Time to Revisit the Legalized Murder Travesty

Just curious, have you yourself ever varied a rape baby to term? Just wondering how you can speak for every woman when you say the emotional and societal stress "are but temporary and very recoverable".
Just curious, have you yourself ever varied a rape baby to term? Just wondering how you can speak for every woman when you say the emotional and societal stress "are but temporary and very recoverable".
once you get past the lie that the child isn't human and isn't alive, do you think it is any less stressful to kill your children?........have you ever killed one?.....
it's a shame the sacrifice is necessary but I can live with letting you kill the children in those cases if you're willing to not kill them in the other 95% of abortions.......

Babies are still babies ain't they Aunt Nancy? Who made you God and ordained you to decide which one's get to live and which ones get to die?
once you get past the lie that the child isn't human and isn't alive, do you think it is any less stressful to kill your children?........have you ever killed one?.....

Easy for you to say Nancy, you never had to face the choice some women have to make, huh? OH! I forgot that makes you an authority on the female stress factor, huh?
Just curious, have you yourself ever varied a rape baby to term? Just wondering how you can speak for every woman when you say the emotional and societal stress "are but temporary and very recoverable".

First. Let's answer your question with a question. Have you ever been in the womb? Of course you have or you would not be asking such lame ass questions as suggesting that a male can experience pregnancy and child birth. But....Have you ever had your head placed into a vise until it explodes and then have your body dismembered in order to dispose of it with more efficiency? Like a child subject to abortion on demand? You enjoy EMOTION instead of reason or logic...chew on that question for a while.

Indeed....STRESS is a viable reason for killing a child. When ever your boss stresses you out...just kill'em. Its a terrible, terrible thing when a female must endure the social more' of carrying a child when the child is "accidentally" conceived. Let's just kill all people who have been victimized by an accident or stress. What a LAME ASS argument....its not like stress is comparable to having your head placed into a vise and squeezed until your skull explodes and then having your body dismembered a piece at a time so it will fit through a magical door that defines life.

Its amazing at the extinct that people will go in the attempt to rationalize away the guilt that comes from killing a baby with "premeditation" all because of some kind of social embarrassment. Me? I pick door number 1, I'd much rather be subject to embarrassment than executed with no due process of at least filing charges for some imagined crime other than stress and social embarrassment.

First they must convince themselves that the Baby is NOT ALIVE....its a thing, as FETUS rolls off the tongue much easier than CHILD or BABY, this in spite of all the scientific evidence that proves that human life exists from conception on as its simply a growing human life that consumes energy from the time the first cell is created with all the inherent DNA MARKINGS of an unique human individual unlike any other human that has ever lived upon the face of the earth.

The tree huggers would label such a life "ENDANGERED" if it were but an animal instead of a human life. No? Don't believe that factual statement? Just look at the acts of legislation brought about by LIBERALS during the same period they were declaring that Human life was not worthy of having any rights while in the womb in the early 1970s.

Ever hear of the endangered species act of 1973 US CODE 1531? It clearly states with no ambiguity whatsoever that if the UNBORN offspring are killed while in a state of gestation (in the egg for the lay person) with premeditation the perpetrator will be subject to fine and or imprisonment or both...if that animal is on the endangered species list.

Strange is it not....some argue that humanity is not representative of the human species until it breeches the magical female vagina. But....animal life is representative of that species while in an UNBORN STATE. Strange indeed. How are such laws and decisions justifiable by LOGIC and REASON? THEY ARE NOT...its simply a declarative example of how LIBERALS THINK....with emotion rather than with reasoned thought or logic.

Its to bad LIBERALS can't rationalize HUMAN RIGHTS the way they can ANIMAL RIGHTS. Just what do you call a living creature that is totally unique to all others living creatures on earth and someone KILLS that living creature before it has a chance to live in a completely gestated state....if NOT ENDANGERED? The only thing endangered in this nation clearly are our CHILDREN....because animals are to well thought of by liberals.

I say evil is as evil does. Again...anyone that supports abortion on demand for any reason is just as evil as the mother who would willingly KILL THEIR CHILD to avoid the responsibility that comes with mature sexual relationships. A child does not know nor care if he/she was conceived accidentally, enjoyably, or criminally....it just knows that it wants to live and will do anything it can to maintain that gift called life.:palm:
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A child does not know nor care if he/she was conceived accidentally, enjoyably, or criminally....it just knows that it wants to live and will do anything it can to maintain that gift called life.

How do you know what a child in the womb cares or knows? You'll post credible scientific evidence, right?
Pro-life people have to be the biggest hypocrites on the planet, maybe the universe. These are the same people who voted for an illegal war in Iraq, vote for republicans who have tried to destroy child supports, never mention the child who dies every fifteen seconds of preventable causes. It is so easy to pretend you are life loving when all you do is moralize. Conservatives truly love government regulation when it supports their hypocrisy.


