APP - Three Moral Issues of Health Care

Oh, you mean the lie of human caused climate change. You're just a dupe. That's not wisdom.

It may not be a lie. Do you know for certain?
I do not know either way for certain, but tend to err on the side of caution where the continued existance of most of the life on earth could well be involved.

With each auto spewing several tons of pollutants into the air each year I have to believe we are having some negative impact. And once we realize it for certain (if true) It may well be too late to avoid the terrible price to humanity.

but in any case that was not what I was referring to. Guess again.
It may not be a lie. Do you know for certain?
I do not know either way for certain, but tend to err on the side of caution where the continued existance of most of the life on earth could well be involved.

With each auto spewing several tons of pollutants into the air each year I have to believe we are having some negative impact. And once we realize it for certain (if true) It may well be too late to avoid the terrible price to humanity.

but in any case that was not what I was referring to. Guess again.

well if you have to believe it... (not rational). It's just an excuse for the fascists to gain control of all energy consumption, and ration it to their cronies.

Why don't you just tell us what else you know.
well if you have to believe it... (not rational). It's just an excuse for the fascists to gain control of all energy consumption, and ration it to their cronies.

Why don't you just tell us what else you know.

Cheap fossil energy will end in most of those on here's lifetime.
Our country unlike many european nations was built on cheap fossil energy.
Without a transition asap to alternatives we will not endure very well.
That alone is reason enough to get off the oil teat if nothing else.
Guns are outrageously expensive. How is a man supposed to be able to afford to protect himself from the evil liberals. We need price controls on guns and ammo.
Or a clunker guns program?
sweet!.....the government is going to subsidize my gun purchase....won't that piss of Obama's base?.....

The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) sells several good rifles below market value.

So, in a way, they do subsidize gun purchases.
Cheap fossil energy will end in most of those on here's lifetime.
Our country unlike many european nations was built on cheap fossil energy.
Without a transition asap to alternatives we will not endure very well.
That alone is reason enough to get off the oil teat if nothing else.

You're such a dupe.

If these people really cared they would be doing nuclear energy. But it would actually work, so they ignore it. And they won't let us use all the vast resources we have at hand, natural gas, coal etc.