Thoughts on Oprah's interview of the non working royals

We need a full-time Meghan-Harry forum.
How can we keep up to date on this essential information
if we have to go through a politics forum instead of getting straight to the important data?

If we suffer a Meghan-Harry information lag,
the stability of our social construct will be in serious jeopardy.
We need a full-time Meghan-Harry forum.
How can we keep up to date on this essential information
if we have to go through a politics forum instead of getting straight to the important data?

If we suffer a Meghan-Harry information lag,
the stability of our social construct will be in serious jeopardy.

You need a frontal lobotomy and a generous supply of Largactil and Lithium.
SARAH VINE: If Meghan Markle was wrong about the wedding, how can we believe anything else in her Oprah interview?

Truth, we are told, is central to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Indeed, it was supposedly the desire for truth that drove them to give that explosive interview to Oprah Winfrey, broadcast just over two weeks ago.

'How do you feel about the Palace hearing you speak your truth today?' asked Oprah.

'I don't know how they could expect that, after all of this time, we would still just be silent if there is an active role that The Firm is playing in perpetuating falsehoods about us,' replied Meghan, casually dropping the first of many bombshells.

It was quite a moment. Oprah nodded in solemn agreement as the nation took a sharp intake of breath.

As the interview progressed, Meghan's 'truth' was broadcast to millions, unchallenged and uncompromising.

The Royal Family is a dysfunctional organisation; the royals were racist; the Duchess of Cambridge made Meghan cry. No one was spared.

She, by contrast, was just a naive young woman who had fallen in love with a handsome prince and found herself in over her head, attacked from all quarters.

She even compared herself to the Little Mermaid, a wide-eyed innocent adrift in an ocean of monsters. Oh, the pain. Oh, the agony. Oh, the injustice of it all. Oh, just leave my oat-milk latte over there, will you?

This was their truth, as told to Oprah, and many viewers — though far from all — lapped it up. Well, most of it anyway. Except as it turns out, not all of Harry and Meghan's truth was the actual truth — more like their own, somewhat Disneyfied, version of it.

Yesterday, after days of speculation, the couple finally admitted that, in one respect at least, they'd got their facts wrong. Despite what they told Oprah, they were not, after all, married three days before the royal wedding, on May 19, 2018, by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Despite what they told Oprah, the couple were not, after all, married three days before the royal wedding, on May 19, 2018, by the Archbishop of Canterbury

Despite what they told Oprah, the couple were not, after all, married three days before the royal wedding, on May 19, 2018, by the Archbishop of Canterbury
That particular nugget was one of the more startling revelations in the interview, a much-trumpeted 'exclusive', delivered with all the emotion that only a seasoned actress like Meghan can muster.

Harry gets a real job: Duke to become 'Chief Impact Officer' for $1.73billion San Francisco-based mental health coaching start-up Better Up that works with US giants from Hilton to Chevron

'You know, three days before our wedding, we got married. No one knows that,' she gushed coyly.

'We called the Archbishop [as you do] and we just said: "Look, this spectacle is for the world. But we want our union between us." So, like, the vows that we have framed in our room are just the two of us in our backyard with the Archbishop of Canterbury.'

How romantic, how touching. No doubt that was the point of telling the story. Except the Archbishop didn't marry them. By all accounts he administered a blessing; but it was not their wedding.

In other words, what Meghan said was — by her own admission — not accurate.

This then joins another misleading claim in the interview — that the Royal Family had somehow contrived to stop baby Archie being a prince.

The rules are crystal clear: under protocols established by George V, a great-grandson of a sovereign has no right to such a title. And if there is one thing the Windsors like to adhere to, it's protocols.

By all accounts the Archbishop of Canterbury administered a blessing but it was not their wedding

By all accounts the Archbishop of Canterbury administered a blessing but it was not their wedding
No doubt fans of Meghan — and they are legion, including the President of the United States himself — will dismiss such points as minor misunderstandings. But even so, it presents us with a problem.

If she is wrong about the wedding, then what else is she wrong about? How do we know that when she speaks her truth, it is the actual fact of the matter rather than her, or Harry's, Hollywood-tinted interpretation?

Until now, it has been almost sacrilege to question many (any!) of their more damning assertions without risking the wrath of the couple and their supporters.

Indeed, to do so runs the risk of being 'cancelled' by Meghan's self-appointed army of powerful players in the world of media and politics, as Piers Morgan discovered when he left his job on Good Morning Britain after daring to say he 'didn't believe' Meghan's side of the story.

But now we know she got the wrong end of the stick about events involving the Archbishop and her 'backyard', surely it is not unreasonable to wonder what else she may have misremembered?

And it matters because so many of the things said in that interview were so incredibly damaging. I'm thinking in particular about the allegation that 'concerns' were expressed by a senior royal about the colour of Archie's skin.

In the febrile aftermath of the interview, when feelings were running high on both sides of the Atlantic, the Queen issued a statement saying that while she did not underestimate the seriousness of the issues raised, 'recollections may vary'.

We see now that Meghan's recollections do vary from the actualité in respect of the wedding; might the same also apply to other events mentioned in the interview?

The more you scrutinise this interview, and the claims made in it, the more holes start to appear. And the worse it starts to look for Harry and Meghan.
The more you scrutinise this interview, and the claims made in it, the more holes start to appear. And the worse it starts to look for Harry and Meghan.

