I did when I wrote it.
Simple things amuse simple minds...
I did when I wrote it.
It’s called humor, try it sometime, it’s good for your soul.Simple things amuse simple minds...
It’s called humor, try it sometime, it’s good for your soul.
I have a great sense of humor, ask my friends and acquaintances. I just don't find humor in things that are not humorous.
I did when I wrote it.
Unless they have bear tranquilizers in them, I don't think it will help the situation with Yurt.
Unless they have bear tranquilizers in them, I don't think it will help the situation with Yurt.
You can see further than Sarah Palin, I’m impressed.No you didn't.
You can see further than Sarah Palin, I’m impressed.
Ms. Yurt PM'd me saying she is on her period this week.
I said "TMI".
Can confirm.
UH, maybe because she's the one who just had to mention it and since the JPP liberals are always demanding proof, it seemed appropriate.
Indeed. "She who made the boast must her proof post".
So you say. I feel the same way about your Queen's convenient anecdotes for every subject.
A Story for Every Occasion™.
I never said YOUR political beliefs; because you were just a lap dog, for Darla and Rana, who just nodded in agreement no matter the circumstances.
Didn't think you would be honest and actually answer my question.
Poor Scowlwoman follower...
Christiecrite didn't realize what precedent she was setting when she made that post...
You were on the WoT board, we were on the Rate Bush board. The skanks were on WoT, then they started to infect the Rate Bush board and then here. It was here that I got to be friends with you.Your memory's shot. I never posted to Darla until I came to JPP. We didn't post on the same AOL forums.
And I was not a member of the Kennel Klub Kabal, as you keep lying about. That was your name for Darla, Rana and Prak.
wait......you are stupid enough to READ Yurt's PMs?......
Do you really believe people don't know you're Mason?