APP - Three Moral Issues of Health Care


"Two weeks ago, Sam* died suddenly. He was only 21 years old, strong and healthy, preparing for a life ministering to youth."

by Jim Wallis

"For decades now, the physical health and well-being of our country has been a proxy battle for partisan politics. When Truman tried to pass a national health insurance plan, the American Medical Association spent $200 million (in today’s dollars) and was accused of violating ethics rules by having doctors lobby their patients to oppose the legislation. In the 1970’s when Nixon tried to pass a national health insurance plan, strikingly similar to what many democrats are proposing today, the plan was defeated by liberal democrats and unions who thought that they would be able to pass something themselves after the mid-term elections and claim political credit for the plan. In the 1990’s the “Harry and Louise” ads misrepresented the Clinton health care plan but was successful enough PR to shut down that movement for reform."

from site:

"Two weeks ago, Sam* died suddenly. He was only 21 years old, strong and healthy, preparing for a life ministering to youth.

Cause of death: acute pancreatitis and previously undiagnosed diabetes.

Reason for death: no access to health care to treat the incredible pain in his stomach - until it was too late.

The bottom line: While angry protesters disrupt town hall meetings and national organizations spread fear-based lies, lives are lost."
So go it alone, and stop whining. We dare you.

You know why you won't, because the plan will cause mass death, and dems don't want the responsibility.
"Two weeks ago, Sam* died suddenly. He was only 21 years old, strong and healthy, preparing for a life ministering to youth."

by Jim Wallis

"For decades now, the physical health and well-being of our country has been a proxy battle for partisan politics. When Truman tried to pass a national health insurance plan, the American Medical Association spent $200 million (in today’s dollars) and was accused of violating ethics rules by having doctors lobby their patients to oppose the legislation. In the 1970’s when Nixon tried to pass a national health insurance plan, strikingly similar to what many democrats are proposing today, the plan was defeated by liberal democrats and unions who thought that they would be able to pass something themselves after the mid-term elections and claim political credit for the plan. In the 1990’s the “Harry and Louise” ads misrepresented the Clinton health care plan but was successful enough PR to shut down that movement for reform."

from site:

"Two weeks ago, Sam* died suddenly. He was only 21 years old, strong and healthy, preparing for a life ministering to youth.

Cause of death: acute pancreatitis and previously undiagnosed diabetes.

Reason for death: no access to health care to treat the incredible pain in his stomach - until it was too late.

The bottom line: While angry protesters disrupt town hall meetings and national organizations spread fear-based lies, lives are lost."
How could he have been strong and healthy if he had diabetes and pancreatitis?
In the 1970’s when Nixon tried to pass a national health insurance plan, strikingly similar to what many democrats are proposing today

I don't see the similarities.....the article said he proposed tax subsidies to employers and small businesses to make it cheaper to provide health care benefits to employees....that's all it says he proposed to do.....the Dems plan is just the opposite, it proposes tax increases to finance a public insurance option.......
The ability of the modern liberal to spread their mindless idiology through rhetoric that ignores reality goes beyond the incredible.

Clue for you morons: the person described had significant health problems. That pretty much makes the description "strong and healthy" as an introduction a bald faced lie. But that is the only thing they have to offer to defend their philosophy of government intervention and control: lie after lie after lie designed to appeal to the emotions while denying reality.

The same can be said of comparing the heath care initiative proposed under Nixon's administration to the typical democratic health care plan. Nixon's plan would have made providing health care benefits more affordable for small businesses by giving them tax breaks and credits. The democratic plans invariably propose taxing business in order to provide health care coverage through the government. The two ideas are COMPLETELY different - and THAT is why the liberal democrats opposed Nixons plan in favor of trying to pass their own bloated government plan.

Sadder than those who write the lies are those who, having gotten their requisite lobotomy in order to join the ranks of liberals, eat up the lies like cotton candy.
The ability of the modern liberal to spread their mindless idiology through rhetoric that ignores reality goes beyond the incredible.

Clue for you morons: the person described had significant health problems. That pretty much makes the description "strong and healthy" as an introduction a bald faced lie. But that is the only thing they have to offer to defend their philosophy of government intervention and control: lie after lie after lie designed to appeal to the emotions while denying reality.

The same can be said of comparing the heath care initiative proposed under Nixon's administration to the typical democratic health care plan. Nixon's plan would have made providing health care benefits more affordable for small businesses by giving them tax breaks and credits. The democratic plans invariably propose taxing business in order to provide health care coverage through the government. The two ideas are COMPLETELY different - and THAT is why the liberal democrats opposed Nixons plan in favor of trying to pass their own bloated government plan.

Sadder than those who write the lies are those who, having gotten their requisite lobotomy in order to join the ranks of liberals, eat up the lies like cotton candy.

Clue for you, people who talk down to others will never be taken seriously, even though what you say may have some merit, you are immediately dismissed when you take an order of superiority that you really don't have or shouldn't want when trying to teach a lesson.

