Thoughts on the Covid effect


Shaken, not stirred!
- To all you folks out there carrying on about #fakecrisis; It's actually a MIS-HANDLED SITUATION that has developed into a crisis, courtesy by the clowns currently in the White House that many of you folks voted for! Deal with it.

- Ask yourself...if the majority of America is technically unemployed now, and service oriented business have near zero customers, how the hell is Wall St. doing so well? WAKE THE HELL UP, PEOPLE!
Wall St is doing so well because of:

1) The Fed
2) People are betting on a sharp recovery when the country does open back up
3) The top stocks, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook & Google are absolutely crushing it right now
Wall St is doing so well because of:

1) The Fed
2) People are betting on a sharp recovery when the country does open back up
3) The top stocks, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook & Google are absolutely crushing it right now

which means that Wall St. doesn't have a damned thing to do with Joe Schmoe's's all about the corps, high investors and their hip connection to the Fed. A disgrace.
When Inflation hits the world, it's better to be an Owner of the Production Means.

translation: screw the workers, screw the folk that make all the "little things" possible....let's just placate the owners, inheritors and rich investors. A disgrace.
Wall St is doing so well because of:

1) The Fed
2) People are betting on a sharp recovery when the country does open back up
3) The top stocks, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook & Google are absolutely crushing it right now

Do you suppose this could be a fool's bull market????????
translation: screw the workers, screw the folk that make all the "little things" possible....let's just placate the owners, inheritors and rich investors. A disgrace.

Yes. Let's face it ... the Worker Drones are disposable. But, the Good News is that we can import MORE Worker Drones from Third World countries to replace them at much cheaper Wage Rates.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
translation: screw the workers, screw the folk that make all the "little things" possible....let's just placate the owners, inheritors and rich investors. A disgrace.

Yes. Let's face it ... the Worker Drones are disposable. But, the Good News is that we can import MORE Worker Drones from Third World countries to replace them at much cheaper Wage Rates.

You do know that's the true mind set of a whole lot of people in the upper echelons of both parties, right? And you and I are considered disposable!
which means that Wall St. doesn't have a damned thing to do with Joe Schmoe's's all about the corps, high investors and their hip connection to the Fed. A disgrace.

The stock market is not the economy. Look at the past decade as just one example where we've had the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression yet the Dow boomed. But too many people mistakenly look at the Dow and think that determines whether the economy is good or bad. And for too long the Fed has worried about the stock market over the economy when making decisions.

(I do appreciate your Libertarian-esque bagging on the Fed. I'm not sure why there isn't more bi-partisanship on that front.)
You do know that's the true mind set of a whole lot of people in the upper echelons of both parties, right? And you and I are considered disposable!

The sad and funny (not funny 'haha', but funny 'odd') is that Blue Team is the most ardent supporter of importing Third World Labor to replace the American Worker. Somehow, some way, Blue Team thinks the welfare of some guy from Bangladesh is more important than the welfare of the American Worker next door.
Do you suppose this could be a fool's bull market????????

I am no investment guru or market expert so take what I say with an extremely large grain of salt. I think there is a definite element of FOMO at play here. The market dove, the Fed came to the rescue and people were afraid to be left on the sidelines so they dove back in. As long as the Fed keeps priming the pump it's hard to step away.
- To all you folks out there carrying on about #fakecrisis; It's actually a MIS-HANDLED SITUATION that has developed into a crisis, courtesy by the clowns currently in the White House that many of you folks voted for! Deal with it.

- Ask yourself...if the majority of America is technically unemployed now, and service oriented business have near zero customers, how the hell is Wall St. doing so well? WAKE THE HELL UP, PEOPLE!

In other words Trump is responsible for the world wide pandemic because of his mishandling the response.
Hell I knew Trump welded power but I never realized he has the power of an mount Olympus God. Perfect example of the legalization of pot.
- To all you folks out there carrying on about #fakecrisis; It's actually a MIS-HANDLED SITUATION that has developed into a crisis, courtesy by the clowns currently in the White House that many of you folks voted for! Deal with it.

- Ask yourself...if the majority of America is technically unemployed now, and service oriented business have near zero customers, how the hell is Wall St. doing so well? WAKE THE HELL UP, PEOPLE!

It’s called the Fed dumbass

Also the stock market discounts the future. Too complicated for you to understand
The sad and funny (not funny 'haha', but funny 'odd') is that Blue Team is the most ardent supporter of importing Third World Labor to replace the American Worker. Somehow, some way, Blue Team thinks the welfare of some guy from Bangladesh is more important than the welfare of the American Worker next door.

Bernie preaches the opposite of this.
In other words Trump is responsible for the world wide pandemic because of his mishandling the response.
Hell I knew Trump welded power but I never realized he has the power of an mount Olympus God. Perfect example of the legalization of pot.

Don't play dumber than you are.....those are YOUR WORDS, not mine. If you don't understand what I posted in the OP, either take a refresher course in comprehensive reading or get a nearby adult or librarian to explain it to you. Jeez, you Dump trucks are pathetic!
- To all you folks out there carrying on about #fakecrisis; It's actually a MIS-HANDLED SITUATION that has developed into a crisis, courtesy by the clowns currently in the White House that many of you folks voted for! Deal with it.

- Ask yourself...if the majority of America is technically unemployed now, and service oriented business have near zero customers, how the hell is Wall St. doing so well? WAKE THE HELL UP, PEOPLE!

Take Away: The Elite Suck Ass!
In other words Trump is responsible for the world wide pandemic because of his mishandling the response.
Hell I knew Trump welded power but I never realized he has the power of an mount Olympus God. Perfect example of the legalization of pot.

We have 1/3rd of the cases and deaths on the entire planet, yet are 4 percent of its population. That should tell you how well he handled Corona. Other nations had concerned leaders who listened to the epidemiologists. Trump attacked WHO and CDC. He always created a demon to divert the rightys hate. It works so well on them. He has wrecked us since he got into office. We lost any moral authority and respect across the globe.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
which means that Wall St. doesn't have a damned thing to do with Joe Schmoe's's all about the corps, high investors and their hip connection to the Fed. A disgrace.
The stock market is not the economy. Look at the past decade as just one example where we've had the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression yet the Dow boomed. But too many people mistakenly look at the Dow and think that determines whether the economy is good or bad. And for too long the Fed has worried about the stock market over the economy when making decisions.

(I do appreciate your Libertarian-esque bagging on the Fed. I'm not sure why there isn't more bi-partisanship on that front.)

Here's the thing: since all the major corporations and businesses that (should) provide jobs for people depend upon Wall St. to determine their actions (aka bank accounts), the stock market jolly well is the economy. The problem lies in the federal gov't inability to make it's largesse transferable to the general welfare of the of the reasons why I think Cuomo and De Blasio are full of it until they say those two words, "transaction tax".
Wall St is doing so well because of:

1) The Fed
2) People are betting on a sharp recovery when the country does open back up
3) The top stocks, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook & Google are absolutely crushing it right now

Because it is a gambling casino that taxpayers pick up their losses. As it shows now, it has been decoupled from the economy. The economy suffers and stockholders make money.