states have a lot more people collecting a lot more of that money.

A lot of it is not distributed because of lower income in red states but because of increased migration to those states by retiring seniors and collecting their Social Security and Medicare, Medicaid and VA benefits.

Social Security, Medicare, and VA benefits aren't included in the money going to State Governments, and the inequality is based upon what each State pays to the Federal Gov't compared to what they receive in return
They will have to show proof of voting for conservatives. Not Trans Righty assholes

Hmmmm. Sounds like a political test to vote. That can't be done at the federal level of course, but for a State, that could be possible if the State's constitution sets it up that way. It's similar to religious tests to hold offices that States can and have done.

I could actually see this kind of thing being possible. A State doing it would get roasted by the Democrats, but who cares?

The actual numbers aren't that great, and even of that a good number are snowbirds, who return home every April. And if it wasn't for that "leftist ideology" the United States would look like Kansas, dwindling away in mediocrity

Kansas is not dwindling away. Neither is anywhere else.
Fuck The Red States That Voted For Trump!

Fuck Pennsylvania. Fuck Ohio. Fuck Florida. Fuck Michigan. Fuck Wisconsin. And fuck Iowa. and the south

All flyover fucking redneck idiots who have contributed to the destruction of America.

Nobody in the important states give two shits about them.

California, Illinois and New York. The states that contribute the most to this country in terms of GDP, education, agriculture, income, industry, and every other indicator that matters.

Red states contribute nothing. Red states produce nothing. They only take, take, and take.

The United States is more than just three States. California has effectively left the Union. They no longer honor the Constitution of the United States nor their own state constitution.

GDP doesn't matter. Education doesn't matter. California does not have a stable agriculture. Income doesn't matter. California is losing industry. None of these are indicators.
Every State produces something. Every State contributes something. You are just being a bigot.
I agree....and we should also let red states fend for themselves by letting my state, CA and other progressive states, give just enough to keep the toilets running in the white house.

Anything more your state will need will have to come from the revenue of your low taxes and deregulation.

And for the record...… one is moving to bumfuckkentucky!

Did you know Kentucky has a population of 4.6 million? Oh, and the Kentucky Derby is held there every year too. Rather popular horse race, you know.
Judge not yee, lest yee be judged....

You &*&%$ Novo semi-constitutionalist...;)

Since conservatives have already been judged by liberals as worthless piece of shits anyway, it's only just that conservatives consider liberals ineligible to vote for 10 years. The liberals have judged. Now they are being judged as they have judged.