Timothy Geithner: New taxes may be needed

yeah, and a large MAJORITY of the voters now are feeling SUCKERED by all the lies and broken promises...
they are starting to see conservative ideas as being better, just look at the polls..but keep up what you all are doing, maybe once and for all you will kill off your failed ideology that has been tried around the world and FAILED.....couldn't happen fast enough to a more evil bunch.

You sound very bitter & angry.

Hope you do figure out how to win an election eventually with that large majority of yours.

In the meantime, progressivism will keep moving on its course of inevitability...
You sound very bitter & angry.

Hope you do figure out how to win an election eventually with that large majority of yours.

In the meantime, progressivism will keep moving on its course of inevitability...

not bitter, mostly fearful... I'm just hoping we can hang on long enough before you all destroy everything the United States stood for...then we can kick your asses out, hopefully for good..:)
The top 1% income-hoarders have seen their unfair share of wealth more than double over the past 20 years.
The top 1% income-hoarders have seen their unfair share of wealth more than double over the past 20 years.

Those evil evil rich people! How about we work in a bi-partisan manner, you and me troll, to rid our country of these rich folks who are a stain on our society?
Those evil evil rich people! How about we work in a bi-partisan manner, you and me troll, to rid our country of these rich folks who are a stain on our society?
Not George Soros though who else would contribute so much to the Democrat Party?
Soros is the evil sob behind the progressive(communist) movement..and the Democrats have no been thoroughly taken over by progressives... the "Hugo Obama" is the head Progressive (commie)..
Taxation is not stealing. Again, you guys are using anarchist arguments and making yourself look mentally unstable.
I don't recall telling the federal government that I'd like to offer them part of my paycheck to help cover their pet projects, yet they keep taking money not offered to them, so how is that not stealing?

I assure you, people are not going to revolt because taxes were raised to cover the budget deficit.

so said king george in the late 1700s
Not at all. First, the America public elected progressive ideas by a large majority in November, and gave the progressive agenda large majorities in both the House & Senate, as well as the White House. They rejected the failed conservative ideas of the Bush years, and many - even on the right - said the election marked the final death of the Reagan Revolution, which failed.

Second, history is on the side of progressive thought. Progressive ideas ALWAYS win in the end, without fail.

is this the same thing as saying you have a mandate? :rolleyes:

your progressive ideas didn't win at the election booth, the fake conservative movement of the current republicans lost.