Time to impeach Obama

He has allowed politics to prevent the funding of our government and is risking the full faith and credit of the United States of America.

Do yourself a favor and lean how our government works.
Congress passes a budget, not our President.
The House is controlled by the GOP; therefore, they are holding up a clean CR because they want to defund the ACA.
Do yourself a favor and lean how our government works.
Congress passes a budget, not our President.
The House is controlled by the GOP; therefore, they are holding up a clean CR because they want to defund the ACA.

The roof. The roof. The roof is on fire. We don't need no water burn the motha fucka down

Burn mutha fucka burn
Do yourself a favor and lean how our government works. Congress passes a budget, not our President.
The House is controlled by the GOP; therefore, they are holding up a clean CR because they want to defund the ACA.

The House has passed several spending bills, blocked by the Democrat-controlled Senate and threatened with veto by the Democrat president, who refuses to negotiate with the elected representatives of the American people.

In fact, this Democrat president didn't get a budget passed when he had a filibuster-proof Congress, did he?

The House is within its' rights under the constitution and the majority are acting in accordance with the will of most Americans, as far as I can tell.

Let me know next time you need a lesson in how the government works.
The House has passed several spending bills, blocked by the Democrat-controlled Senate and threatened with veto by the Democrat president, who refuses to negotiate with the elected representatives of the American people.

In fact, this Democrat president didn't get a budget passed when he had a filibuster-proof Congress, did he?

The House is within its' rights under the constitution and the majority are acting in accordance with the will of most Americans, as far as I can tell.

Let me know next time you need a lesson in how the government works.

The dumb twat meant to say that the House needs to pass a budget the negra likes