Time Warner Sucks!

I kept losing cable and internet for about 90 minutes everyday around 1 pm, 3 hours if it rained. for a year I kept calling TW to get them to fix it, but I guess since I was the only one complaining about it, they didn't need to worry about it. So I had directtv installed yesterday and i'm a happy camper.
I'm thinking of finding an alternative source for broad band cable then subsrcibing to Hulu plus. I all ready have apple TV. Between those and NFL/MLB/Big10 subscriptions that would meet all my viewing needs. Question is, would it be more cost affective? I'm doing some homework on that.
Since we have two NFL teams to root for here in Columbus they usually split starting times for the Browns and Bengals so they can show both games on TV. That is unless they are playing each other or they are playing an NFC opponent (or Monday/Sunday night football). When either team plays an AFC opponent games are shown on CBS. If games are played against an NFC opponent games are shown on Fox. Today the Browns are playing Buffalo on CBS and are losing. The Bengals however are beating Washington but is Time Warner showing the game? Fuck no! THOSE GOD DAMNED ASSHOLE ARE PLAYING A FUCKING PREMIERE SOCCER LEAGUE GAME? Who the fuck in their right mint outside of England gives a rats ass about the premier league?

I'm so pissed I could throw my TV threw the wall. GOD DAMNED TIME WARNER!

they just wanted to show Ohio what a real football team looked like