Prince William, for example, has now vehemently denied via friends his brother's incendiary assertion that he and Prince Charles find themselves 'trapped' in their roles, as well as stating in public with ill-concealed fury that the royals are 'very much not a racist family'.

Because if you are going to accuse people of doing terrible things — as they have done — you have to make sure you are on solid ground. The moment you allow yourself to embellish things, or attempt to cast the facts in a different light, you undermine your case. You become your own unreliable witness, and no one knows what to believe any more.

The fact is that these are two of the most judgmental people on the planet. They are relentless in their criticism of those they consider to be in the wrong. Which is, in some ways, commendable.

But the problem with pitching your tent so firmly on the moral high ground is that you risk it being blown away because it's so exposed up there.

Perhaps they just couldn't give a fig. These two are so wrapped up in their cloak of righteousness it probably won't even register that what they have done is so deeply damaging.

And besides, their concern now is surely their profile in America. Who cares what the peasants back home think?

Now that their chief-of-staff has stepped away from her role after less than a year, they have teamed up with a top producer to work on their lucrative projects with Netflix and Spotify.

Meanwhile, in what many consider to be a nod to Meghan's future political ambitions, they have forged new links with an organisation called Invisible Hand whose founder, Genevieve Roth, worked on Hillary Clinton's (unsuccessful) 2016 presidential election campaign.

Harry even announced yesterday that he's got himself a job — working as 'Chief Impact Officer' for BetterUp, a company specialising in professional coaching, counselling and mentoring.

But while all these moves may be seen as positive — or should that be 'empowering' — in the U.S., in the UK the interview has done untold damage to their reputation. Harry's personal popularity rating has plummeted, while 58 per cent of people now view Meghan in a negative light. A majority in one survey said they should have their royal titles removed.

However much Harry may be enjoying his new Californian lifestyle — he was recently doing his bit for the planet cycling around sunny Montecito (albeit dogged by a 4x4 bristling with bodyguards) — the truth is that while he remains a Prince and an HRH (a title Meghan also continues to hold, despite her clear disdain for 'The Firm'), Britain is his home.

Whatever version of events he may have manufactured for himself to justify leaving, however little he may value some things we hold so dear, that will never change.

That is his truth, however inconvenient it may be. Even if it's not Meghan's.
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Sir Prima, Good Man do you have any opinion on the following? tyvmSIGNED:Hawkeye10Proud member of the Rebellion against the failed elite class since 9.10.15

No need, the allegations are total bullshit, made by a two bit actress on the lam. You will see in due course just how much of a liar and a drama queen from other testimony to come. Piers Morgan was 100% right about her and I admire him for not backing down like so many other spineless creeps. As for Soap Oprah, what the fuck do you people see in her, she is totally ruthless, cares little for truth and see racism everywhere.

That incident in Zurich ought to have told you that, she inflated and exaggerated a trivial issue into something massive. I saw then that she's not who she appears to be and will always go for the low hanging fruit!!
No need the allegations are bullshit, made by a two bit actress on the lam. You will see in due course just how much of a liar and a drama queen from other testimony to come. Piers Morgan was 100% right about her and I admire him for not backing like so many other spineless creeps. As for Soap Oprah, what the fuck do you people see in her, she is totally ruthless, cares little for truth and see racism everywhere. That incident in Switzerland ought to have told you that, she inflated and exaggerated a trivial issue into something massive. I saw then that she's not who she appears to be and will always go for the low hanging fruit!!

But the Queen has directed it be so....which at the very least dignifies the accusations....and it makes Meghan look like a trailblazer.

Charles and William just need to suck it up I spose "They are prisoners in a rotten system" or what ever.

Every single institution topples to the WOKE

"This IS a Revolution"
Tucker + Hawkeye
But the Queen has directed it be so....which at the very least dignifies the accusations....and it makes Meghan look like a trailblazer.

Charles and William just need to suck it up I spose "They are prisoners in a rotten system" or what ever.

Every single institution topples to the WOKE

"This IS a Revolution"
Tucker + Hawkeye

Diversity czar, give me fucking strength!! Piers Morgan has it right, you've got to confront these cunts before it's too late.
Anyone who complains gets hurt....those are the rules we have been given.

Harry is too ashamed and uncomfortable to get his wife's alleged mental issues treated, so who the fuck would want him pontificating professionally on that very subject ?

He's such a downtrodden little poodle, he's colluded with his controlling wife to pretend they married 3 days before the Windsor ceremony. And then the Archbishop of Canterbury has had to step in, on ecclesiastical eggshells, and beg to differ.
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Harry is too ashamed and uncomfortable to get his wife's alleged mental issues treated, so who the fuck would want him pontificating professionally on that very subject ?

He's such a downtrodden little poodle, he's colluded with his controlling wife to pretend they married 3 days before the Windsor ceremony. And then the Archbishop of Canterbury has had to step in, on ecclesiastical eggshells, and beg to differ.

People who lie for no apparent reason is a pet peeve of mine.....this qualifies.
Piers Morgan is one of those that can truly piss you and then suddenly make you proud to be British. The Wokerati are a nightmare and he stood up to them and told them to fuck off! Don't see many in the US doing the same! He said that Smeghan is a born liar and he's 100% right. The bosses at ITV shit themselves and begged him to back down and apologise, but he told them to go forth and multiply and duly walked.

Writing for the first time about his dramatic exit from GMB after saying he didn't believe Meghan's 'truth' on racism and the Royals, our columnist defends free speech - and says the silent majority hate the tyranny of woke
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