Three Stories & Three Liars


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Coronavirus, the proof that the FBI shafted General Flynn, and Biden’s Assault Accusation story is more than enough big news for television mouths to bury the biggest story since President Nixon resigned. Hillary Clinton and Obama getting caught is a bigger story because she can go to jail, while Obama cannot resign from an office he no longer holds, but he can still be impeached.


Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama at the White House (

Given the choice between telling the truth and lying when the answer is meaningless, Hillary Clinton will always choose the latter.

Obama is a lying sack of shit who never told the truth about anything in his entire life.

Suzy Five Shows gained fame and fortune on the day she decided to lie for the big dogs in Benghazi:

A quick search this morning told me that television mouths did mention the Clinton story in passing. I doubt if it will surface again until she is actually indicted:

Former British spy Christopher Steele testified to a British court he believes both Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice were aware of his research on the bogus anti-Trump "dossier" while it was underway in 2016.

Just the News reported Steele testified in a defamation case brought by three international businessmen from Russia he named in his dossier.

Clinton was the Democratic Party presidential nominee at the time and Rice was President Obama's national security adviser.

Just the News investigative reporter John Solomon said Steele's testimony "makes his most direct link yet between his Russia collusion research and the top of the Clinton campaign and Obama White House."

Steele testified he was hired by Fusion GPS through the law firm retained by the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, to help the Clinton campaign.

According to a transcript, Steele said: "I presumed it was the Clinton campaign, and Glenn Simpson had indicated that. But I was not aware of the technicality of it being the DNC that was actually the client of Perkins Coie."

He said he believed that Hillary Clinton herself was aware of his work.

Solomon reported Steele was confronted with what lawyers said were notes he took at a meeting with the FBI in 2016.

At that meeting, Steele purportedly told agents that Clinton was aware of his research.

The lawyers read from those notes during the court proceedings.

The notes said: "We explained that Glenn Simpson/GPS Fusion was our commissioner but the ultimate client were the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign and that we understood the candidate herself was aware of the reporting at least, if not us."

Just the News reported messages seeking comment from Hillary Clinton were not returned.

Solomon also reported the debunked claim that Trump had a secret communication channel with the Kremlin through a Russian bank came from a Perkins Coie lawyer.

Christopher Steele: Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice were aware of my Trump probe
By WND Staff
Published April 29, 2020 at 7:33pm

Everything Democrats did to this country since Trump defeated Clinton was about protecting Hillary. Covering up Hillary’s crimes was the reason the FBI savaged General Flynn. Remember that during the campaign Donald Trump told Hillary Clinton she should be in jail. Trump’s accusation made during a debate triggered panic throughout the FBI’s upper echelons.

Incidentally, congressional Democrats did not give the FBI marching orders. Top FBI officials instinctively knew what was expected. Basically, the FBI did what they did on their own authority. On the plus side, congressional Democrats are now forced to defend corrupt FBI officials.

After Trump won the election it became imperative that every mention of Hillary’s Steel Dossier had to be hidden from public scrutiny. It was working like a charm until:

After Powell was hired she immediately got down to the business of demolishing the FBI’s ill-conceived conspiracy. Yesterday’s news was a culmination of Powell’s demolition efforts.

Going after any high profile member of Trump’s team became the FBI’s strategy. General Flynn was tailor made for the frame. That is why the FBI picked him. If the FBI had anything on Vice President Pence he would have been chosen for the gibbet.

Finally, if you believe that vice presidents are immune from Democrat Party hatchet men think Spiro Agnew:

How could Ms. Susan Rice be aware of a “national security compromise”, “particularly surrounding Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn” after a “briefing by the FBI”, if she was “not briefed on the existence of an FBI investigation”? With all of this information, these stories are falling apart.

Additional 11-Pages of FBI Documents Unsealed – Biggest Surprise: President Obama Implicated
Posted on April 30, 2020
by sundance

Like I said:

. . . Obama cannot resign from an office he no longer holds, but he can still be impeached.

Incidentally, I noticed that Susan Rice’s name keeps popping up in articles about the frame:

Suzy Five Shows gained fame and fortune on the day she decided to lie for the big dogs in Benghazi:

Rice is small potatoes compared to Obama and Hillary Clinton. Sacrificial lambs like Rice do the time for the crime is the way justice works in the swamp. If I am correct, I may have to start calling Rice ‘Suzy Five Years.’
Rice is small potatoes compared to Obama and Hillary Clinton. Sacrificial lambs like Rice do the time for the crime is the way justice works in the swamp.
Biden’s big fall

This small corner dares to disagree with The Hill’s contributor Liz Peek, who writes that “Hillary Clinton continues to hover in the wings, ready to step forward should Joe Biden fail.”

