Thoughts on the Covid effect

No, trump is responsible for mishandling the response, because he mishandled the response. It is an ipso facto thing. he is not responsible for the worldwide pandemic, but is responsible for the mishandling of the response to the worldwide pandemic.

I agree Trump was slow realizing the seriousness of the pandemic. He also made a mistake in down playing it. But since he has done a reasonable job.
I agree Trump was slow realizing the seriousness of the pandemic. He also made a mistake in down playing it. But since he has done a reasonable job.

We are in the next stage of the response, where the world is desperately trying to develop contact tracing tactics. Apple and Google have come together to make software standards for using cell phones to do contact tracing. The jump forward in tactics is swift, but some worry not swift enough...

And then there is the USA, which is doing none of that. This is a complete disaster.
We are in the next stage of the response, where the world is desperately trying to develop contact tracing tactics. Apple and Google have come together to make software standards for using cell phones to do contact tracing. The jump forward in tactics is swift, but some worry not swift enough...

And then there is the USA, which is doing none of that. This is a complete disaster.

Funny how the CDC already has instructions in place.

Plus states are actively setting up programs for tracing.
Plus in your rant against the US not doing enough you forgot to mention states are already using the newly delevoped tracing app.
It's you haters that muddy the waters which causes confusion on what is happening in our search to rid the world of this virus.

I politely ask you to keep your fucking big mouth shut. We don't need your shit mucking up an already tough job.
Funny how the CDC already has instructions in place.

Plus states are actively setting up programs for tracing.
Plus in your rant against the US not doing enough you forgot to mention states are already using the newly delevoped tracing app.
It's you haters that muddy the waters which causes confusion on what is happening in our search to rid the world of this virus.

I politely ask you to keep your fucking big mouth shut. We don't need your shit mucking up an already tough job.

We dont have the money, the systems, nor the trained people to do the we saw with the sucky job that was done over the first few months of this emergency.

Decades of defunding public health systems has consequences during a pandemic.... even the Seattle Area system, one that has long been claimed to be one of the best in America, was decimated and performed poorly. .
Funny how the CDC already has instructions in place.

Plus states are actively setting up programs for tracing.
Plus in your rant against the US not doing enough you forgot to mention states are already using the newly delevoped tracing app.
It's you haters that muddy the waters which causes confusion on what is happening in our search to rid the world of this virus.

I politely ask you to keep your fucking big mouth shut. We don't need your shit mucking up an already tough job.

these programs are bad. they're totalitarian bullshit.

achieving these dubious goals would be marks of shame.
I politely ask you to keep your fucking big mouth shut. We don't need your shit mucking up an already tough job.

In South Korea and Taiwan, over 90% of infections are from known sources. Over 99% of tests come back negative, because they are people being tested just on the chance they have the disease.

In the USA, less than 1% of infections are from known sources. 20% of tests come back positive, because we are only testing people obviously sick.
Testing is also done for statistics and science. We are supposed to determine what groups are most vulnerable and why. We have to find the impacts of being poor and minorities. We have to determine how it impacts men and women. And we need enough stats to compare them to previous pandemics. We have to ascertain how Corona impacts the long term lives of those who got it. Whose lungs have permanent damage is an example. We need to fit Corona into the pantheon of viruses that are super dangerous.
Bone head Trump says if we don't test we don't have that many cases. Sorry, Daffy, we have the same amount whether they are identified or not.
In South Korea and Taiwan, over 90% of infections are from known sources. Over 99% of tests come back negative, because they are people being tested just on the chance they have the disease.

In the USA, less than 1% of infections are from known sources. 20% of tests come back positive, because we are only testing people obviously sick.

More of your bullshit lies This from the CDC

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Cases, Data, & Surveillance
Testing Data in the U.S.
Other LanguagesPrint Page
Updated May 20, 2020
Total tests

Positive Tests

Percent Positive

Only sick people tested my ass. Fucking liar.
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- To all you folks out there carrying on about #fakecrisis; It's actually a MIS-HANDLED SITUATION that has developed into a crisis, courtesy by the clowns currently in the White House that many of you folks voted for! Deal with it.

