this would be nice to have.

Does "self cleaning" mean that it has longevity (can let go for extended periods of time) but you still have to clean it every so often, or does it literally mean never have to clean it?
They claim you NEVER have to clean it, though I would, if nothing other than for aesthetic reasons.
☝ 〠_〠;571722 said:
why do people get guns? I don't get it. Why do you spend so much money on something you probably dont use much? you dont even get to kill people

Because they're fun, and if nothing else, a valuable investment. I've never seen a gun go down in value. On the other side though, I have seen a few that don't go up either.
More gun porn on this thread... Man, I'm glad CaptBilly came back. The site was getting gun porn short!
More gun porn on this thread... Man, I'm glad CaptBilly came back. The site was getting gun porn short!

Behold, the ULTIMATE in shotgunnery: The Pancor Jackhammer

A automatic, bullpup, drum fed, 12gauge with electro-optical sighting options.