That’s because Hillary Clinton is not just hovering vulture-like in the wings for Biden’s big fall, she’s the main part of a major plan put in place The Night The Media Cried on Nov. 8, 2016.

Clinton was then—and really still is—Barack Obama’s only chance for a third term in office and has been working her way back ever since.

Jeez, lying about Benghazi was not enough for Suzy —— she is still doing Hillary’s bidding. I assume Hillary asking Suzy “What have you done for me lately?” prompted this crap:

Rice: Pandemic an ‘Opportunity’ to Make Sure Every American Has ‘Access’ to the Ballot by Mail

#MeToo-supporting Democrats have long been in an incredible awkward spot.

Sexual predator, Poster Boy, movie mogul Harvey Weinstein contributed big-time to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but they’re still out there—running again.

“None of this augurs well for the Biden campaign, which will likely confront further obstacles in the months ahead. Eventually, the coronavirus will no longer excuse the former VP’s invisibility; he will have to engage in the kind of give-and-take that often shows him getting befuddled, including real – not scripted – town halls and interviews. (The Hill)

Missing from that strategy is that the Democrats will keep the coronavirus scare up and running straight through Election day, enabling them to maintain the former VP’s “invisibility” while they prepare for a total vote-by-mail election.

Proof of that comes from Obama stalwart Susan Rice:

Rice: Pandemic an ‘Opportunity’ to Make Sure Every American Has ‘Access’ to the Ballot by Mail (Breitbart)

Pray, brothers and sisters, pray that the vulture called Hillary Clinton doesn’t land kerplunk into the 2020 presidential election race.

Enough already!

Vulture Hillary Ready To Swoop Down On Befuddled Biden
By Judi McLeod
May 1, 2020

p.s. There is plenty of time for the Federal Election Commission to announce ‘Mail-in ballots will not be counted whether or not the country is open for business before election day.’
Coronavirus, the proof that the FBI shafted General Flynn, and Biden’s Assault Accusation story is more than enough big news for television mouths to bury the biggest story since President Nixon resigned. Hillary Clinton and Obama getting caught is a bigger story because she can go to jail, while Obama cannot resign from an office he no longer holds, but he can still be impeached.


Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama at the White House (

Given the choice between telling the truth and lying when the answer is meaningless, Hillary Clinton will always choose the latter.

Obama is a lying sack of shit who never told the truth about anything in his entire life.

Suzy Five Shows gained fame and fortune on the day she decided to lie for the big dogs in Benghazi:

A quick search this morning told me that television mouths did mention the Clinton story in passing. I doubt if it will surface again until she is actually indicted:

Former British spy Christopher Steele testified to a British court he believes both Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice were aware of his research on the bogus anti-Trump "dossier" while it was underway in 2016.

Just the News reported Steele testified in a defamation case brought by three international businessmen from Russia he named in his dossier.

Clinton was the Democratic Party presidential nominee at the time and Rice was President Obama's national security adviser.

Just the News investigative reporter John Solomon said Steele's testimony "makes his most direct link yet between his Russia collusion research and the top of the Clinton campaign and Obama White House."

Steele testified he was hired by Fusion GPS through the law firm retained by the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, to help the Clinton campaign.

According to a transcript, Steele said: "I presumed it was the Clinton campaign, and Glenn Simpson had indicated that. But I was not aware of the technicality of it being the DNC that was actually the client of Perkins Coie."

He said he believed that Hillary Clinton herself was aware of his work.

Solomon reported Steele was confronted with what lawyers said were notes he took at a meeting with the FBI in 2016.

At that meeting, Steele purportedly told agents that Clinton was aware of his research.

The lawyers read from those notes during the court proceedings.

The notes said: "We explained that Glenn Simpson/GPS Fusion was our commissioner but the ultimate client were the leadership of the Clinton presidential campaign and that we understood the candidate herself was aware of the reporting at least, if not us."

Just the News reported messages seeking comment from Hillary Clinton were not returned.

Solomon also reported the debunked claim that Trump had a secret communication channel with the Kremlin through a Russian bank came from a Perkins Coie lawyer.

