Threedee Quote "religion is necessary to the success of society"

BAC I surely do pray you are not a College Professor... just more of your ...:foil: comments...right and King James flew the first jet into the towers...okay professor ya are on a role...

Not a professor sir, but clarity does indeed come with study.

Tell me you're not a christian .. because I'm pretty sure I know more christian history than you do and I'm not christian. I say that because it doesn't appear you know the history of King James who also beheaded his mother, commissioned 2 non-christians, Shakesphere and Bacon, to rewrite the bible and replaced the word "slave" with nebulous terms like "handmadien" and "bondsman."

Prior to the "King James Version" the word slave appeared 176 timesincluding in the 10 Commandments. His version only has it twice.

If you don't know this history please don't hate me because I do.
The Bible is immoral itself. Killing kids for calling a guy 'bald-head', wiping out entire cities and condoning that the invaders take the virgin women as their own, condoning slavery... yeah, go ahead, follow that document then have the nerve to say it's what makes people moral and I'll show you how you're a dumbass.
yes the Joos had orders from God to kill all who did not flee before them when they took over the "Promised Land". which btw they had voluntarailly abandoned many years before.

real nice morals.