Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
It's merely an old, once common expression.
So was "Get 'im, boyz!"
It's merely an old, once common expression.
The cracker with his feet on Speaker Pelosi's desk would not like to be hanging from his thumbs since he was twenty-five.
It's merely an old, once common expression.
If I ever met you, I'd be a cracker with my steel toed boot in your mouth. I can do that standing up. Plant my foot right into your mouth.
Your teeth may get in the way. I can either do that or kick you right in your chin. Standing up.
Best boots ever! You don't ever want to be seeing my boots, you fucking shitheel!
Did you save that url? I'm about to, because that will not stay up long.
easy, proud boy.
I'm just some cracker from FL, brah. Lemme tell ya: There's black people just like me here, too. Everybody knows that thing was cheated.
The mask will slip sooner or later.
Some people here have never heard of the Wayback Machine.
If I ever met you, I'd be a cracker with my steel toed boot in your mouth. I can do that standing up. Plant my foot right into your mouth.
Your teeth may get in the way. I can either do that or kick you right in your chin. Standing up.
Best boots ever! You don't ever want to be seeing my boots, you fucking shitheel!
Matt, you need to simmer down and seek help for your anger issues.If I ever met you, I'd be a cracker with my steel toed boot in your mouth. I can do that standing up. Plant my foot right into your mouth.
Your teeth may get in the way. I can either do that or kick you right in your chin. Standing up.
Best boots ever! You don't ever want to be seeing my boots, you fucking shitheel!
the wayback machine changes things. winston smith big brother revisionism 1984
Matt, you need to simmer down and seek help for your anger issues.
Can you kick high like that without removing your corset, Miss Kitty?
I personally prefer Italian tasseled loafers to shitkicker boots, by the way...having grown up in civilization.
Still, I suppose you get some credit for not walking about barefooted you ridiculous clown.
thTis iS fuLl dIscLoSuRE!
Matt, you need to simmer down and seek help for your anger issues.
you are what happens since mental hospitals were shut down