Christopher Steele: Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice were aware of my Trump probe
By WND Staff
Published April 29, 2020 at 7:33pm

Everything Democrats did to this country since Trump defeated Clinton was about protecting Hillary. Covering up Hillary’s crimes was the reason the FBI savaged General Flynn. Remember that during the campaign Donald Trump told Hillary Clinton she should be in jail. Trump’s accusation made during a debate triggered panic throughout the FBI’s upper echelons.

Incidentally, congressional Democrats did not give the FBI marching orders. Top FBI officials instinctively knew what was expected. Basically, the FBI did what they did on their own authority. On the plus side, congressional Democrats are now forced to defend corrupt FBI officials.

After Trump won the election it became imperative that every mention of Hillary’s Steel Dossier had to be hidden from public scrutiny. It was working like a charm until:

After Powell was hired she immediately got down to the business of demolishing the FBI’s ill-conceived conspiracy. Yesterday’s news was a culmination of Powell’s demolition efforts.

Going after any high profile member of Trump’s team became the FBI’s strategy. General Flynn was tailor made for the frame. That is why the FBI picked him. If the FBI had anything on Vice President Pence he would have been chosen for the gibbet.

Finally, if you believe that vice presidents are immune from Democrat Party hatchet men think Spiro Agnew:

Yo, Flanders...don't fret.

Psychiatry has come a long way...and surely they can help you without putting you into a medically induced coma.

We're all wishing you the best of luck.
Irony here is Hillary was fired from the Nixon impeachment investigation for unprofessional conduct and 30 years later paid for a dirty dossier to frame Trump for Impeachment and got away without punishment both times.

Kind of falls back on Nixon was framed also. Solid pattern of behavior over the last 50 years/ 3 generations behaving the same way from Bernie Sanders to AOC. Seems things aren't genetically repeated but socially managed all the time people are timed apart reproductively present.

Incidentally, I noticed that Susan Rice’s name keeps popping up in articles about the frame:

Suzy Five Shows gained fame and fortune on the day she decided to lie for the big dogs in Benghazi:

Rice is small potatoes compared to Obama and Hillary Clinton. Sacrificial lambs like Rice do the time for the crime is the way justice works in the swamp. If I am correct, I may have to start calling Rice ‘Suzy Five Years.’

Suzy is in more trouble than she ever dreamed possible in her glory days when she was sucking up to the lying sack of shit and Hillary Clinton. Neither one has the clout to protect her now. In fact, the Durham Report may focus on Rice alone.

Irony here is Hillary was fired from the Nixon impeachment investigation for unprofessional conduct and 30 years later paid for a dirty dossier to frame Trump for Impeachment and got away without punishment both times.

Kind of falls back on Nixon was framed also. Solid pattern of behavior over the last 50 years/ 3 generations behaving the same way from Bernie Sanders to AOC. Seems things aren't genetically repeated but socially managed all the time people are timed apart reproductively present.
Hillary was not fired from the Nixon investigation.

Washington Post[FONT=&quot] fact checker Glenn Kessler [/FONT]gives a maximum Four Pinocchios[FONT=&quot] to the claim that Hillary Clinton was fired during the Watergate inquiry, which has gotten a lot of circulation on social media. He makes a detailed case that there is no evidence for such a firing.

Another fact check

Hillary was not fired from the Nixon investigation.

Washington Post[FONT="] fact checker Glenn Kessler [/FONT][/COLOR][URL=""]gives a maximum Four Pinocchios[/URL][FONT="] to the claim that Hillary Clinton was fired during the Watergate inquiry, which has gotten a lot of circulation on social media. He makes a detailed case that there is no evidence for such a firing.

Another fact check


she was given liberty to leave before getting fired. Semantics. Literal truths only go true or false like a rhetorical yes or no syllogistic question leads.
she was given liberty to leave before getting fired. Semantics. Literal truths only go true or false like a rhetorical yes or no syllogistic question leads.
You said she was fired, you misrepresented the facts. She was not fired.
you're such a karen.

I still prefer it be written carin' (instead of Karen) about society, not ancestral life timed apart now occupying space as reproductively centered here proportionately to numbers present.

Just to be fair about people with the name Karen that don't fall into the stereotype caricature given your metaphoric use of the name.
Irony here is Hillary was fired from the Nixon impeachment investigation for unprofessional conduct and 30 years later paid for a dirty dossier to frame Trump for Impeachment and got away without punishment both times.

Kind of falls back on Nixon was framed also. Solid pattern of behavior over the last 50 years/ 3 generations behaving the same way from Bernie Sanders to AOC. Seems things aren't genetically repeated but socially managed all the time people are timed apart reproductively present.

