Three or more eggs a week increase your risk of heart disease and early death, study


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(CNN)It's been debated for years: Are eggs good or bad for you? People who eat an added three or four eggs a week or 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol per day, have a higher risk of both heart disease and early death compared with those who eat fewer eggs, new research finds.

"Eggs, specially the yolk, are a major source of dietary cholesterol," wrote Victor Zhong, lead study author and a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. In a study published Friday in the medical journal JAMA, he and his colleagues noted that a single large egg contains about 186 milligrams of cholesterol.

Statins to lower cholesterol have a lot of side effects, but one of the worst is the belief (in some patients) that taking your statin daily somehow grants you immunity. It doesn't. You still have to watch your diet and your weight, and get exercise. Good health tip, Kenneth. Thanks!
On the PBS all-female talk show To The Contrary on November 4, 1994, host Bonnie Erbe began by promoting the anti-Clarence Thomas book Strange Justice by liberal reporters Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson. She touted “new allegations corroborating Anita Hill’s charges of sexual harassment against now-Justice Clarence Thomas.” Erbe wondered out loud if public opinion would finally tilt toward Hill instead of Thomas.

In the show’s introduction, left-wing panelist Julianne Malveaux, a USA Today columnist and Pacifica Radio host, professed not to care: “I’m more concerned about his reptilian positions against affirmative action and working people.”

Malveaux’s loathing of Thomas grew uglier. “You know, I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease.” When Betsy Hart protested, Malveaux wouldn’t back down. “Well, that’s how I feel. He is an absolutely reprehensible person.”
At this point in time, I've tuned out the 'Good vs. Bad' food and just eat whatever I want. You know what they say, "You're gonna' die of something".
Poor eggs are out, again. I’m not eating whole eggs these days, it’s egg whites or egg beaters and rarely.
I like bacon and eggs in the morning. Usually scrambled, sometimes with sausage. I probably have bacon, eggs, and hash browns about 2-3 times a week. I like Quaker Oatmeal (especially since I found a bunch of Quaker ancestry on that Heritage Company). Once or twice a week, I blend. Milk, Yogurt, Banana, Frozen fruit, Wheat germ, and Honey.
On the PBS all-female talk show To The Contrary on November 4, 1994, host Bonnie Erbe began by promoting the anti-Clarence Thomas book Strange Justice by liberal reporters Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson. She touted “new allegations corroborating Anita Hill’s charges of sexual harassment against now-Justice Clarence Thomas.” Erbe wondered out loud if public opinion would finally tilt toward Hill instead of Thomas.

In the show’s introduction, left-wing panelist Julianne Malveaux, a USA Today columnist and Pacifica Radio host, professed not to care: “I’m more concerned about his reptilian positions against affirmative action and working people.”

Malveaux’s loathing of Thomas grew uglier. “You know, I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease.” When Betsy Hart protested, Malveaux wouldn’t back down. “Well, that’s how I feel. He is an absolutely reprehensible person.”

Are you sure Malveaux isn't a screen name for IHA? Sounds awfully close to the kind of dreck he writes about BAC. :|
Don't even bother to be appalled by Julianne Malveaux's hate speech against a Black man...oh, that's right. You aren't.

No, it's disgusting but 1994? I never heard of her, though.

Were you appalled when Mann Coulter said "We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee", hmmm? :thinking:
Poor eggs are out, again. I’m not eating whole eggs these days, it’s egg whites or egg beaters and rarely.

Egg whites are surprisingly good, one almost does not need the yolk.
I rarely eat eggs, but when I buy them I make it a point to get free range chicken eggs. I am attempting to make lifestyle choices that reduce my contribution to inhumane treatment of animals and industrialized animal agriculture.

