Tired of this game

I can see where he/she is coming from. I've tried posting things that are not the norm here, they are ignored, derailed, or just ridiculed, without conversation. If all of us, right or left, wish to really be effective citizens/influencers, we need to listen to the other side. Not necessarily agree or even compromise, but acknowledge we hear their concerns.
I can see where he/she is coming from. I've tried posting things that are not the norm here, they are ignored, derailed, or just ridiculed, without conversation. If all of us, right or left, wish to really be effective citizens/influencers, we need to listen to the other side. Not necessarily agree or even compromise, but acknowledge we hear their concerns.

There is and can be excellent conversation on this board Kathianne. Citizen brings it upon himself when over and over and over instead of discussing the issue at hand he proclaims himself smarter because he didn't vote for Bush.

Let's say you believe that to be true. Does it advance the conversation and discussion here to reapeatedly state that? After awhile its like shut up already. He doesn't like being called out on it.
There is and can be excellent conversation on this board Kathianne. Citizen brings it upon himself when over and over and over instead of discussing the issue at hand he proclaims himself smarter because he didn't vote for Bush.

Let's say you believe that to be true. Does it advance the conversation and discussion here to reapeatedly state that? After awhile its like shut up already. He doesn't like being called out on it.

I have seen that, from those agreeing or close to agreeing with one another. I'm not a basher, well at least under normal circumstances. I've posted a lot regarding Ron Paul, which is acknowledged on other threads than my posts. Yet, time and again, they are buried, derailed. That's not conversation.

I don't know USC enough to comment. I'm more or less a very disappointed two time Bush voter. So far, I've yet to find a candidate I can vote for, for positive reasons.
I can see where he/she is coming from. I've tried posting things that are not the norm here, they are ignored, derailed, or just ridiculed, without conversation. If all of us, right or left, wish to really be effective citizens/influencers, we need to listen to the other side. Not necessarily agree or even compromise, but acknowledge we hear their concerns.

Are you saying you have some Ron Paul Concerns?
I have seen that, from those agreeing or close to agreeing with one another. I'm not a basher, well at least under normal circumstances. I've posted a lot regarding Ron Paul, which is acknowledged on other threads than my posts. Yet, time and again, they are buried, derailed. That's not conversation.

I don't know USC enough to comment. I'm more or less a very disappointed two time Bush voter. So far, I've yet to find a candidate I can vote for, for positive reasons.

You are not alone. I am a two-time Bush voter as well and there is no current candidate that really excites me either.

Ultimately I would surmise more people vote 'against' one candidate rather than 'for' a candidate.

As an aside, my 85 year old grandmother visited for Christmas. She was a two-time Clinton voter and two-time Bush voter (how many of those do you know?). She told me if Obama wins the Dem nomiation she will vote for him. If Hillary wins the Dem nomination she will vote for the Republican.

Go figure.
Did something specific get up usc's ass? I feel like I've missed some drama. I hate that. Do you know the story here?

Read the Huckabee Swiftboating thread for one. He tries to speak about a group, Club for Growth, for which he later admits he has no knowledge of and gets called out on it. He gets pissed and then claims he's smarter than everyone because he didn't vote for Bush.

Then the thread on Ecudor and the foreign capital not flowing into Latin America he doesn't know anything on that issue and gets mad there as well.
Read the Huckabee Swiftboating thread for one. He tries to speak about a group, Club for Growth, for which he later admits he has no knowledge of and gets called out on it. He gets pissed and then claims he's smarter than everyone because he didn't vote for Bush.

Then the thread on Ecudor and the foreign capital not flowing into Latin America he doesn't know anything on that issue and gets mad there as well.

Oh joy. Thanks man.
I hope he's gone for good.

He drags the level of debate down below ground.

USC has proven infinitely childish and ignorant.

He is the liberal toby. Liberals should be happy about this. They now have a chance to win a debate without usc jumping on, making a shitty one-liner, and losing it for them.
He will be back........

he is just pouting...I really don't mind usc all that much...sure the one liners get old hat...but so do alot of the more infamous diatribe posters...I take all with a grain of salt...!:D
This is the best possible thing that could have happened to this site short of CK posting a suicide video.

While a CK suicide video would rule, usc adds a lot to the board. I think he's pretty funny and is succint (sp?) in making his points. I just don't get all of the rancor against him. Its not even like he's a partisan hack or anything.