TO: ANY Leftist who has ANYTHING to say about 01/06/21...

gfm desperately wants to believe the Trump conspiracies. What his list shows, is he seeks out right-wing sites to buttress what he believes. If you have a bucket of crap and toss on another bucket, it is still all crap. It is nearly impossible to believe that someone can convince themselves of such a ridiculous thing that it was not Trumpys, Qanaon and Proud boys attacking the capitol. It was the FBI. What kind of retardation is required to come to that conclusion. There was nothing peaceful in an attack that left 140 cops injured and some dead.
01/06/21 was a very peaceful demonstration that BLM/Antifa types happened to infiltrate via disguising themselves in MAGA gear and making it appear as if MAGA supporters were "causing trouble" when they actually weren't... MAGA supporters are NOT violent people... It is BLM and Antifa types who are violent people, people who regularly resort to burning, looting, murdering, and vandalizing...

Where do you think such violence is actually coming from?? Trump supporters??

Answer: 99.99999999% of this sort of violence is coming directly from the POLITICAL LEFT..... Here are but a few examples of it:

Conservatives like me are done putting up with your leftist bullshit, your manipulations, and your lies... Conservatives like me are done being the "silent majority"...

You have now awoken the sleeping lion, dumb fucks, and we don't take very kindly to you coming after our cubs, our brethren, and our hard earned meals... Prepare to hear us roar...

You WILL be hearing MUCH more from us, loud and clear... It starts with school board meetings all across the States of America, and it will only grow from there. When the jackass Kamala Harris finally trots her slutty ass down by the southern border, be prepared for a large MAGA presentation... SILENT NO LONGER!!!!!!

Live free or die. Fuck your leftist communist globalist Satanic violent tyranny.



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So why are all the people being arrested for 1/6 Trump supporters? Are those BLM/Antifa people invisible to cameras because most of the people involved in the violence on 1/6 have been identified and arrested. The indictments include statements by many of them how they support Donald Trump.

Please feel free to point out the BLM/Antifa people in the pictures from 1/6.

The FBI could use your help identifying these people.

Surely you can find the BLM/Antifa disguised as Trump supporters so they can arrest them.

Witch hunt. Government oppression.
Rightys are insane.
That was a Trump-organized insurrection
Nope. Antifa and BLM, funded and supported by Democrats.
that was manned by Proud Boys and white nationalists.
Racists. Democrats.
It was a MAGA heaven
False flag.
Trump held a rally at the same time the electoral college ceremonial ratification of votes was being held.
Not possible. At least seven States never chose electors.
That was not by accident.
It was also held very close to the capitol.
That again, not a coincidence.
Trump got speaker after speaker to infuriate and arouse the audience.
You didn't listen or read his speech, did you?
They were already fired up, and Trump directed them to attack the capitol.
He never did.
He even said go, and I will come with you.
He never did.
There have been 500 insurrectionists arrested and they were all Trumpies.
None of them.
Every damn one.
None of them.
Trump was the inciter in chief.
Trump doesn't support Antifa and BLM. The Democrats do.
....deleted Holy Link to Fake News...
The BBC is feeding you the same garbage from the Associated Press that is in most American papers and especially at CNN. It's propaganda.
"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore."

"But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don’t need any of our help. We’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country."

Not exactly calling for peace.

The accusations he made followed by "fight like hell" it is not shocking that anger and fear led to violence.

Contextomy fallacies. Go read his speech instead of quoting stuff out of context.
Of course, the riots happened, but blaming BLM or other progressive protestors is wrong. Most of the violence was caused by anarchist radicals from across the political spectrum but primarily White Supremacist and right leaning Militias.

There's many more articles, Google it. Conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot by bringin up this issue, it only draws more attention to the Right Wings violent nature.

Yup. Democrat supported thugs. Antifa and BLM. They are white supremacists.
You have no idea what a militia is.