Time for the End of Year Nominations...

I would like to thank all the voters however being sober I cannot accept this award at the moment. Please give me about 12 hours and that will change.

Cawacko, two people have voted for you as "most contributory" I know they can't mean valuable political observations, so...did you guys start a JPP Sperm Bank I don't know about?
Nominate your friends, enemies:

Favorite Poster - Me
Most contributory - Uscitizen
Least controversial - webway
Most controversial - Grind
Member of the Year - Darla
Brainiac of the Year - Thorn
Most likely to win an actual election -Damo
Most annoying - webway

You know, it's kind of funny you guys should mention RS.

I don't want to rub it in his face, but he's the only person here who's actually lost an election.

Adam, on the other hand, is a member of the Republican party in his area, and is probably the only person here with a realistic chance of getting elected.

Point taken, but I'm going to keep my nomination as it is anyway. I have a track record of voting RS for something, and since he rarely posts, there's not much else to put him under except brainiac...

Plus, you enjoy getting bent over daily by me.:)

Must you continually fantacize about the male posters on this board? You know, from the way you treat all of the women (misogynistically) such as Desh, Darla, Kathy, Tiana, et. al. to the way you fantacize about fucking all of the men, its clear that you are a fag. Did you stay home from work yesterday and get plowed by Toppy?
Favorite Poster - Acorn
Most contributory - damocles
Least controversial - Epic
Most controversial - nobody
Member of the Year - me
Brainiac of the Year - if not me, then uscitizen
Most likely to win an actual election - if not me, then asshat zombie.
Most annoying - Ib1yysguy

Least Controversial?

Really? Ouch.
...to the way you fantacize about fucking all of the men, its clear that you are a fag. Did you stay home from work yesterday and get plowed by Toppy?

Jealousy is a bitch, ain't it? Your turns coming around again soon. Don't look so desperate; it almost makes me not want you anymore.
Not easy categorizes. Sort of odd ones actually.

Favorite Poster - TexasMeg
Most contributory – US 44K
Least controversial – Threedee
Most controversial - Darla
Member of the Year - Onceler
Brainiac of the Year – Thorn
Most likely to win an actual election - Adam W
Most annoying – CanadianKid
Posters wanted back – Care4all and Tiana
Not easy categorizes. Sort of odd ones actually.

Favorite Poster - TexasMeg
Most contributory – US 44K
Least controversial – Threedee
Most controversial - Darla
Member of the Year - Onceler
Brainiac of the Year – Thorn
Most likely to win an actual election - Adam W
Most annoying – CanadianKid
Posters wanted back – Care4all and Tiana

There's no way I'm the most controversial. But I do agree that Care and Tiana are the two posters I'd most like back.
There's no way I'm the most controversial. But I do agree that Care and Tiana are the two posters I'd most like back.

Sure you are. Proof in this thread:
[ame="http://justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=16188"]Obama's Speechwriter - Just Plain Politics![/ame]
Not easy categorizes. Sort of odd ones actually.

Favorite Poster - TexasMeg
Most contributory – US 44K
Least controversial – Threedee
Most controversial - Darla
Member of the Year - Onceler
Brainiac of the Year – Thorn
Most likely to win an actual election - Adam W
Most annoying – CanadianKid
Posters wanted back – Care4all and Tiana

Jealousy is a bitch, ain't it? Your turns coming around again soon. Don't look so desperate; it almost makes me not want you anymore.

Thankfully, prison rules don't apply outside of prison. Now stop hitting on me.

Not easy categorizes. Sort of odd ones actually.

Favorite Poster - TexasMeg
Most contributory – US 44K
Least controversial – Threedee
Most controversial - Darla
Member of the Year - Onceler
Brainiac of the Year – Thorn
Most likely to win an actual election - Adam W
Most annoying – CanadianKid
Posters wanted back – Care4all and Tiana
Yay, I'm not controversial!
Hey y'all!

Remember me?

How about a category for "Most missed"?

I might actually get a nomination since I've been so scarce lately. Yeah, well, maybe not.

Hope all is well and Merry Christmas to all.

Hey y'all!

Remember me?

How about a category for "Most missed"?

I might actually get a nomination since I've been so scarce lately. Yeah, well, maybe not.

Hope all is well and Merry Christmas to all.


Hey Immie!