Now, you may continue your rant...and good luck with anyone listening to you seriously.
How could he have been strong and healthy if he had diabetes and pancreatitis?
Exactly. He was fat, lazy and sat on his huge ass all day eating deep fried donuts. And was too cheap to but health insurance, and too stupid to go to the emergency room and rely on Medicaid. Good riddance, make room for someone willing to carry their own weight. *shrug*
the liberals are so desperate they are using religion and morals to help get this bill passed.....LMAO.....the irony

when anyone on the right uses religion and morals, its fucking evil

the liberals are so desperate they are using religion and morals to help get this bill passed.....LMAO.....the irony

when anyone on the right uses religion and morals, its fucking evil


It is evil for any side to use religion in politics. I say we should ban it! It is bad for most of our health! I always say, spit in one hand, pray in the other and see which fills up first!

My friend needs his arm back, I will believe when he gets one!
The only consistency in the healthcare debate is the inability of those on the right to consider the broad implications of staying the course. If America is to progress as a nation and as a society, it is time for Obama and the democrats to go it alone, ala FDR. It seems only great things bring great things, otherwise the reactionary cave dwellers stay put.

An interesting piece.

5 Myths About Health Care Around the World

By T.R. Reid Sunday, August 23, 2009

"As Americans search for the cure to what ails our health-care system, we've overlooked an invaluable source of ideas and solutions: the rest of the world. All the other industrialized democracies have faced problems like ours, yet they've found ways to cover everybody -- and still spend far less than we do.

I've traveled the world from Oslo to Osaka to see how other developed democracies provide health care. Instead of dismissing these models as "socialist," we could adapt their solutions to fix our problems....
The only consistency in the healthcare debate is the inability of those on the right to consider the broad implications of staying the course. If America is to progress as a nation and as a society, it is time for Obama and the democrats to go it alone, ala FDR. It seems only great things bring great things, otherwise the reactionary cave dwellers stay put.

An interesting piece.

5 Myths About Health Care Around the World

By T.R. Reid Sunday, August 23, 2009

"As Americans search for the cure to what ails our health-care system, we've overlooked an invaluable source of ideas and solutions: the rest of the world. All the other industrialized democracies have faced problems like ours, yet they've found ways to cover everybody -- and still spend far less than we do.

I've traveled the world from Oslo to Osaka to see how other developed democracies provide health care. Instead of dismissing these models as "socialist," we could adapt their solutions to fix our problems....

They will never go it alone. they don't want to be responsible for destroying america. The people are in control. You elitists and your totalitarianism are headed for failure.
The only consistency in the healthcare debate is the inability of those on the right to consider the broad implications of staying the course. If America is to progress as a nation and as a society, it is time for Obama and the democrats to go it alone, ala FDR. It seems only great things bring great things, otherwise the reactionary cave dwellers stay put. ...
I prefer that we "progress" by holding Congress and the President responsible to the Constitution.
The only consistency in the healthcare debate is the inability of those on the right to consider the broad implications of staying the course. If America is to progress as a nation and as a society, it is time for Obama and the democrats to go it alone, ala FDR. It seems only great things bring great things, otherwise the reactionary cave dwellers stay put.

An interesting piece.

5 Myths About Health Care Around the World

By T.R. Reid Sunday, August 23, 2009

"As Americans search for the cure to what ails our health-care system, we've overlooked an invaluable source of ideas and solutions: the rest of the world. All the other industrialized democracies have faced problems like ours, yet they've found ways to cover everybody -- and still spend far less than we do.

I've traveled the world from Oslo to Osaka to see how other developed democracies provide health care. Instead of dismissing these models as "socialist," we could adapt their solutions to fix our problems....

Using the rest of the world as a model, in a nation founded by escapees, is a bit weak.
In the conservative reallity when money battles morality. Morality always loses.

the only time Jesus got violent was running thr money changers from the temple. For which he was crucified just days later.

And no I do not believe Jesus was god, but he was a great moralistic humanist.
He did not even believe he was god, he believed he was the son of god.
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In the conservative reallity when money battles morality. Morality always loses.

the only time Jesus got violent was running thr money changers from the temple. For which he was crucified just days later.

And no I do not believe Jesus was god, but he was a great moralistic humanist.
He did not even believe he was god, he believed he was the son of god.

Old man, you just don't get that these libs today are totalitarian fascists. Human suffering is their GOAL, because people are bad.
Old man, you just don't get that these libs today are totalitarian fascists. Human suffering is their GOAL, because people are bad.

this old man does get it. Hopefully someday you will.
And yes there are those who run with liberals who are in bed with the corporate elitist pigs.

I foten think that if our lifespan was but 50 years longer the world would be a much better place. Most just figure things out and then start deteroriating mentally and physically Watch BillO and die.
this old man does get it. Hopefully someday you will.
And yes there are those who run with liberals who are in bed with the corporate elitist pigs.

I foten think that if our lifespan was but 50 years longer the world would be a much better place. Most just figure things out and then start deteroriating mentally and physically Watch BillO and die.

You haven't figured out anything. You're a fool. You just allied with some local democrats is all.
You haven't figured out anything. You're a fool. You just allied with some local democrats is all.

So I am a fool (in your opinion). I have more than you think figured out. I realize I am part of the problem and try and adjust my behaviour.
That is the best I can do.

You need to Walk the talk, not just talk. Then you may learn.
Or you may not, many never do and remain tool used by others all their life.
So I am a fool (in your opinion). I have more than you think figured out. I realize I am part of the problem and try and adjust my behaviour.
That is the best I can do.

You need to Walk the talk, not just talk. Then you may learn.
Or you may not, many never do and remain tool used by others all their life.

Oh, you mean the lie of human caused climate change. You're just a dupe. That's not wisdom.