Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
your little laundry list left out a few details...and you should pay attention to what you read.....case in point, "...President Trump's restrictions on travel from Europe didn't go into effect until mid-March, and by then the virus had already begun spreading more widely. The data show that the virus had been spreading "fairly broadly for a period of time before we started sequencing," Maurano said.
Since NYC is a major national/international tourist hubs in the USA, it unfortunately became an epicenter for Covid….hence the title. But as the saying goes, READ the FINE-Print. the article acknowledges origin...but the POINT is how it got to America, which was a route via Europe, NOT China. Dump and company screwed up with near criminal negligence and incompetence on this. Deal with it.
As to Dump, you acknowledge his duplicity, but then you try to shift major condemnation and blame to democrats and liberals in some lame attempt at comparison and lessen the fault of the Orange Oaf. You make accusations, but offer no proof regarding "lefties" doing nothing....an accusation that flies in the face of reality in lieu of daily news coverage.
Also, I would be interested in your documentation to the statement that Covid 19 was initially denied by health officials in NYC, as I may have missed that.
It is hopeless trying explain facts to a close minded liberal but I'll try.California's first confirmed COVID-19 case was more than a month before New York.
But by mid-March, New York surpassed California, and cases spiraled out of control.
Both states face unique challenges, and there are differences in the way each state's
leaders addressed the threat of coronavirus. Those decisions have meant the
difference between life and death. While it may be years before we know the full scope
of the virus' impact, it's clear that so far New York has paid a much higher price. Could
the outcome have been different had leaders in New York reacted more like their
counterparts in California? Here's how the coronavirus crisis unfolded in each state.
Lets see now NY's 1st case was a woman who traveled from Iran. ( If I'm not mistaken Iran in in the ME not Europe!) March 7 (5 days before Trump banned flights from Europe) Gov Como declared a state of emergency for New York state.
Knowing how government works 5 days is lightning fast. Sorry but you don't see the big picture only the snapshot you want to see.
You have a serious right wing reading comprehension problem....YOUR OWN SOURCE SHOWS THAT BOTH STATES DECLARED "states of emergency" within a week of the first known cases. Essentially, your source shows similar actions within less than a week apart. Given the very different geographical situations of both states, I dare say query of the article's title is suggestively misleading at best.
You also demonstrate the typical right wing wonk's inability to think critically.....the FIRST REPORTED CASE does NOT mean that ALL THE HUNDREDS OF TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS FROM EUROPE (where the infection was well on it's way) WHO WERE CARRIERS AND FREELY ENTERING NYC FOR 2 MONTHS WERE ACCOUNTED FOR.
Got that bunky? 2 months this crap was in NYC with the majority of infected coming in from European flights....NOT from China.
Like it or not, Dump's administration dropped the ball on this one...and their added denial of their screw up wasted time and cost lives. A matter of fact, a matter of history regardless of your right wing myopia.