Time for a new national pastime?

Is baseball the real national pastime?

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yes. nascar is for fucking retards. football is for dumb jock retards.

baseball is clearly the best game.

it's also the most likely game to catch on internationally. Big markets in central america and asia. Can probably also convert the cricket fans. It's our only chance to take over the worst sport of all ... soccer.
Baseball is for fags, and guy's like waterdork that suck at getting chicks.
They can bring thier dorky score books and pencils.
Paint drying is more exciting than baseball.
Football draws more viewers than basketball, baseball and hockey combined.

Sounds like something you'd hear on a playground. All that's missing is:

I know you are, but what am I?
I'm rubber, you're glue...
na, na, na, na, na...
mommy, he hit me...
Baseball is for fags, and guy's like waterdork that suck at getting chicks.
They can bring thier dorky score books and pencils.
Paint drying is more exciting than baseball.
Football draws more viewers than basketball, baseball and hockey combined.
There isn't an athlete in the NFL who wouldn't drop football for baseball if they had the talent to play the game. Careers are longer, the pay is better and a far lower risk to your health. The NFL may have higher TV ratings but some of us actually like to participate in sports and when you consider that TV ratings for baseball may not be as high as the NFL but are competitive. When you combine those who watch baseball and actually play it at all levels to those who watch and play football at all levels then baseball leaves football in it's dust.
actually, if you think about it. There's only one commonly played team sport that originated in America. All the popular team sports in the US were derived from European sports. Only Lacrosse originated in the US.
The national pastime for roughly thirty years now is 'couch potato in front of TV,' and we have the educational scores to prove it.
Basketball didn't originate in America. It originated in Massachusetts.
