This was at a Bernie Sanders rally on Friday - Are the Democrats trying to sabotage their own party or are they just incompetent?

Try as MAGA might - we ain't going back to the '50s.
MAGA isn't a person, Barfly.
You banned much of the stuff from the 50's.

* Riding a bike without a helmet.
* Chemistry sets.
* Construction sets.
* Guns and accessories for guns.
* Carburetors.
* Cheap fuel.

No one is suggesting going back to the 50's, Barfly, but you still enjoy stuff that came out of the 50's!
* freeways
* The internet.
* Mail order.
* The chemists, scientists, and construction engineers that learned on such sets as kids.
LINK asshat. :palm:
"X" formerly known as "Twitter", you simpleton. You know, the one that pasty faced Apartheid Punk has nearly ruined? I was a member for a long time, but I refused to be part of the tally when that POS touts the number of subscribers. If you don't have an account, I'm sure one of your MAGA mates can confirm what I say. Before I left, there was a poster who consistently listed right wing/alt-right bullhorns and jack-leg preachers who were nailed for sex crimes.

But then, you don't have to go to "X" for that:
Sadly the Dems really are this stupid and un self aware. To this day they have no real grip on why they are losing everything.

You know it's bad when Fetterman is the voice of reason.
The singer was making no difference to far rightys like you. You are pretending you are bothered.
And you think Trump is attracting the "political center" with what he has been doing?
I think he's no longer running, he worked for the "center" during the campaign while the left doubled down on "woke"... And continues to do what didn't work for them now.