To all you douchebags who call us Patriots "neocons"

Exactly! Rand Paul hired people to do this if he was "accosted". The people close to him would rather resort to violence then think that maybe their ideas trumped hers in the marketplace of ideas. Very American of them. Very patriotic.

I went jogging the other day and because I'm an out of shape piece of sh*t I damn near died. Well my near death occured right in front of Nancy Pelosi's house. I was bent over on the sidewalk having an internal debate over whether I should throw up there or could I make it home. During that time six nice looking large gentleman in black suits, sunglasses and slicked back hair jumped out of two SUV's and started walking towards me quickly. I decided at that point I could make it home so I quickly walked away.

Now granted this wasn't a campaign stop but I know for sure these guys in suits had no interest in hearing my ideas.
Of course you don't. Because you're just another robotic, kool-aid drinking, automaton, too spineless to confront facts and information contrary to your preconceptions.

Like this about your Glorious Rand Paul and his supporters...they are starting to make even the NAZIS look good!


An ugly scene took place outside the Kentucky Senatorial debate Monday night as what appeared to be a supporter of Republican candidate Rand Paul was captured by a local news affiliate literally stomping the head of a member of the progressive-activist organization

The MoveOn volunteer, Lauren Valle, went to the hospital after explaining what had happened to local press. As of 11:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time she remained there, according to another MoveOn official. According to a local Fox station, Valle had attempted to approach Paul before the debate took place, dressed in a blonde wig and with a "RepublicanCorp" sign mocking him as a stooge of special interests.

Attendees around Valle are heard screaming, "get the cops" as cameras captured her being dragged to the pavement by her red sweater. Once on the ground a man wearing white sneakers pushed the sole of his shoe down on her head.

The whole story here:
Ugly scene.....
There is no definitive word on who stomped on Valle or why they went to such lengths to stop her protest.
Their is also no definitive proof that anyone step on the womens head...certainly not in the photo .....

SEIU Attack Black Tea Party Patriot & Tampa Town DNC Slaps Man

PS....Paul supporter identified and should be charged.... justice served....
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I really was trying so hard not to comment on this story. Though I have to say, it's a huge story today and yet I wasn't surprised not to find it posted on this male-centric, site.

I don't know how anyone can view that and not see that she was dragged and pushed to the ground, perhaps even thrown to the ground. In my view I thought she was thrown there. And positioning her that way, for a curb stomping, is very chilling.

This is just a bunch of men on this board, minimizing violence against a woman. It is sickening. Cawacko, you surprise me. The rest do not. Perhaps you have never been a woman thrown to the ground by a large man. That part is bad enough. What happened afterwards should mandate prison sentences, and may.

Now, it is breaking news that the guy who stomped on her, who thought something entitled him to commit an act of violence against a woman who was already pinned to the ground (and who told the other two men they had the right to do that even?), works for the Paul campaign.

But the sausage fest that is the Rand fans will continue, and they will continue to deny that Rand Paul is a creepy sob, with huge problems regarding women. Though, women aren't his only problem. And just by the way? Connelly is correct. It's never okay to have tied up a woman and put her in your trunk. Even though it happened in college. Only because he tied up a woman and put her in a trunk is that dismissed as a youthful indiscretion, instead of the alarm it is. If he had tied up a black male, or a child, and put them in his trunk in college, it would have disqualified him from running. But it was only a woman.

In most states, the fact that the thug who stomped on this woman, and HAD TO BE STOPPED FROM STOMPING ON HER AGAIN, works for him, would end this race today. But this is Kentucky. And I hear woman-beating is practically the state past time in those parts.

Now I'm putting this thread on ignore. I don't have to read this kind of violence-apologist shit.

But if it were your mother?

Shame. Shame.

This the type of woman needed at political rallies! Be sure to watch it all. :)
Interesting now that the right on this board are trying to minimize what was done here. She has a right to protest without being assaulted. But when anyone does it to a right wing candidate like Rand or the mouthbreather in Alaska it is ok, and they should know better than trying to question a candidate about something or make a point about the candidates point of view. If I did to your wife what that guy did to this woman would you tell your wife that my foot on her head was very light pressure?

I'm not trying to minimize anything; I am evaluating the video for facts. It appears that the woman tripped and fell into someone and that one or more of the Paul supporters thought she had pushed someone on purpose and therefore tried to subdue her. One of the Paul supporters went overboard with his foot on the woman's shoulder. It does not appear, however, that he 'stomped on her head', or that this is an act of male violence on women as the lib-tards here are asserting. :)
Rand Paul has proven himself to be a fine candidate, very much unlike Christine O'Donnell and Joe Miller. I am looking forward to him being elected.
LOL the lady bum rushes the entourage and then falls on purpose like she was hit by a stun gun. She's a paid protester, I say she earned her pay and is lucky she wasn't seriously harmed. funny though
Is that what you really saw in the video, may I give you some advice, get glasses and not the Republican, Rush Limbaugh prescription, either! Your mind is so narrow you need only one earring!
I couldn't care less if you go mock a politician and in fact I'm all for it. I'm saying these guys have crazy security and thus who knows what would happen if you run after someone.
The guys who stomped her was the organizer of the event! Classy!

A volunteer who was the organizer, so it was said on the nightly news! I will find the reference.
Yep, He was a county campaign organizer for Rand Paul, I worded it incorrectly, Cawacko, sorry, not the event but the county campaign which probably covered the debate.
I really was trying so hard not to comment on this story. Though I have to say, it's a huge story today and yet I wasn't surprised not to find it posted on this male-centric, site.

I don't know how anyone can view that and not see that she was dragged and pushed to the ground, perhaps even thrown to the ground. In my view I thought she was thrown there. And positioning her that way, for a curb stomping, is very chilling.

This is just a bunch of men on this board, minimizing violence against a woman. It is sickening. Cawacko, you surprise me. The rest do not. Perhaps you have never been a woman thrown to the ground by a large man. That part is bad enough. What happened afterwards should mandate prison sentences, and may.

Now, it is breaking news that the guy who stomped on her, who thought something entitled him to commit an act of violence against a woman who was already pinned to the ground (and who told the other two men they had the right to do that even?), works for the Paul campaign.

But the sausage fest that is the Rand fans will continue, and they will continue to deny that Rand Paul is a creepy sob, with huge problems regarding women. Though, women aren't his only problem. And just by the way? Connelly is correct. It's never okay to have tied up a woman and put her in your trunk. Even though it happened in college. Only because he tied up a woman and put her in a trunk is that dismissed as a youthful indiscretion, instead of the alarm it is. If he had tied up a black male, or a child, and put them in his trunk in college, it would have disqualified him from running. But it was only a woman.

In most states, the fact that the thug who stomped on this woman, and HAD TO BE STOPPED FROM STOMPING ON HER AGAIN, works for him, would end this race today. But this is Kentucky. And I hear woman-beating is practically the state past time in those parts.

Now I'm putting this thread on ignore. I don't have to read this kind of violence-apologist shit.

But if it were your mother?

Shame. Shame.
Bravo, honey!
your free to hold your signs, but bum rushing a candidate with the nuts in the past who shot several politicians I call the reaction severly subdued. She didn't need a bandaid even.

Hillarious false outrage!!!