I have to admit, once in a while a spinach and mushroom omlette really hits the spot!
Statins to lower cholesterol have a lot of side effects, but one of the worst is the belief (in some patients) that taking your statin daily somehow grants you immunity. It doesn't. You still have to watch your diet and your weight, and get exercise. Good health tip, Kenneth. Thanks!
I'm gonna save this post so next time a moonbat accuses me of being a racist for saying the same thing I can say (modern) liberals are racists too.
This is a little depressing. No one cares what I ate for breakfast. :(
(I guess I'll log off and try tomorrow)
What does this have to do with racism?
Great question. Ask IQ64, McSlawber and trashcan5.
Actually I can link you to trashcan5's explanation which BTW got her banned from APP for a long time.
Basically the same as IQ64 and McSlawber on DCJ. Essentially it goes like this for those three - they claim that blacks only have a diet of chitlins, fried chicken and Skittles. Advocating a diet of raw fruits, veggies and fish is therefore racist, according to them.
(CNN)It's been debated for years: Are eggs good or bad for you? People who eat an added three or four eggs a week or 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol per day, have a higher risk of both heart disease and early death compared with those who eat fewer eggs, new research finds.

"Eggs, specially the yolk, are a major source of dietary cholesterol," wrote Victor Zhong, lead study author and a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. In a study published Friday in the medical journal JAMA, he and his colleagues noted that a single large egg contains about 186 milligrams of cholesterol.


More fake news from the prize purveyors of pap.

Eggs and cholesterol

Having high cholesterol levels in our blood increases our risk of heart disease.

Although eggs contain some cholesterol, the amount of saturated fat we eat has more of an effect on the amount of cholesterol in our blood

If your GP or health professional has told you to watch your cholesterol levels, your priority should be to cut down on saturated fat across your diet.

If you are eating a balanced diet, you only need to cut down on eggs if you have been told to do so by your GP or dietitian.
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This is all fake news. Eggs do not cause you an early death

Genetics and inactivity cause an early death

If you are genetically predisposed to high cholesterol, then there isn’t much you can do.

Also there is some science suggesting that the whole focus on high cholesterol as a predictor of cardiovascular mortality is wrong.

It is amazing what sheep people are
(CNN)It's been debated for years: Are eggs good or bad for you? People who eat an added three or four eggs a week or 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol per day, have a higher risk of both heart disease and early death compared with those who eat fewer eggs, new research finds.

"Eggs, specially the yolk, are a major source of dietary cholesterol," wrote Victor Zhong, lead study author and a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. In a study published Friday in the medical journal JAMA, he and his colleagues noted that a single large egg contains about 186 milligrams of cholesterol.


No amount of drugs can reduce one's percentage of developing Cardiovascular problems when one's genes are predisposed to such. Study after study show that "like style" habits can help prevent heart problems only when started early in life. Waiting until you are 40.....and assuming that modern chemistry can do the trick is nothing but PR from the drug industry. The drug industry would have you believe that taking drugs and reducing your caloric intake of animal fat and proteins will magically stop the buildup of cholesterol in your body...when in reality cholesterol is a naturally produced substance in your body with your body actually producing the majority of the cholesterol found in your body...….your body produces cholesterol as a necessary in order to build cells.

In fact only 25% of the world population can benefit from a reduction in dietary cholesterol intake...the other 75%....cholesterol does not really matter as the real indicator of your risk in relation to Cardio problems would be the lipid proteins transported by your blood stream...these lose lipids make it easier for cholesterol to block one's blood transport arteries.

Blaming high cholesterol is a DX from 50 years ago. The real secret to a long life is good genes and being trained to intake a well balanced diet.....nothing is harmful to the human body in moderation..... there are many things that are poison to the body when consumed in gluten amounts. Fats and proteins are not the culprit...….processed sugar is the real thief of human longevity. When consuming mass amounts of sugar.....your body soon develops a system where CARBS are used as the primary source of fuel....when this happens all the fat you eat is stored in your body to be used during the expected seasonal reduction of carbs...i.e, for the cold winter months when carbs are not present in a natural sitting. Little does the body realize that human's no longer experience seasons of fasting and plenty....humans eat 24/7 365 days a year...and the fat just continues to build up until self destruction develops.

Heart disease is not a problem that modern meds can fix...….its a problem developed by society in this land of plenty where the majority of people become addicts to the very success of society.
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