Time magazine's cover of NJ governor raises outcry?!!

It will be a joke on the right if he does run. He's so middle of the road I wont even care (of course at this point, I have no idea who the Dems have to run either).

Christy is NOT middle of the road.

hes right wing

hes right wing

Chris Christie on Abortion
Click here for 9 full quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion. •1996: partial birth procedure is reprehensible. (Jun 2012)
•1994: Donated to Planned Parenthood; opposed public donation. (Jun 2012)
•Pro-choice until seeing daughter pre-natally. (Jun 2012)
•1996: Switched from pro-choice to pro-life. (Jun 2012)
•Eliminate family planning funding from state budget. (Jun 2012)
•I'm pro-life with exceptions; take it or leave it. (Jun 2011)
•Life is precious and should be protected. (Jun 2011)
•"Default pro-choice" until hearing 13-week fetal heartbeat. (Jun 2011)
•Pro-life; the life of every human being is precious. (Jul 2009)

Chris Christie on Tax Reform
Click here for 8 full quotes on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform. •2012: Across-the-board tax cut; 2013: exclude over $400K. (Mar 2013)
•FactCheck: NJ taxes raised 115 times? Only if fees count too. (Aug 2012)
•2009: Single tax rate would raise taxes for low earners. (Jun 2012)
•Reduce all income tax brackets by 10% and restore EITC. (Jan 2012)
•OpEd: Vetoed "Millionaire's Tax" on wealthiest New Jerseyans. (Feb 2011)
•We can and we must lower taxes. (Nov 2009)
•NJ has highest state tax burden & it's getting worse. (Jul 2009)
•Keep property tax rebate program. (May 2009)
Aww, rightie feelings all hurt. :( But they yukked it up for weeks over this magazine cover.

Looks pretty accurate to me.

hes right wing

Chris Christie on Abortion
Click here for 9 full quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion. •1996: partial birth procedure is reprehensible. (Jun 2012)
•1994: Donated to Planned Parenthood; opposed public donation. (Jun 2012)
•Pro-choice until seeing daughter pre-natally. (Jun 2012)
•1996: Switched from pro-choice to pro-life. (Jun 2012)
•Eliminate family planning funding from state budget. (Jun 2012)
•I'm pro-life with exceptions; take it or leave it. (Jun 2011)
•Life is precious and should be protected. (Jun 2011)
•"Default pro-choice" until hearing 13-week fetal heartbeat. (Jun 2011)
•Pro-life; the life of every human being is precious. (Jul 2009)

Chris Christie on Tax Reform
Click here for 8 full quotes on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform. •2012: Across-the-board tax cut; 2013: exclude over $400K. (Mar 2013)
•FactCheck: NJ taxes raised 115 times? Only if fees count too. (Aug 2012)
•2009: Single tax rate would raise taxes for low earners. (Jun 2012)
•Reduce all income tax brackets by 10% and restore EITC. (Jan 2012)
•OpEd: Vetoed "Millionaire's Tax" on wealthiest New Jerseyans. (Feb 2011)
•We can and we must lower taxes. (Nov 2009)
•NJ has highest state tax burden & it's getting worse. (Jul 2009)
•Keep property tax rebate program. (May 2009)

This is great. He's not middle of the road because he said New Jersey has the highest state tax burden (stating a fact according to you) and he doesn't celebrate it? Is that what a middle of the road person would do?

hes right wing

Chris Christie on Abortion
Click here for 9 full quotes on Abortion OR background on Abortion. •1996: partial birth procedure is reprehensible. (Jun 2012)
•1994: Donated to Planned Parenthood; opposed public donation. (Jun 2012)
•Pro-choice until seeing daughter pre-natally. (Jun 2012)
•1996: Switched from pro-choice to pro-life. (Jun 2012)
•Eliminate family planning funding from state budget. (Jun 2012)
•I'm pro-life with exceptions; take it or leave it. (Jun 2011)
•Life is precious and should be protected. (Jun 2011)
•"Default pro-choice" until hearing 13-week fetal heartbeat. (Jun 2011)
•Pro-life; the life of every human being is precious. (Jul 2009)

Chris Christie on Tax Reform
Click here for 8 full quotes on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform. •2012: Across-the-board tax cut; 2013: exclude over $400K. (Mar 2013)
•FactCheck: NJ taxes raised 115 times? Only if fees count too. (Aug 2012)
•2009: Single tax rate would raise taxes for low earners. (Jun 2012)
•Reduce all income tax brackets by 10% and restore EITC. (Jan 2012)
•OpEd: Vetoed "Millionaire's Tax" on wealthiest New Jerseyans. (Feb 2011)
•We can and we must lower taxes. (Nov 2009)
•NJ has highest state tax burden & it's getting worse. (Jul 2009)
•Keep property tax rebate program. (May 2009)

LOL That doesnt remotely prove how 'right wing' he is.

What it proves is how weak he is in his convictions and that as a politician, he goes with whatever direction the political wind blows.

Really....you have no ability to process information objectively at all.
The only reason Chris Chris was 'nice to Obama' is that he needs fed money to rebuild after the hurricane. Other than that Chris Chris will probably run but will never get the nomination from the party, he will be purged by the radicals and the billions the Kochs and Adelson and foreign investors will spend in negative advertising and propaganda.
When was the last time Christie saw his own penis around that belly of his? If a person can't be trusted to take care of their own body, why would you trust them to take care as head of the government?
So pro-life is extreme, pro-choice is middle and there is no liberal position?

If pro-life is the demand that women should never have abortions, then I guess the liberal extreme is that all unintended pregnancies should end in abortion rather than giving birth and keeping the baby, or putting it up for adoption.