Those who served America in foreign wars know Bush is Wrong.

leaning.... you need to accept ownership of the fact that whatever interrogation techniques you feel are appropriate for use on OUR techniques you are categorically approving and condoning their use by our enemies on American soldiers captured on the battlefields of the future.

If you think waterboarding is perfectly acceptable for use on AQ detainees, that means you are perfectly OK with it being used on American soldiers being held hostage by any and all future adversaries of the United States.
leaning.... you need to accept ownership of the fact that whatever interrogation techniques you feel are appropriate for use on OUR techniques you are categorically approving and condoning their use by our enemies on American soldiers captured on the battlefields of the future.

If you think waterboarding is perfectly acceptable for use on AQ detainees, that means you are perfectly OK with it being used on American soldiers being held hostage by any and all future adversaries of the United States.

I do accept ownership of that fact. Though the "etc." at the end of my short list above could imply I would condone something like waterboarding, I didn't state explicitly that I would. In fact, I don't think that I would condone that because there is the distinct chance that a person could die while undergoing such treatment. None of the things I listed (Loud music, sleep deprivation, demeaning speech, degrading comments,...) could lead to the death of the interrogated. Well, sleep deprivation actually could but it would be a rare thing. The "etc." that follows that short list would imply things such as cold rooms, hot rooms, planted informants or whatever other methods that would lead to the discomfort of the interrogated but not risk their demise.

I would expect, and know for a fact, that our soldiers would/have been treated a lot worse and perhaps would be in the future no matter how we do things in our interrogations. I do think we should have a higher standard but that does not involve letting our enemies have a free pass with concealing tactical information because we happen to be more merciful than they.
Well I understand why John McCain is against liberalizing torture rules and I think had Bush had to serve in a forign war, as he would have had to do had he not been born of privledge, he would understand McCain's consern!