People do not spend all their time carping about pay. Read Mazlow.
Some do, some don't. I personally don't make all that much money, but I don't complain about it either. I am satisfied with the little that I have been blessed with. If I ever want to make more money sometime in the future, then I will gain more knowledge and increase my value.
The fact is our tax laws are doing a lot to intensify the wealth gap. The rich escape taxes and hide their wealth because their campaign donations and lobbying power allow it.
Let's assume that all of what you said here was correct... (it's not)
Why would you want to further increase the size of federal government, further centralizing power, which makes it even more prone to the "paybacks" and "lobbying" that you are expressing distaste for?
Wouldn't a much smaller federal government (as our constitution allows for) be much less prone to these "payback" and "lobbying" efforts, as governmental power would be much more spread out instead of being so centralized?
A huge wealth gap causes problems in a society. Ours is worse than it was during the Gilded Age.
There is no wealth gap, thus, there is no problem. Theft of other people's wealth IS a problem, however...
You swallow the concept that the wealthy are rich because they are better people and deserve it.
There are a plethora of reasons as to why a person might be rich. For the most part, it has to do with actually putting in the effort and time. But, no matter the reasons, it is not your money; it is their money. You have no right to their money.
If you want more money, then make yourself more valuable. Not everybody is capable of everything that everybody else is capable of, as we are all differing individuals. Some are capable of playing professional sports, while others are not. Some have gifted singing voices, while others do not. Yet, we all have opportunities to make ourselves more valuable and to contribute our skills to whatever one might consider to be the "greater good" in their life. For me, it is my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. He has blessed me with certain abilities, and I am finding ways to make use of them to serve his will.
For new rich, it takes a lot of luck.
...and knowledge and skill of some sort... mixed with actually putting in the effort and time, like I mentioned above...
But most on top are generational rich who use the power of money to carve out more breaks and give them more money.
Many of them actually built their own wealth. Think of companies such as Facebook and Amazon... even Microsoft...
Like Teddy Roosevelt said when he started the inheritance tax, Nobody begrudges a person getting rich if he has a great idea and implements it. However, money passed on through generations is different in kind. It is used to wield power, make laws and pick politicians.
Why should you or anyone else get to dictate what someone else wishes to do with their money?
Think Citizens United was implemented to help the masses?
No. So?
Think Trump's tax cut that went 85 percent to the top 1 percent was supposed to help the middle class and poor?
It did, though. Many people had less of their money stolen from them.
Oh yeah, Trump said it would, so rightys believe it. Like nearly everything he says, is not true.
I get it, you don't like Trump.