Those who served America in foreign wars know Bush is Wrong.


Well-known member
Those polititians who served America in forign wars know Bush is WRONG on tourture.

1) John McCain
2) Lyndsay Grahm
3) Colon Powel
4) John Kerry

Those who hid at home in the National Guard or got deferments while a forign war was raging dont seem to understand how our troops rely on the Genevia Convention and its protections.

1) George W. Bush
2) Dick Cheney

I think its discusting what Bush is proposing.
I will wait for PBS to have it on this evening on the Leherer news hour.

Me too. So far what I have seen speculated is not exactly what I would consider 'torture' though some of it I would be against as I can see it being taken too far.
Do you mean terror interrogations? Are you suggesting that the United States never used interrogations prior to this War? Are you suggesting that Mccain and Powell are going on record saying the use of POW interrogations are unprecendented?

Since you are so educated on torture methods.. explain to us what the United State Military under the direction of Bush is practicing that would be defined as torture and violating the Geneva Convention.
ITs not just the tourture... Its the using of information in a trial that was the result of torture, information that is known to be inaccurate an it is the use of information in a trial that is not disclosed to the person being prosecuted.

These protections from excessive and abusive government power are a hallmark of the American Judical system. They are inalenable rights given to all humans by our creator. They do not just apply to Americans but all people!
Do you mean terror interrogations? Are you suggesting that the United States never used interrogations prior to this War? Are you suggesting that Mccain and Powell are going on record saying the use of POW interrogations are unprecendented?

Since you are so educated on torture methods.. explain to us what the United State Military under the direction of Bush is practicing that would be defined as torture and violating the Geneva Convention.

Do NOT put words in my mouth! I never said any of those things. You are making FALSE arguments!
Are they still wanting to use heresay evidence as well ? Remember that is the kind of evidence that got us in Iraq in the first place.
Thats pretty funny shit....its disgusting what Bush is proposing....
and not one of you even have a clue what IT is.....


How typical.....your mouth works...but your brains don't....
Thats pretty funny shit....its disgusting what Bush is proposing....
and not one of you even have a clue what IT is.....


How typical.....your mouth works...but your brains don't....

I listed the things that are most discusting to me.. Ill give you more if you want.. you should read the thread before shooting your mouth off!
I don't have a clue but did not indicate I did, now did I ?
I said I would find out tonight, then I asked a question.
Do NOT put words in my mouth! I never said any of those things. You are making FALSE arguments!

Your opening post says... Those polititians who served America in forign wars know Bush is WRONG on tourture.

What the fuc* are you talking about ?
Your opening post says... Those polititians who served America in forign wars know Bush is WRONG on tourture.

What the fuc* are you talking about ?

He is wrong on tourture... One of those things is he is wrong on using information that is the result of torture in trials. He is wrong on wanting to liberalize torture laws!
He is wrong on tourture... One of those things is he is wrong on using information that is the result of torture in trials. He is wrong on wanting to liberalize torture laws!

So now we are going in circles Jarod.. so I will ask you again....

Do you mean terror interrogations? Are you suggesting that the United States never used interrogations prior to this War? Are you suggesting that Mccain and Powell are going on record saying the use of POW interrogations are unprecendented?

Since you are so educated on torture methods.. explain to us what the United State Military under the direction of Bush is practicing that would be defined as torture and violating the Geneva Convention.
So now we are going in circles Jarod.. so I will ask you again....

Do you mean terror interrogations? Are you suggesting that the United States never used interrogations prior to this War? Are you suggesting that Mccain and Powell are going on record saying the use of POW interrogations are unprecendented?

Since you are so educated on torture methods.. explain to us what the United State Military under the direction of Bush is practicing that would be defined as torture and violating the Geneva Convention.

I never said anything about torture methods.
...Arar, now 36, was detained by U.S. authorities as he changed planes in New York on Sept. 26, 2002. He was held for questioning for 12 days, then flown by jet to Jordan and driven to Syria. He was beaten, forced to confess to having trained in Afghanistan -- where he never has been -- and then kept in a coffin-size dungeon for 10 months before he was released, the Canadian inquiry commission found.

O'Connor concluded "categorically there is no evidence" that Arar did anything wrong or was a security threat...

Above is what Bush wants more of!
Certainly the above situation (Jarod's post) is atrocious. I do, however, have some ideas of what I would like to see happen when interrogations become necessary. When asked who I sided with (of the mentioned people at the beginning of this thread) I posted my thoughts on another site yesterday, but keep in mind, they're just my thoughts at this time.

I fall somewhere in the middle, I think. There is a potential abuse of power that any president has, and has had over this issue. I believe absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Now the tougher issues. I think that first, we must define torture. Loud music, sleep deprivation, demeaning speech, degrading comments, etc. are not torture, IMO. I have no problem with the use if any of these tactics, whatsoever.

As to real torture, let me start at the first and lead forward. First is surveilance. This is where I do agree with the president, any president, having the right to use spying and surveilance of anyone to keep this nation safe. The difference now is simply publicity. It is no different than Clinton, Carter and Reagan using exactly the same program. But with the Democrats wanting power back so badly, the only way to do it is to tear down every secret we ever had. I believe it will truely weaken the country. If the spying is good enough and the evidence clear that people are terrorists and plotting to do destruction, in this country, then I have no real problem getting them and using tactics on them that will provide information, tactics short of physical abuse. I do not feel long term coherced interrogation is effective. We ought to have some of the best chemical tongue looseners in the world and if we don't, then that should be developed rather than secret prisons. (BTW, don't think for a minute that those just sprung up when Mini Me became president. They were one of Carter's agenda items as well.)

If we get information that the detainee is, in fact, a terrorist and has plotted to kill Americans, then extract the information we can, give them a trial and apply capital punishment or other appropriate punishment handed down by a jury. If we can not conclusively provide evidence that the detainee is, or has been a terrorist, then let the courts deal with them also, either handing down a guilty or not guilty. Holding detainees past a certain time is counter productive anyway. Three years later, what does a detainee know about what is going on in the real world anyway? Let the courts handle them. I don't think the courts can leak any more information about national defense than the Democrats have already.

To sum it all up, I think we can extract information in smarter, more effective means than torture, but I am not against the methods of coherced interrogation for proven terrorists. I think the US has greatly overstepped its boundaries on trying to force the world to conform to our ways of thinking and we need to focus more on NATIONAL defense than on GLOBAL defense. Our worst enemies right now are illegals anyway, IMO.