Times Retracts Lies and Smears

Obfuscate said:
When you can't argue Monetary Policy and Inflation and the value of the dollar, when you can't argue the importance of privacy in regards to liberty, when you can't debate that we need to reduce spending, when you can't debate on non intervention, when you can't debate him on property rights, when you can't debate him on anything that affects us to the most importance..........


You get weak smears like this.

When you post ideallic rhetoric that really isn't countering the topic at hand you get ignore....
Damo's argument seems to be on the politics of it. He is not agreeing with you fools/liars that it demonstrates Paul is a racist.

LOL, so now I'm a liar/fool because I believe the news and you chose to believe his campaign manager? That's fine tool. Continue rationalizing that keepign the money was a good idea and that RP's camp shouldn't respond to these claims.

in all honesty, you should go to some non political messageboards that have political discussions here and there. You will be able to influence people better. People here made up their mind long ago about any Libertarian views, it's fun to debate but if you really want to influence you should try other sites. I see you constant defending Paul over and over here and it's fun to read but IMO not really helping the cause like you could in a more open minded forum.
LOL, so now I'm a liar/fool because I believe the news and you chose to believe his campaign manager? That's fine tool. Continue rationalizing that keepign the money was a good idea and that RP's camp shouldn't respond to these claims.

No, you are a liar by saying RP has not responded. You are a fool to accept the words of an admitted White Nationalists. I really wonder how you folks can logically claim that this guy is reputable while trying to prove Paul is disreputable for associating with the likes of him. And you are a fool to believe this some how indicates he is a racist.
:corn: Really? You think? I think maybe assmunch has a point. Perhaps this is the time to equate the NAACP with white supremacy groups and dare the public to come up with a difference. Viva la revolution!

Sounds good. the inherent racial favoritism of the naacp goes uncriticized while the ideas of so-called "supremacy groups" can't even be discussed for fear of tainting the children. Now you go.
No, you are a liar by saying RP has not responded.

Quote please. I don't know what you're referring to.

You are a fool to accept the words of an admitted White Nationalists.

And you're a fool for conveniently leaving out the rest: pictures, voting records, and a history of racist inclinations.

I really wonder how you folks can logically claim that this guy is reputable while trying to prove Paul is disreputable for associating with the likes of him. And you are a fool to believe this some how indicates he is a racist.

Like I said, you're conveniently leaving out the rest of that equation.
Quote please. I don't know what you're referring to.

Are you kidding, there is plenty where he has resonded to these silly questions. He said the Black's ideas were evil and that returning the money would only aid Black in spreading them.

And you're a fool for conveniently leaving out the rest: pictures, voting records, and a history of racist inclinations.

There are no pictures to corroborate White's claim. The pictures establish that he took a picture, so what? The Black picture is completely stupid as it is obvious he is in some large group and probably taking pictures with people as they approach.

What the Black picture really shows is how uncritical you folks are and how you are trying to smear.

What about his voting record? What, Rosa Parks nonsense again? Same thing as above. You show you are engaging in spin and smear tactics.

What history of racist inclinations?
What I see is some communist named White, who is a leader of a group called "American National Socialist Workers Party" calling a constitutionalist (Ron Paul is the only candidate that is a constitutionalist) a Nazi. Does this White fella realize that socilaism bears a direct ingredient for communisum? Liberials simply do not understand that. That is why liberials are runiing the greatest country this planet has ever seen.
Are you kidding, there is plenty where he has resonded to these silly questions. He said the Black's ideas were evil and that returning the money would only aid Black in spreading them.

There are no pictures to corroborate White's claim. The pictures establish that he took a picture, so what? The Black picture is completely stupid as it is obvious he is in some large group and probably taking pictures with people as they approach.

What the Black picture really shows is how uncritical you folks are and how you are trying to smear.

What about his voting record? What, Rosa Parks nonsense again? Same thing as above. You show you are engaging in spin and smear tactics.

What history of racist inclinations?

They hate America--land of the free and home of the brave. They think this should be a welfare country---but they are not willing to pay for it themselfs.

Those people suck---and strip away individual American dreams.

if anyone wants socialism---how about you paying for it yourself instead of forcing peo[ple living from pay check to pay check doing it all for your idealisms of a utopia garden to live in? (sounds like a bunch of hippies that turned haight Ashberry block into a slum block---yes?) I will take care of myself, because this is one American that loves freedom and liberity---and I don't trust you liberial stinks---many, who never faced a hardship in their lives or gained honor by pulling up their own boot straps if they did.

If they promise you welfare (like health care)---don't vote for them. It is too hard for you to take your god given tallents and chase your American dream when you are broke and on welfare.