"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

"The GOP's abortion stance reveals a glaring inconsistency in its approach to government intervention and regulation"

How do you know what a child in the womb cares or knows? You'll post credible scientific evidence, right?

:) Clearly about as much as you know about euthanizing a perfectly healthy gestating human child. Yep....that's sticking up for HUMAN RIGHTS. What's the point in this circular arguing? I can't help you rationalize the human secular practice of social eugenics for the sole purpose of hiding from responsibility and some false sense of societal shame. Again this is simply an objective lesson in the liberal practice of protecting 'humanity'....its more than hypocritical, its nothing short of FASCIST EVIL.

FYI: Why don't you present an example of any biological life that will not struggle for its life when threatened with death? Just one example. There are examples that demonstrate TRUTH....if someone placed your head into a vise and began squeezing....I'd even say that YOU would struggle for your life's essence. Maybe. :)
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Pro-life people have to be the biggest hypocrites on the planet, maybe the universe. These are the same people who voted for an illegal war in Iraq, vote for republicans who have tried to destroy child supports, never mention the child who dies every fifteen seconds of preventable causes. It is so easy to pretend you are life loving when all you do is moralize. Conservatives truly love government regulation when it supports their hypocrisy.


"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

"The GOP's abortion stance reveals a glaring inconsistency in its approach to government intervention and regulation"


This is typical of those who can't use objective evidences to defend their possession. They present..........

Straw arguments based upon ad hominem ignorance and hate. Yep...the left sure is representative in protecting HUMANITY. They demand the right to kill their children (as a matter of personal privacy) and the right to hate their neighbors because of some political discourse. Par for the course. Clearly you don't comprehend or you are in a typical liberal fashion feigning total ignorance in relation to "DUE PROCESS" or "Justifiable self defense"...there is a huge difference in the taking of an innocent human life (as there is nothing more innocent than a child) with premeditation and the act of killing in the name of justice after DUE PROCESS has been served or engaging in self defense in a war.

FYI: Correct me if I am wrong. The War in the Middle East was authorized by Congress (House Resolution 114 (107th), with some 29 DEMOCRAT SENATORS voting to authorize such....among them Hillary.

Why don't you show us the HOUSE RESOLUTION that authorized Obama and Hillary to use our US MILITARY and TREASURY in support of a (wink, wink) ARAB SPRING? How about Syria? Libya? Or....the use of DRONES to kill US CITIZENS void of any kind of due process as required by constitutional law? Waiting?

What does this prove. If you want to see HYPOCRISY...simply look in the mirror. :)
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Just curious, have you yourself ever varied a rape baby to term? Just wondering how you can speak for every woman when you say the emotional and societal stress "are but temporary and very recoverable".
Only a complete pervert degenerate asshole would say something like that, and you're an asshat for even suggesting it.

What we're talking about is murder, or legalized murder in this case. The victim's trauma is a separate issue, as now we're dealing with an unborn child.
:) Clearly about as much as you know about euthanizing a perfectly healthy gestating human child. Yep....that's sticking up for HUMAN RIGHTS. What's the point in this circular arguing? I can't help you rationalize the human secular practice of social eugenics for the sole purpose of hiding from responsibility and some false sense of societal shame. Again this is simply an objective lesson in the liberal practice of protecting 'humanity'....its more than hypocritical, its nothing short of FASCIST EVIL.

FYI: Why don't you present an example of any biological life that will not struggle for its life when threatened with death? Just one example. There are examples that demonstrate TRUTH....if someone placed your head into a vise and began squeezing....I'd even say that YOU would struggle for your life's essence. Maybe. :)

Just as I thought, you know squat about what a child in the womb thinks or wants. You are mostly a bullshitter. You yammer on with boring doses of endless bullshit attempting to make yourself look smart, and all you show is you like to act like a fucking genius when in reality you can't back up anything you say.

Make a case, if you can in opposition to a woman's right to be secure in her person from the likes of BIG government mostly staffed with males. Make a case if you can opposed to rights, privileges and immunities being guaranteed by the Constitution only to The Born. Make a case if you can promoting punishments for abortions that can be enforced to guarantee equal protection of the law for both the male and female responsible for the pregnancy that motivated the abortion. Make a case if you can that government can prohibit abortion without a constitutional amendment.
What we're talking about is murder, or legalized murder in this case. The victim's trauma is a separate issue, as now we're dealing with an unborn child.

What do you suggest be done about it besides your first amendment right to bitch about it?