Time to [point out this countries enemy's

I couldn’t believe the number of Jesus flags and Christian flags waving from this group that tried to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator , at the riotous attack a our capital. So I did a little research ,I looked around and found out what evangelical ministers were preaching from the pulpit all over this country. They own what happened , they made it happen. Get this straight it means absolutely nothing what Christian organization , politician or your neighbor say after this insurrection and traitorous attack on our democracy. It only matters what they said before hand that caused this to happen. No bailouts they made this, they own this. I see any Christian organization, politician or Neighbor that supported Trump to be a threat to this country and should be treated as such.

Start at the top:

Interesting to see if you try an anti-democratic insurrection. In my opinion you'd be shot down like the mad do you are.

You have no idea how to shoot, faggot. Kindly do fuck off.
When you can shoot a rabbit at a full run after being spooked right in the head 90% of the time, then we can talk.
The meat is still more gamey than if if they were not spooked.
As for your pussy leftist shill ass? Fuck you, you anti American piece of shit, k?
You have no idea how to shoot, faggot. Kindly do fuck off.
When you can shoot a rabbit at a full run after being spooked right in the head 90% of the time, then we can talk.
The meat is still more gamey than if if they were not spooked.
As for your pussy leftist shill ass? Fuck you, you anti American piece of shit, k?

hillbilly rube
hillbilly rube

You couldn't hit a target @ 75 yards to save your soul, jewnigger.
You're just mad you can't get into a rent-controlled building.
Meanwhile, my people OWN rent-controlled buildings.
My people have been in America for a long time, dude.
The people that raised me owned a single-family dwelling in Long Island in 1946.
A small house..there's probably a skyscraper there now.
My cousin is probably the one that owns things up there these days. I'm OK with what I have.
He does good with what he does.
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Not always. That is Trump speak taking over. We never had a president bust laws like trump and his followers.[/QUO
You couldn't even hold on to seats this election so why do you think you will in the midterm?

That is beyond wishful thinking.

fact is, I have given little time to thinking about 22. We have not ended 20 yet. However, if Biden straightens Tump's messes he will gain lots of seats. Actually dealing with Corona and providing the vaccines that were too tough for Trump to handle will boost him bigly. And ,of course Clinton and Bush both gained seats in their off years.
You have no idea how to shoot, faggot. Kindly do fuck off.
When you can shoot a rabbit at a full run after being spooked right in the head 90% of the time, then we can talk.
The meat is still more gamey than if if they were not spooked.
As for your pussy leftist shill ass? Fuck you, you anti American piece of shit, k?

I improved my shooting in the RAF, having spent my adolescence shooting rabbits. Since I can afford decent food, I gave up all that childish shit shit when I got my civy clothing. Who gives a bugger about your silly bang-bangs - you don't know where anywhere is, and undisciplined peasants can easily be wiped out by organised troops. Do try very hard to grow up. even out there in the sticks, there's a good child! :)
I improved my shooting in the RAF, having spent my adolescence shooting rabbits. Since I can afford decent food, I gave up all that childish shit shit when I got my civy clothing. Who gives a bugger about your silly bang-bangs - you don't know where anywhere is, and undisciplined peasants can easily be wiped out by organised troops. Do try very hard to grow up. even out there in the sticks, there's a good child! :)

You do realize America kicked the British's ass out of the country with guerrilla warfare, no?

I am a citizen and not a subject of some queen.
"Undisciplined peasants" kicked the U.K. right the fuck out of America, you indoctrinated simp.
Somewhere along the line, what you have been taught is slanted/lies.
Not too many RAF fire rifles as a daily task.
Also, you're not allowed to own guns, you peasant..LOL!
So don't tell me you were shooting guns when you were a kid, because even adults aren't allowed to have them there, boy.
Maybe if you're somewhat nobility you can has a shotgun for trap shooting..LOL!
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You do realize America kicked the British's ass out of the country with guerrilla warfare, no?

I am a citizen and not a subject of some queen.
"Undisciplined peasants" kicked the U.K. right the fuck out of America, you indoctrinated simp.
Somewhere along the line, what you have been taught is slanted/lies.
Not too many RAF fire rifles as a daily task.
Also, you're not allowed to own guns, you peasant..LOL!
So don't tell me you were shooting guns when you were a kid, because even adults aren't allowed to have them there, boy.
Maybe if you're somewhat nobility you can has a shotgun for trap shooting..LOL!

No - by treasonable games with the French autocracy, to dodge their taxes, before the large-scale ethnic cleansing you then went in for, as you know (and if you don't, ask a Canadian). Your nutty obsessions with your bang-bangs is evidence of your very, very deep sense of inferiority, which leads you to kill, kill, kill. Like most sensible people I haven't the least desire to own even a shotgun, obviously - we had an experience of the sort of nutter you are killing children, so we moved to cut ot such insanity, tho' I can own a gun if there is some good reason, which there seldom is, this being a civilized country. I strongly suggest you get your head out of your own arse and use it for thinking: you'll find the smell a great deal better out here! :)
Very true, I'll point out Nazi germany and the church support they recieved. Exactly the same as this .

If the claims about those on the right being nazis was 1/1,000,000th true, you would have disappeared a long time ago.
No - by treasonable games with the French autocracy, to dodge their taxes, before the large-scale ethnic cleansing you then went in for, as you know (and if you don't, ask a Canadian). Your nutty obsessions with your bang-bangs is evidence of your very, very deep sense of inferiority, which leads you to kill, kill, kill. Like most sensible people I haven't the least desire to own even a shotgun, obviously - we had an experience of the sort of nutter you are killing children, so we moved to cut ot such insanity, tho' I can own a gun if there is some good reason, which there seldom is, this being a civilized country. I strongly suggest you get your head out of your own arse and use it for thinking: you'll find the smell a great deal better out here! :)

lol. it's an understanding of totalitarianism that buttresses the 2nd amendment. doy.