Liberials care soooooo much---most people are friggen broke. Thanks a lot---jerks!
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No, you are a liar by saying RP has not responded. You are a fool to accept the words of an admitted White Nationalists. I really wonder how you folks can logically claim that this guy is reputable while trying to prove Paul is disreputable for associating with the likes of him. And you are a fool to believe this some how indicates he is a racist.

Again, please post a link or a quote specifying why I'm a liar.

What about his voting record? What, Rosa Parks nonsense again? Same thing as above. You show you are engaging in spin and smear tactics.

Yes. That Rosa Parks "nonsense". The man thinks that civil liberties are a states issue and that the civil rights movement actually harmed america. No thanks. You can keep apologizing for him if you want to and blame all of this on baseless lies.

Food for thought people: Larry Craig was appalled by rumors of his homosexuality, as was Mark foley on allegations that they had indecent relations with congressional pages, everyone close to McGreevy on his campaign and in his administration knew he was gay, and accussations flew left and right about Bill Clinton's philantropic ways. These accusations (especially one of this nature) rarely come out of nowhere at all.
Tiana's right.

The news letters, Rosa Parks, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the civil war, the Stormfront crap, the Nazi money. Its a long trail of racial insensitivity.

Pretending it doesn't matter is your choice.
Tiana's right.

The news letters, Rosa Parks, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the civil war, the Stormfront crap, the Nazi money. Its a long trail of racial insensitivity.

Pretending it doesn't matter is your choice.

I know I'm right. Because there's no smoking gun YET, doesn't mean one shouldn't connect the dots. I'm just sick and tired of the Ronbots acting like he's the second coming of politics.
I know I'm right. Because there's no smoking gun YET, doesn't mean one shouldn't connect the dots. I'm just sick and tired of the Ronbots acting like he's the second coming of politics.

He is the only candidate that is a pure constitutionalist. (that little piece of paper that keeps us from being official slaves---notice, I said official) All other just take the pledge to uphold the constitution, but don't do it. That has been politics for the last 100 years.

You may be a lier lady T. I probably am also as well as every person under the decision making process. why? Because we are lied to everyday by these elected officials, so we really don't know all the facts about just about any issue. All we can do is speculate-(connecting the dots may fit--but you probably don't have all the dots)--which results in untruths. we can't get the full truth from any news station or paper. They don't know the truth either (or hide it from us sometimes also), and are as much a vitim of speculation as we are IMO.

Liberials tend to lie the most IMO. They do so to push their socialistic programs. If everything we did was "for the children" we would have a great public education system right now. It is not about the children--it is about taking your money by pulling on your heart strings--and we have the public education as very strong evidence of that.
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He is the only candidate that is a pure constitutionalist. (that little piece of paper that keeps us from being official slaves---notice, I said official) All other just take the pledge to uphold the constitution, but don't do it. That has been politics for the last 100 years.

You may be a lier lady T. I probably am also as well as every person under the decision making process. why? Because we are lied to everyday by these elected officials, so we really don't know all the facts about just about any issue. All we can do is speculate-(connecting the dots may fit--but you probably don't have all the dots)--which results in untruths. we can't get the full truth from any news station or paper. They don't know the truth either (or hide it from us sometimes also), and are as much a vitim of speculation as we are IMO.

Liberials tend to lie the most IMO. They do so to push their socialistic programs. If everything we did was "for the children" we would have a great public education system right now. It is not about the children--it is about taking your money by pulling on your heart strings--and we have the public education as very strong evidence of that.

Yeah. Those evil liberials. They hate money, freedom, our troops and America.
Again, please post a link or a quote specifying why I'm a liar.

Already posted the statement. You claimed he has not reponded. Here he is doing just that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrRtZaG63o8

Here he is stating that he does not want htere money at about 13 minutes. http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/350/video.html

Yes. That Rosa Parks "nonsense". The man thinks that civil liberties are a states issue and that the civil rights movement actually harmed america. No thanks. You can keep apologizing for him if you want to and blame all of this on baseless lies.

I don't think you understood the reference. I was referring to the silly claim about him voting against sense of the senate resolutions.
Already posted the statement. You claimed he has not reponded. Here he is doing just that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrRtZaG63o8

Here he is stating that he does not want htere money at about 13 minutes. http://www.pbs.org/now/shows/350/video.html

I don't think you understood the reference. I was referring to the silly claim about him voting against sense of the senate resolutions.

I understood your reference completely. Aparently you didn't understand mine. Please post specifically where I said he wasn't responding to the aforementioned. If that is what I said I'd like to have the chance to retract or clarify. If I didn't say anything of the sort and you're pulling out of your ass, I will call you on it.

Thanks in advance.