Oh Look! Senility chiming in again! BLAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh Look! Senility chiming in again! BLAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Bell tolls for the intellectual death of reality. All left in plain sight from all the confusion creating ignoring the basics of life limited occupying space as reproductively eternally timed apart now from inception as a species to extinciton of reproductions ever present again.
I still prefer it be written carin' (instead of Karen) about society, not ancestral life timed apart now occupying space as reproductively centered here proportionately to numbers present.

Just to be fair about people with the name Karen that don't fall into the stereotype caricature given your metaphoric use of the name.

she's a karen.
Irony here is Hillary was fired from the Nixon impeachment investigation for unprofessional conduct and 30 years later paid for a dirty dossier to frame Trump for Impeachment and got away without punishment both times.

Kind of falls back on Nixon was framed also. Solid pattern of behavior over the last 50 years/ 3 generations behaving the same way from Bernie Sanders to AOC. Seems things aren't genetically repeated but socially managed all the time people are timed apart reproductively present.

“She paid for a dirty dossier to frame Trump for impeachment,” beautiful, so are the Republicans who earlier hired the exact same people to dig up dirt on Trump also part of this grand conspiracy?
“She paid for a dirty dossier to frame Trump for impeachment,” beautiful, so are the Republicans who earlier hired the exact same people to dig up dirt on Trump also part of this grand conspiracy?

Digging up dirt to "frame" like digging up dirt to "frame" Adolf Hitler.

Either one would be carrying coals to Newcastle.
Bell tolls for the intellectual death of reality. All left in plain sight from all the confusion creating ignoring the basics of life limited occupying space as reproductively eternally timed apart now from inception as a species to extinciton of reproductions ever present again.

Two can play this game!

This paragraph was a waste of time and space. If you had not read this and I had not typed this you and I could’ve done something more productive than reading this mindlessly and carelessly as if you did not have anything else to do in life. Life is so precious because it is short and you are being so careless that you do not realize it until now since this void paragraph mentions that you are doing something so mindless, so stupid, so careless that you realize that you are not using your time wisely. You could’ve been playing with your dog, or eating your cat, but no. You want to read this barren paragraph and expect something marvelous and terrific at the end. But since you still do not realize that you are wasting precious time, you still continue to read the null paragraph. If you had not noticed, you have wasted an estimated time of 20 seconds. Imagine what you could’ve done with those 20 seconds besides reading this non-productive paragraph. Imagine the things you could’ve accomplished. Imagine the possibilities. But time is irreversible and you still do not realize this. Somehow you have managed still to waste around now 35 seconds reading this stupid, excessive, and long paragraph with your irreversible time. If you haven’t realized that, then you have not yet read the whole paragraph. Even if you did, you still refuse to stop reading this essay. After around 45 seconds, you are still reading this mindlessly and carelessly with your precious and non-reversible time. If you remembered from the first sentence of this disgustingly long paragraph, you would remember that this paragraph was a waste of time and space, imagine if I had not typed this paragraph and you had not read it. Imagine all the things you could’ve done, the things that made you, you. But no, you are still reading this paragraph and it has been around 60 seconds, which is a whole full minute. A minute! Yet you still have the urge and motivation to read this pointless and long essay. Now you have nearly reached the end, you ponder, why am I reading this? Why is the writer making a paragraph so long that I have the urge and motivation to finish this pointless paragraph to prove him that reading is what makes me, me. Then you realize, you have wasted now around a minute and 10 seconds. If you had not make the idiotic decision of continuing to read this paragraph, use that mind of yours to think what you could’ve done throughout your whole irreversible time. You could’ve finished your homework, play with your cat, eat your seal, or you could’ve discovered who made the fire hydrant, if you did not get the reference, you could’ve went and learned something and post it on reddit in the subreddit “Today I learned”, but you still have the urge to read this insanely long paragraph, pondering how I typed this without rest. Then you read this text and see that text over there. Why am I still reading this? How does this paragraph know what I’m thinking? What did I eat last April the 17th? Then you come to the conclusion that you know that this useless and insanely long paragraph would tell you. And you are right, but I did not write this and you have wasted now around 2 minutes. A full 2 minutes. Now, use that intelligence that you have, assuming that your IQ is above 60 and you are literate. Now that you have made it this far, you wonder if you learned anything, but no, you did not get the reference about the fire hydrant and refused to look it up, then you make the decision of reading this long essay with your irreversible time. Since you have made it this far on your long journey, you try have the urge to stop reading. But I bet you cannot finish this paragraph for which you are lazy and want to continue on with your life, but you keep on reading this long, wasteful, barren, and non-productive essay that will not benefit you in any way than making you lose your irreversible and precious time, but that is not even a benefit. Soon you realize that it has been now 3 minutes. A full 3 minutes, now you use your intelligence with an IQ above 70 and ponder about the things you could’ve done, the assignments you could’ve done, the dogs and cats you could’ve eaten. But you continue reading this now nearly 2 paged paragraph. Then you wonder how this is even a paragraph. How am did I make it this far? Do I get a certificate? Why am I reading this pointless and barren paragraph? How does this essay know what I’m thinking about? Then finally, you feel relaxed and accomplished because the essay said finally to make you hyped up that you accomplished reading a nearly 2 paged essay then the paragraph creates a plot twist; You’re no where near the ending. Your insides wince a little while you’re reading this endless paragraph. Wondering if this will ever end. Then you start getting nervous that it’s almost time for bed, then you wonder what you ate for breakfast on June the 9th. How does this paragraph know what you’re thinking about you think? Because when you’re reading a paragraph inside your head, the words are projected into your brain with the IQ above 90 and then the thought process go through your internal organs and through yours eyes and you wonder if this is actually true but it’s really not because all it is non-sense. Then you look at your watch, if you had one, and realize that it’s been a near 4 minutes. 4 minutes, if you expect this paragraph to say the old and customary saying after you’ve discovered how long it’s been, then you’re wrong. This time, the paragraph is going to criticize you why you’re still reading this essay with your irreversible and precious time. Why are you still reading this you ask? Because you are so headstrong and careless, yet you have the urge and motivation to continue reading this essay that it feels like an eternity. If you have made it this far, then it is mind boggling on what you could’ve done with your near 5 minutes. Imagine the things you could’ve eaten ; sushi, sharks, dogs, snakes, cats, fish, humans, dogs, dogs, and many more wonders of this world. Then when you are reading this, you realize that there is no long a wall of text, you realize that you think you’ve made it to the ending and I congratulate you on your epic journey across the wall of text. Yet you have not yet realized, that you wasted a full 5 minutes on this paragraph that feels endless yet it has been ceased.
“She paid for a dirty dossier to frame Trump for impeachment,” beautiful, so are the Republicans who earlier hired the exact same people to dig up dirt on Trump also part of this grand conspiracy?

