Tiana's Emo Poem


JPP Modarater
I refer to myself in the 3rd person
I like that thing called narcisism
See I think I'm so deep
But I'm really just an internet geek
I think my poems are rad...
in reality they are pretty effin sad
its like the mesosphere
kinda but not really clear
My emotardness is like cow dung
this $hit must get flung
I tend to refer to celestial stuff
even when people think, "my god, that's enough"
See I think I'm so deep
But I'm really just an internet geek
Tiana's Ego poem.....
what do you guys think?
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The rhyme and meter were a bit off and there was hardly any mention of celestial globes. Such limited mention of globes tends to make the poem less attractive...
I refer to myself in the 1st person
I like that thing called narcisism
See I think I'm so deep
But I'm really just an internet geek
I think my poems are rad...
in reality they are pretty effin sad
I tend to refer to celestial stuff
even when people think, "my god, that's enough"
See I think I'm so deep
But I'm really just an internet geek
Tiana's Ego poem.....
what do you guys think?

Horrible. Have another doobie. :ILUM::cig:
The rhyme and meter were a bit off and there was hardly any mention of celestial globes. Such limited mention of globes tends to make the poem less attractive...

The meter isn's supposed to be traditional btw. I'm a non conformist when it comes to my poetry.
Yes, and Threedee likes to kick back and watch the poor fools suffer through it. Of course, he would be drinking too... :clink:

Isn't it fun refering to yourself in the 3rd person?

Tiana is having such a fun friday now.
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Threedee thinks this is referring to himself in the 3rd Person. He is pretty sure that is what it is... You can school him if he is wrong.
Threedee thinks this is referring to himself in the 3rd Person. He is pretty sure that is what it is... You can school him if he is wrong.

Threedee is totally correct. Tiana is TOTALLY wrong and meant to say 3rd.