Time to Arm our Teachers, let them defend themselves

When idiots finally decide to arm teachers, I'm betting there won't be a school in the country that can afford it's new liability insurance premiums.
When idiots finally decide to arm teachers, I'm betting there won't be a school in the country that can afford it's new liability insurance premiums.

Yes, having an armed response on scene is far stupider than calling and waiting for an armed response.
Gun fight at the kindergarten corral.

Seems a bunch better to me Goober than a massacre at the kindergarten corral because leftist morons in government denied a teacher the right and the means to defend the corral, huh idiot????
When idiots finally decide to arm teachers, I'm betting there won't be a school in the country that can afford it's new liability insurance premiums.

Well of course you'd imagine that if you imagine that only leftist fucking idiots like yourself operate the insurance industry. Otherwise it would be much more logical for insurance companies to charge higher rates for the fucking idiots that refuse to self protect the institution. It would be like the difference in insurance rates for having a fire hydrant on campus or refusing to allow one on the property because it wasn't pretty, huh pea-brain???
The problem with you leftist bastards is you watch too many movies made in Hollywood the bastion of communist fruits and nuts. Thereby y’all develop this absurd imagination of BIG and little guns with legs running all over America unattended shooting up the population and hanging themselves around the necks of knuckle dragging goons in the back woods of redneck land screaming for protection from the government.

Fact is you commie bastards can’t separate your imaginations from fantasy and accept the fact that an ”armed teacher” is not required to wear a tooled gun belt and holster about their waste and on their hip, nor wear a ten gallon hat upon their head. It’s more like ”conceal carry” and for ya goofy commies that translates to out of sight. And the objective is not to shoot up the lunch room at lunch time it’s actually just for the protection of the children and self.

You see morons, in America we recognize that laws of prohibition don’t register well with criminals and the mentally fucked up. We also recognize that waiting for the cops to show up can be hazardous to our health and the health and lives of our children.

Read that vacant vomit over to yourself, kid. The one fact is that you murder vast numbers of people, and civilised people don't. Now, I can see that in your case I am dealing with a primitive backwoodsman who gave his mind and his arse to his masters long since, but other people can see that criminals without guns can't murder many people, so they get rid of guns, whereas you nutters buy more and more, which get stolen while you sleep it off in the gutter up Shit Creek. You do not love your children if you provide the means to let them be shot, you bloody fool!
Well of course you'd imagine that if you imagine that only leftist fucking idiots like yourself operate the insurance industry. Otherwise it would be much more logical for insurance companies to charge higher rates for the fucking idiots that refuse to self protect the institution. It would be like the difference in insurance rates for having a fire hydrant on campus or refusing to allow one on the property because it wasn't pretty, huh pea-brain???

how dumb and brain washed are you?

Read that vacant vomit over to yourself, kid. The one fact is that you murder vast numbers of people, and civilised people don't.

Your memory of so-called “civilized people” seems lost among your fucking absurd commie ideology. How fucking many folks have y’all commies murdered in your so-called “civilized” societies in places like China, the Soviet Union, North Korea and Cuba?

Now, I can see that in your case I am dealing with a primitive backwoodsman who gave his mind and his arse to his masters long since,

For your information Commie, my master is ME! My mind is promoting of the “Bill Of Rights” and my ass moons every authoritarian politician and fucking commie bastards like you.

but other people can see that criminals without guns can't murder many people, so they get rid of guns, whereas you nutters buy more and more, which get stolen while you sleep it off in the gutter up Shit Creek. You do not love your children if you provide the means to let them be shot, you bloody fool!

Well Goober Commie, if it weren’t for our most aggressive and violent fucking Drug War our idiot government has instituted for our criminals and terrorist to profit tax free by, America would have no higher gun crime rate than any other western world country. Furthermore it’s statistical fact that MORE armed citizens equals less violent crime. It’s also a statistical fact that Switzerland has a government mandate that mandates that every adult male own a rifle and a pistol and ammunition for both, which the Swiss government provides them, yet Switzerland has one of the lowest gun crime rates on the globe that y’all fucking lefties and commies cannot explain.

Here’s a clue for ya moron, ”guns don’t kill, people kill.”
Seems a bunch better to me Goober than a massacre at the kindergarten corral because leftist morons in government denied a teacher the right and the means to defend the corral, huh idiot????
Hey rednecks give kids guns at a young age!
How else would gun manufacturers keep he murder rate up without you toothless morons.
Your memory of so-called “civilized people” seems lost among your fucking absurd commie ideology. How fucking many folks have y’all commies murdered in your so-called “civilized” societies in places like China, the Soviet Union, North Korea and Cuba?
I don't know - capitalist countries like yours, every one. The difficulty is that you are not allowed to read or think. It stands in your way. Do working people control those countries, child? Don't be sillier that your God made you.

For your information Commie, my master is ME! My mind is promoting of the “Bill Of Rights” and my ass moons every authoritarian politician and fucking commie bastards like you.]

Your master, you brainwashed arse, is whichever piss-artist last told you what to think. As you know really. When did you last have an idea, you abusive fool?

Well Goober Commie, if it weren’t for our most aggressive and violent fucking Drug War our idiot government has instituted for our criminals and terrorist to profit tax free by, America would have no higher gun crime rate than any other western world country. Furthermore it’s statistical fact that MORE armed citizens equals less violent crime. It’s also a statistical fact that Switzerland has a government mandate that mandates that every adult male own a rifle and a pistol and ammunition for both, which the Swiss government provides them, yet Switzerland has one of the lowest gun crime rates on the globe that y’all fucking lefties and commies cannot explain.

Here’s a clue for ya moron, ”guns don’t kill, people kill.”

You clowns, as you know, kill people (more than any country with pretensions to civilization) to help the gunmerchants sell guns, as you lick their arses. I can see that, in your condition, it is easier to curse and swear than to think, since they seem to have cut out the relevant bits, but to anyone in his right mind it is obvious that you are killing vast numbers of people just because you are such yellow-bellied cowards you can't even begin to run a country decently. You kill VAST numbers of people, you ignorant brain washed fool!
Well of course you'd imagine that if you imagine that only leftist fucking idiots like yourself operate the insurance industry. Otherwise it would be much more logical for insurance companies to charge higher rates for the fucking idiots that refuse to self protect the institution. It would be like the difference in insurance rates for having a fire hydrant on campus or refusing to allow one on the property because it wasn't pretty, huh pea-brain???
Actually, I'm not 'imagining' anything. Although, in your fantasy world, your comment above would be considered valid?


Kansas passed its school-gun law in April, and it took effect there just last week. Already, EMC Insurance Companies, the liability insurance provider for roughly 90 percent of Kansas school districts, “has sent a letter to its agents saying that schools permitting employees to carry concealed handguns would be declined coverage.”
only moron lefties would beg for more teachers in schools while at the same time fearing that those teachers would be mentally unstable and shoot up the very schools their kids are in, yet demand that all kids go to public schools anyway.
only moron lefties would beg for more teachers in schools while at the same time fearing that those teachers would be mentally unstable and shoot up the very schools their kids are in, yet demand that all kids go to public schools anyway.

How many Democrat politicians send their kids to private schools?

How many public school teachers do the same?