- Ask yourself...if the majority of America is technically unemployed now, and service oriented business have near zero customers, how the hell is Wall St. doing so well? WAKE THE HELL UP, PEOPLE!

fascism, corporate bailouts with fiat currency.

wallstreet is in the matrix, don't get sucked in.

reject vaccine.

reject neuralink.
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The sad and funny (not funny 'haha', but funny 'odd') is that Blue Team is the most ardent supporter of importing Third World Labor to replace the American Worker. Somehow, some way, Blue Team thinks the welfare of some guy from Bangladesh is more important than the welfare of the American Worker next door.

We needed workers badly. The crops do not pick themselves. Thre is a lot of labor they do that feeds us, cleans for us, and makes hospitals work. Reds should meet reality sometime.
We needed workers badly. The crops do not pick themselves. Thre is a lot of labor they do that feeds us, cleans for us, and makes hospitals work. Reds should meet reality sometime.

Nordberg. That's called the 'Saudi Plan'. Bring in Peasants from Abroad to do all the 'Dirty Work'. The 'Elites' can't be bothered with doing manual labor, that's for the 'Little People'.
YOU and your fellow travelers hate American Labor. YOU brought us Trump. Thanks, Nordberg. Great job. Keep up the Good Work. (you should call yourself 'Saudiberg')
It's simply amazing that all the trump haters refuse to admit what is easy for the impartial observer to admit. Trump has done an excellent job with this pandemic.

#1 hindsight is 20/20 so saying trump acted slowly when the WHO , CDC, China, were all giving him bullshit information, is just wrong it's stupid it's what haters do.

#2 The rate of infection would have been many many times higher had any one of your demonrats been in office. Why? Because they would have acted on the same info trump had for starters and they would have NOT stopped travel from china as soon as trump did allowing 100's of thousands of more infections early on. That equals possibly millions more infections nation wide. We know this because they all attacked trump for doing it.

#3 For god sakes libtards please pull up the video. Trump never said the virus was a hoax. You guys don't need any more help looking stupid. He said the Democrats complaining about how he is handling the pandemic is the next hoax.
Percent Positive

Hey we made progress, good. We dropped it from 20% to 13%. Now all we have to do is get it down to around 1%, and have contact tracing and we will be in good shape.

To get it from 20% to 13%, you need to increase testing to infections ratio by 54%. To get from 13% to 1%, you need to increase it by another 1,200%. Can you see the challenge now?
Trump has done an excellent job with this pandemic.

America is in ruins, so not an excellent job, but you could argue that no one could do an excellent job in such terrible circumstances. We are towards the bottom of the stack in responses, so not even an excellent job compared to other leaders. There is a reason that trump is one of the few leaders not to get a Covid-19 bump out of this crisis, and that is because he is doing in no way an excellent job.

The rate of infection would have been many many times higher had any one of your demonrats been in office. Why? Because they would have acted on the same info trump had for starters and they would have NOT stopped travel from china as soon as trump did allowing 100's of thousands of more infections early on.

You do not seem to know what rate of infection means. Having more people infected would drop the rate of infection, because there would be fewer people to infect.

trump did not stop travel from China. he did not check for infection at the border. So he did allow a huge number of infected people in. And then he lacked the ability to track the spread once it had gotten into the USA. It would be hard to do worse. Most of the successes in containment can be put at the feet of governors. You know the same governors that trump has demanded violence against.
Hey we made progress, good. We dropped it from 20% to 13%. Now all we have to do is get it down to around 1%, and have contact tracing and we will be in good shape.

To get it from 20% to 13%, you need to increase testing to infections ratio by 54%. To get from 13% to 1%, you need to increase it by another 1,200%. Can you see the challenge now?

No you lied and can't squirm out of it.
No you lied and can't squirm out of it.

I was saying out of date information. The testing to infection ratio had increased by 54%... Which is still a long way from the 1,200% more it will have to increase. We have a bad problem, and it will take a lot to get out of it.
America is in ruins, so not an excellent job, but you could argue that no one could do an excellent job in such terrible circumstances. We are towards the bottom of the stack in responses, so not even an excellent job compared to other leaders. There is a reason that trump is one of the few leaders not to get a Covid-19 bump out of this crisis, and that is because he is doing in no way an excellent job.

