this whould make topspins head explode

Okay, this is going just as written in the script!

Now, enter Topspin.

Line: "Shut up! GEDcitizen! You aren't rich like all the other college educated people, like me, out there!" (Spelling and Grammar optional).

And Action!
I wouldn't know. I have never seen you actually try to debate someone. Usually you simply post one-liners that have nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

I disagree with that assesment.
Usually my comments do have something to do with the topic being discussed at the time the post is being made.

At least 2 lines there. :)

You are starting to sound like Dano.
This is the best thread. Just seeing it now.

Top does have a point about some dems trying real hard to find the negative news on the market. And I expect them to also blame bush for any negatives during Hillary Clinton's tenure. Give Credit to Hillary if the market is positive in 2009+. Give credit to Clinton 1 for the 90's. and so on..

It is quite amusing to witness.
not a bush apologist. i dont credit Clinton with the 90's tech market or bush with the 00's real estate markets.

But Tops original point was that some dems phish for negative news on the market. Ill be interested to see if that continues when Hillary is in charge.
Negative economic stuff is just getting started. The economy is like a huge rock, slow to divert but slow to return to the path as well.
It is just starting downhill, the uphill part has not yet begun.
Whatever party gets the WH, lots of bad economic news will be blamed on them. It is inevitable.
And of course the hardcore partisans will still play the partisan game.
Negative economic stuff is just getting started. The economy is like a huge rock, slow to divert but slow to return to the path as well.
It is just starting downhill, the uphill part has not yet begun.
Whatever party gets the WH, lots of bad economic news will be blamed on them. It is inevitable.
And of course the hardcore partisans will still play the partisan game.

i dont think so. usually when the general consensus is that a market sucks.. aka the housing market.. its in fact the best time to buy. Im actually shopping now for a good deal i can break even on renting.
not a bush apologist. i dont credit Clinton with the 90's tech market or bush with the 00's real estate markets.

But Tops original point was that some dems phish for negative news on the market. Ill be interested to see if that continues when Hillary is in charge.

Let me save you the unbearable suspense Chap, and reveal now, that no, they won't continue, but the slack will be taken up by the same people who spent the entire first Bush term blaming Bill Clinton for everything bad that happened, including 9/11.

So wipe your brow, the ending has been, what a cliffhanger, huh?
LOL - good for you darla.

Not till we actually acknowledge the limited effect that a president has on the economy can we start to make money on the economy.

Ill be the first to admit i plan to invest in Hillary clinton holdings. already got some of pelosi's husbands. Buts besides that the market works in cycles unrelated to politics most of the time.