You have no credibility
And since when do you, a proven cheater, have any credibility to accuse anyone??

You have no credibility
Maybe she was a teacher. Scanloon was, and he posted all the time, and apparently from class no less, till he got fired. Plenty of shitty, and or batshit teachers out there. She obviously isn't one now though, and I seriously doubt the special ed part. Those teachers are above, and beyond. You wouldn't be part of that, if you'd so easily put those type of people down. No person in their right mind, would put themselves through it, without the respect, and care for who, and what they are.
According to all the rules of debate I've ever encountered, the one making the claim is the one to provide the proof. If the claimant refuses to do so, the assumption then becomes the claimant is lying.
In this case, the pretend teacher/dog rescuer/animal lover is definitely lying, as always.
You got that right, two peas in a pod. It really ticks me off when people get all sarcastic and snippy about Jade's problems. They're just so exasperated but not enough to scroll by or use the ignore function, huh!![]()
My two brothers, two sons, one daughter, and one uncle were in the service.
Especially not after the recent failure to say a single thing publicly (and most likely not via PM either) about a JPP member who leaves his dog out in either a cage or chained up, in Arizona, 24/7/365.
Does you being ticked off extend to Darla's sarcastic and snippy comment about Sheri's cancer or does your hypocrisy only extend so far??
Maybe she was a teacher. Scanloon was, and he posted all the time, and apparently from class no less, till he got fired. Plenty of shitty, and or batshit teachers out there. She obviously isn't one now though, and I seriously doubt the special ed part. Those teachers are above, and beyond. You wouldn't be part of that, if you'd so easily put those type of people down. No way would you put yourself through it.
She lied to LiG today,with the post proving she was a liar,for all to read.
Her poutrage is quite selective, isn't it?
Absolutely; because she never said anything to Rana, when Rana said what she did about a poster named Sheri on an old board.
You're very right. My youngest is a sp.ed. teacher with a masters. She would be appalled if she saw the shit that Toxic says about ppl, both typical and not, insinuating that they have mental problems and/or cognitive issues. "You're not well," "He's not well," "She's psycho," "You're slow but you'll learn," "___ is having a meltdown," etc. I am a retired dementia care nurse (my main specialty). Have you ever seen me tell someone in the heat of a political argument that he has Alzheimers? Of course not. Professionals don't use that stuff as insults. It's cruel, it's unethical, and it's unprofessional... and marks you as a poseur.
I bet Scanloon isn't the only person in the education field we know who's been fired.
LOL...yes indeedA story for every occasion.
The link is in the TDS thread![]()
YEP and then Rana tried to explain it off as "concern", even thought Rana had railed against her political leanings for a very long time.
Then I’m a coward and proud of it. I do not feel the need to let someone who wishes I get cancer, again, participate in my threads. You may do as you please, I will ignore them and ban them.