To educate Walt about Q.......

Wrong location. It's at Cheyenne Mountain.

One of the things Walt keeps telling us about the mysterious Q is that his name itself doesnt make any sense. Walt,.... thru a quick wiki lookup LOL has been linking Q to Q clearance which has to do with the dept of energy.

As I have said all along,......Q or the Q group is also a name for a group inside the NSA. Anyone remember who came to see DJT during his first presidential run to tell him he was being spied on? I sure do. And these folks who came to see DJT,...where were they from? ;)

Hey Walter........... From your beloved CNN,... way back in 2013. Watch before it gets deleted.

The Qless are nutjobs. Sure, like homeless paranoid schizos with a butcher's knife, they can be dangerous, but I doubt most of them could assemble an IED without blowing themselves up.

Those skills require training, a modicum of intelligence and some sanity. The militias are more dangerous.
The Qless are nutjobs. Sure, like homeless paranoid schizos with a butcher's knife, they can be dangerous, but I doubt most of them could assemble an IED without blowing themselves up.

Those skills require training, a modicum of intelligence and some sanity. The militias are more dangerous.

Said the guy who played dress up selfie time and dressed up like black Bart or Bloody Bill Quantrill for his avatar pic. :rolleyes: How old are you? 11,...12 maybe?
Said the guy who played dress up selfie time and dressed up like black Bart or Bloody Bill Quantrill for his avatar pic. :rolleyes: How old are you? 11,...12 maybe?
LOL Figures that's all you see in that picture.

It's a reduced pic from a meme:

This is an earlier pic/meme:

QAnon's original name was QClearancePatriot. He clearly is claiming to have Q Clearance, and to be a patriot. Both are lies.

I do not mind a retcon when it comes to fiction, but when it comes to reality, I have a problem with it.