You do not seem to know what rate of infection means. Having more people infected would drop the rate of infection, because there would be fewer people to infect.

trump did not stop travel from China. he did not check for infection at the border. So he did allow a huge number of infected people in. And then he lacked the ability to track the spread once it had gotten into the USA. It would be hard to do worse. Most of the successes in containment can be put at the feet of governors. You know the same governors that trump has demanded violence against.

He did stop most travel from china. There were exemptions still those many that he did stop would have spread the virus even more. Not sure if you understand that having 10 people infected and spreading the virus is.much worst than have 5 doing so. Trump stopped hundreds of thousands from coming here. Even Fauci said that decision saves HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN LIVE! Which means many americans are alive today because our leader had the balls to defy democrats and the experts. He acted much faster than the democrat would have. Remember they bitched about his decision with senile joe biden even calling him a xenophobe. You dont get to say he was slow when the info he was recieving was horse shit AND when you bitched about such a fast closing of china travel.

Trump demanded violence on governors? Dude you are sick. Since you are putting the success on the governor's what say you about Cuomo's decision to force covid19 sick oldtimers back into assisted living facilities? Great right? What you should have said was success at the feet of conservative governors like desantis.
He did stop most travel from china. There were exemptions still those many that he did stop would have spread the virus even more. Not sure if you understand that having 10 people infected and spreading the virus is.much worst than have 5 doing so. Trump stopped hundreds of thousands from coming here. Even Fauci said that decision saves HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN LIVE! Which means many americans are alive today because our leader had the balls to defy democrats and the experts. He acted much faster than the democrat would have. Remember they bitched about his decision with senile joe biden even calling him a xenophobe. You dont get to say he was slow when the info he was recieving was horse shit AND when you bitched about such a fast closing of china travel.

Trump demanded violence on governors? Dude you are sick. Since you are putting the success on the governor's what say you about Cuomo's decision to force covid19 sick oldtimers back into assisted living facilities? Great right? What you should have said was success at the feet of conservative governors like desantis.

40,000 people left China and traveled to 17 American cities. That was plenty. Trump says that like it is meaningful. it is not. The Dems were not defied. They were not fighting that. They did mention it was going to make serious Trouble for Asian/Americans and it has. Trump was given excellent info starting in December and heavily in January. He does not read the briefs. I suspect Trump figured if he ignored it, it would go away. Then he could concentrate on rallies and golf., Which is exactly what he did in Feb.
We dont have the money, the systems, nor the trained people to do the we saw with the sucky job that was done over the first few months of this emergency.

Decades of defunding public health systems has consequences during a pandemic.... even the Seattle Area system, one that has long been claimed to be one of the best in America, was decimated and performed poorly. .

Funny I heard Lord Fauci say that at this point contact tracing is not possible. It's to big too many no way to do it effectively.
40,000 people left China and traveled to 17 American cities. That was plenty. Trump says that like it is meaningful. it is not. The Dems were not defied. They were not fighting that. They did mention it was going to make serious Trouble for Asian/Americans and it has. Trump was given excellent info starting in December and heavily in January. He does not read the briefs. I suspect Trump figured if he ignored it, it would go away. Then he could concentrate on rallies and golf., Which is exactly what he did in Feb.

Why can't you people understand such a simple concept? 40k people came in after the ban instead of hundreds of thousands. So if plenty of infection came in with 40k anyway how many MORE would have entered and infected? The more sick people you have in the beginning the larger the pandemic. So trumps decision, which every democrat was on tv blasting him for even calling him a racist, prevented a much larger pandemic. Predictions claim it saved millions of infections and hundreds of thousands of deaths. He did this in January while Lord Fauci was still saying we have nothing to fear here in the States.

You also fail to recognize that those briefs included information that this virus was not spread human to human. So the information like Lord Fauci was wrong. The WHO was covering for China. You should be thanking Trump for making that decision against the experts and dr's at the time.

Maybe you could have done better given the HINDSIGHT you are blessed with today. But back then if you are told it isn't transmitted person to person by experts your decision might be slightly different. It's why the dems and the dr's were against the closure from China. Trump just had a hunch given how many had it in china......thank god for that.