Gee, that was obvious since the 2016 primary season. I still never liked Trump because he is a dishonest sob. However, his behavior has more to do with correcting corruption than all other establishment mentalities combined against him regardless political franchise globally working against him.

Like I said, Trump is working with ruling elites in this global soap opera. This is staged semantics on parade. Its all about controlling outcomes of ancestral progression now with lifetimes never the same compounding results as arrived so far.

In instinctive navigating practice, that means life doesn't kinetically exceed now. You and Trump play the game of arguing potential differences of opinions that end up getting people to take sides in self anointed stereotype behavior honoring code speak interpretations origins of life is beyond speculation and physicaly in plain sight.

It is why nobody can intellectually disprove a negative like now is eternity and nobody accepts it.
All three major points are firmly in the Dems hands by the polls.

The president mishandled the response to the virus; Flynn is a confessed felon; and Biden assaulted no one (unlike Trump).
Two can play this game!

This paragraph was a waste of time and space. If you had not read this and I had not typed this you and I could’ve done something more productive than reading this mindlessly and carelessly as if you did not have anything else to do in life. Life is so precious because it is short and you are being so careless that you do not realize it until now since this void paragraph mentions that you are doing something so mindless, so stupid, so careless that you realize that you are not using your time wisely.

You could’ve been playing with your dog, or eating your cat, but no. You want to read this barren paragraph and expect something marvelous and terrific at the end. But since you still do not realize that you are wasting precious time, you still continue to read the null paragraph. If you had not noticed, you have wasted an estimated time of 20 seconds. Imagine what you could’ve done with those 20 seconds besides reading this non-productive paragraph. Imagine the things you could’ve accomplished. Imagine the possibilities. But time is irreversible and you still do not realize this. Somehow you have managed still to waste around now 35 seconds reading this stupid, excessive, and long paragraph with your irreversible time. If you haven’t realized that, then you have not yet read the whole paragraph. Even if you did, you still refuse to stop reading this essay.

