Yep, some SURE DID get triggered. He-he!
are you 7 or 57 ass smear?
Yep, some SURE DID get triggered. He-he!
^^ Russian FSB ^^
All the FSB and GRU hallmarks - elementary grasp of English language and syntax - unabated Trump worship - robotic repetition of shopworn talking points.
If it's "no problem spotting" us, then it should be easy to eliminate us like you hope. Bring it on, bitch.
talk about triggered
dude its YOUR team who murder people for not agreeing with them remember
its why the world hates you people soo much
in your fevered throbbing brain that means killing people
just like trump and Putin were counting on
you snuggle guns because you hate people
you secretly want to KILL people
that is why you buy guns of war and cradle them in you sleep even
hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate
its all you believe in
you want the world to love and worship you but the world doesn't
because you are creepy and mean to people
so you blame other humans for not being your minions
just like every single other gun snuggler who seeks to replace their tiny rancid penises with a metal stick that spits fire and projectiles that represent your hate of mankind
so you flail around trying to "trigger" people like the Putin GRU program has told you to do
Evince, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with you. In all seriousness, you need help. All that rage inside must be killing you. Please seek professional help.
We had unfettered capitalism in the 19th century. It was rapidly turning the country into a 3rd world shithole. A few very wealthy families and a lot of poverty. It was only government regulation and the, fiercely opposed, rise of unions that saved us and made us the economic powerhouse of the world. Republican administrations have blunted much of that. Trump will do his share of taking the economy down.Election trolls are so much fun, they pop up and then go back to their trailer home to resent some more till they are called on again to whine and point fingers. Hope the pay is good and it supports their Walmart life style. Some may even be corporate tools? I wish they'd out themselves sometimes.
The irony is Trump has been a failure in every business he has started and if it wasn't for his inheritance and the Russians and Saudis, he'd be who he is, a deeply insecure man. For the reader and thoughtful JPP poster, see this book. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30724304-the-making-of-donald-trump
Money manages the minds of conservatives today, while too many more conscious liberal types talk ideas. Often it is dark money. See book at bottom if you want to learn, but recognize too in America, we have the freedom to go it alone and be poor, and live in trailers cheering Donnie's words of comfort. It's their fault, you know, like Mexicans and immigrants. You will be great again but first I have to golf. And so it goes....
'Yes, America Is Rigged Against Workers'
"No other industrial country treats its working class so badly. And there’s one big reason for that."
"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey 'Taking the Risk out of Democracy'
"Historian Phillips-Fein traces the hidden history of the Reagan revolution to a coterie of business executives, including General Electric official and Reagan mentor Lemuel Boulware, who saw labor unions, government regulation, high taxes and welfare spending as dire threats to their profits and power. From the 1930s onward, the author argues, they provided the money, organization and fervor for a decades-long war against New Deal liberalism—funding campaigns, think tanks, magazines and lobbying groups, and indoctrinating employees in the virtues of unfettered capitalism." 'Invisible Hands' https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2751831-invisible-hands
Evince, with that amazing potty mouth, is actually a SHE. Hard to believe, but apparently true.
We had unfettered capitalism in the 19th century. It was rapidly turning the country into a 3rd world shithole. A few very wealthy families and a lot of poverty. It was only government regulation and the, fiercely opposed, rise of unions that saved us and made us the economic powerhouse of the world. Republican administrations have blunted much of that. Trump will do his share of taking the economy down.
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Repeat after me, Donald J. Trump is a wonderful president, Donald J. Trump is the best president since Ronald Reagan. Why? First off, Donald J. Trump is NOT a politician, he's a businessman. He loves his country and is doing all he can to make it a safer and more prosperous country. The economy has blossomed under his leadership. Unemployment numbers are at a 50 year low across the board. Especially among blacks and Latinos. The numbers have never been better. These are all FACTS. He had the balls to stand up to North Korea, and in doing so, probably kept us out of war with them. He's helped to irradicate ISIS terrorists, something most thought was impossible. He says and tweets undesirable things at times, but these are things that usually need to be said. I really believe he was the one our country needed to save us from globalism and socialism. We are a Republic that needs to adhere to our Constitution to remain THE best country in the world. God bless and watch over our president, Donald J. Trump. Our country needs him. Signed, Steven VanderMolen
Another thing - evince may and SHOULD be on a temporary ban from the threads for posting personal info about me and violating Rule 12b. But this site, obviously run by loony libs, will probably NOT punish her.