Thwack-A-Fucktard-Pinhead with Dixie!

LOL.... I just noticed Waterhead made a tribute thread to me. It was nice of him to think of me, hmm.. maybe he missed me the past few days... who knows?

Anyway, I decided to post this thread to explain my little game. It's kind of like putting ants under a magnifying glass in the sun, but with less risk and strategy. Each day, for no particular reason, possibly boredom, I come here and click on these things they call links, and it takes me to threads and I read the posts. It usually doesn't take me long to find the Fucktard Pinhead, and I promptly thwack them with arguments they can't refute. They don't like it, and unlike the ants who just curl up into a little crispy, the Fucktard Pinhead retaliates with cute little sophomoric retorts and attacks on my character.

These retorts are harmless against my powers....bwahahahahaaaa... I have, like this invisible shield, it protects me from any significant damage. I find this ability to be resilient, frustrates the heck out of the thwacked ones, and they become somewhat obsessed at times. When they become this agitated, I like to really mess with their minds and agree with them on something, or use a point they tried to make to thwack another Fucktard Pinhead. That's a lot of fun. Sometimes it's fun to thwack two pinheads at once, like Mott and Ib1. Beefy was fun to thwack back when he was mbl, but I think he caught on to the game and stopped playing. I don't blame him, it hurts to get thwacked and pwned thoroughly, and when it happens repeatedly, it gets to be downright demoralizing. Especially if you have no invisible shield!

People ask me..... Dixie, why do you do it? ...And that is a good question! I have a Psychology major, so it's interesting to watch how the mind works, especially under stress or in a confounded state. The Art of Argument always came easy for me, and I can just about find an 'opposing' view to anything, because on any controversial issue, there is always two sides, two points of view. That is why these issues have not been resolved...duh!
Yeah, it's like this piece of paper they give you at college, to show you passed all the tests and shit. Us grown ups get them sometimes, you wouldn't know about that yet.

a "major" is not a piece of paper. It is an area of concentration. It is not something you earn. You may have majored in psychology, but what degree did you earn?
a "major" is not a piece of paper. It is an area of concentration. It is not something you earn. You may have majored in psychology, but what degree did you earn?

Yes, the piece of paper says I have a degree in Psychology from The University of Alabama. That's good, since it was my major. I also have a piece of paper for Business Admin, but I don't like to brag.
Yes, the piece of paper says I have a degree in Psychology from The University of Alabama. That's good, since it was my major. I also have a piece of paper for Business Admin, but I don't like to brag.

that's fine. it would seem that you would know that majors are not pieces of paper that colleges hand out... diplomas are.

what degree do you have in psychology? what degree do you have in business administration?
maineman don't be a nitpick -_-
He can't help himself, that fat bastard:
