Thwack-A-Fucktard-Pinhead with Dixie!

Ah, a catch...
Maineman is just demonstrating that he's a Fucktard-Pinhead by reminding me at least six times that I misspelled a word, yet can't admit that he confused "comprehension" with "composition". [ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Because We Can't Talk About It Enough . . . Another Torture Thread[/ame]
Maineman is just demonstrating that he's a Fucktard-Pinhead by reminding me at least six times that I misspelled a word, yet can't admit that he confused "comprehension" with "composition". Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - Because We Can't Talk About It Enough . . . Another Torture Thread

again...I didn't confuse the two. I suggested that in order for you to improve your comprehension, you needed to more fully understand composition, and not rest on your laurels regarding literature...."alter" boy.:pke:

and clearly, spending some time on spelling wouldn't hurt you either.
what a great comment minister of a UCC congregation....perhaps you have personally experienced this and still fantasize about it....

and perhaps you want to pick a fight for no reason?

aren't there ambulances for you to chase?:pke::pke::pke::pke:
He can't help himself, that fat bastard:


How'd you get a picture of zappasguitar?
again...I didn't confuse the two. I suggested that in order for you to improve your comprehension, you needed to more fully understand composition, and not rest on your laurels regarding literature...."alter" boy.:pke:

and clearly, spending some time on spelling wouldn't hurt you either.
This, coming from a guy who can't capitalize the first letter of a sentence, or correctly spell "Maine man". :)
Yes, the piece of paper says I have a degree in Psychology from The University of Alabama. That's good, since it was my major. I also have a piece of paper for Business Admin, but I don't like to brag.

What a waste of money. And some say all we need is a college degree or two.
I know a guy called Topspin who would love to disagree with you. I myself am planning to enter a profession that specifically requires college degrees and employee certification...

I only majored in biology because that's what all the hot chicks were taking. Then they threw that Organic Chemistry shit at us. Fucked me up! Not only that all the hot chicks disappeared too. Aint life a bitch?
I only majored in biology because that's what all the hot chicks were taking. Then they threw that Organic Chemistry shit at us. Fucked me up! Not only that all the hot chicks disappeared too. Aint life a bitch?

LOL I knew three very hot chicks who majored in biology. Of course, you guys have to take so much chemistry that many of the biology students at my college wind up minoring in chemistry (or double majoring). The chemistry students, on the other hand, barely have to take any biology.