To Christiefan

I remember in high school when I was taking an AP Lit class we were required to read Death on the Orient Express. I felt it more correctly should have been called "Death by Boredom". I thought it was the most horribly boring novel I ever read until a little later we had to read Thomas Hardy's "The Mayor or Casterbridge" and found out just how wrong I was! LOL

Now I probably shouldn't be knocking Agatha Christie as I'm not really a fan of the mystery genre but based on her only novel I've read...I didn't get her. I thought Hercule Perot et al were excruciatingly boring. I was like...yea, yea...Miss Scarlet in the kitchen with Mr. Green.

Not a fan of Orient Express.
Holy fuck...all this time I thought the "Christie" part of christiefan...was for the former governor of our state, Chris Christie.

You have no idea of how happy this post makes me.

I agree with so much of what you was upsetting for me to think you were a fan of that guy.

Lol. I'm going to put a disclaimer in my sig because you're not the first to think the name is about the former guv. This has been my one and only name on forums. I chose it back when Chris Christie wasn't national news. Happy New Year, Frank!
I must say, when I first played Carmen Sandiego in the early 90s, I had no idea it would spawn a TV show with a catchy intro that I sometimes find myself singing. "Where. On. Earth. Is... Carmen Sandiego? Carmen Sandiego? Where on Earth could she be?"

you people are so millennial........