After around 45 seconds, you are still reading this mindlessly and carelessly with your precious and non-reversible time. If you remembered from the first sentence of this disgustingly long paragraph, you would remember that this paragraph was a waste of time and space, imagine if I had not typed this paragraph and you had not read it. Imagine all the things you could’ve done, the things that made you, you. But no, you are still reading this paragraph and it has been around 60 seconds, which is a whole full minute. A minute! Yet you still have the urge and motivation to read this pointless and long essay. Now you have nearly reached the end, you ponder, why am I reading this? Why is the writer making a paragraph so long that I have the urge and motivation to finish this pointless paragraph to prove him that reading is what makes me, me. Then you realize, you have wasted now around a minute and 10 seconds. If you had not make the idiotic decision of continuing to read this paragraph, use that mind of yours to think what you could’ve done throughout your whole irreversible time.

You could’ve finished your homework, play with your cat, eat your seal, or you could’ve discovered who made the fire hydrant, if you did not get the reference, you could’ve went and learned something and post it on reddit in the subreddit “Today I learned”, but you still have the urge to read this insanely long paragraph, pondering how I typed this without rest. Then you read this text and see that text over there. Why am I still reading this? How does this paragraph know what I’m thinking? What did I eat last April the 17th? Then you come to the conclusion that you know that this useless and insanely long paragraph would tell you. And you are right, but I did not write this and you have wasted now around 2 minutes. A full 2 minutes. Now, use that intelligence that you have, assuming that your IQ is above 60 and you are literate. Now that you have made it this far, you wonder if you learned anything, but no, you did not get the reference about the fire hydrant and refused to look it up, then you make the decision of reading this long essay with your irreversible time. Since you have made it this far on your long journey, you try have the urge to stop reading. But I bet you cannot finish this paragraph for which you are lazy and want to continue on with your life, but you keep on reading this long, wasteful, barren, and non-productive essay that will not benefit you in any way than making you lose your irreversible and precious time, but that is not even a benefit. Soon you realize that it has been now 3 minutes. A full 3 minutes, now you use your intelligence with an IQ above 70 and ponder about the things you could’ve done, the assignments you could’ve done, the dogs and cats you could’ve eaten. But you continue reading this now nearly 2 paged paragraph. Then you wonder how this is even a paragraph.

How am did I make it this far? Do I get a certificate? Why am I reading this pointless and barren paragraph? How does this essay know what I’m thinking about? Then finally, you feel relaxed and accomplished because the essay said finally to make you hyped up that you accomplished reading a nearly 2 paged essay then the paragraph creates a plot twist; You’re no where near the ending. Your insides wince a little while you’re reading this endless paragraph. Wondering if this will ever end. Then you start getting nervous that it’s almost time for bed, then you wonder what you ate for breakfast on June the 9th. How does this paragraph know what you’re thinking about you think? Because when you’re reading a paragraph inside your head, the words are projected into your brain with the IQ above 90 and then the thought process go through your internal organs and through yours eyes and you wonder if this is actually true but it’s really not because all it is non-sense.

Then you look at your watch, if you had one, and realize that it’s been a near 4 minutes. 4 minutes, if you expect this paragraph to say the old and customary saying after you’ve discovered how long it’s been, then you’re wrong. This time, the paragraph is going to criticize you why you’re still reading this essay with your irreversible and precious time. Why are you still reading this you ask? Because you are so headstrong and careless, yet you have the urge and motivation to continue reading this essay that it feels like an eternity. If you have made it this far, then it is mind boggling on what you could’ve done with your near 5 minutes. Imagine the things you could’ve eaten ; sushi, sharks, dogs, snakes, cats, fish, humans, dogs, dogs, and many more wonders of this world. Then when you are reading this, you realize that there is no long a wall of text, you realize that you think you’ve made it to the ending and I congratulate you on your epic journey across the wall of text. Yet you have not yet realized, that you wasted a full 5 minutes on this paragraph that feels endless yet it has been ceased.

so you won't accept natural timed apart position of centered to occupying space in reproductive form never the same details twice since conceived to posting the last response. You will not believe your fertilized cell evolved into your brain a body developed around until born able to navigate living as one of a kind timed apart here.

You rather blindly obey ideas that never match the timing of things changing constantly now with each person occupying space specifically here doing exactly as trained to perform cradle to grave because not to obey is putting oneself at risk of being kicked out of societal evolution controlling human behavior cradle to grave where instinctive honesty isn't tolerated anywhere any generations added from now on.