To Fox news they all look alike


I saw this story before, and as soon as I read your title I knew what it was about and I started cracking up.
How did they make this mistake they dont even look alike?

I think they did it on purpose to get their viewer to confuse the two when they see Conyers kicking ass and taking names in the investigations.
How did they make this mistake they dont even look alike?

I think they did it on purpose to get their viewer to confuse the two when they see Conyers kicking ass and taking names in the investigations.

Desh, I think the exact same thing.
You would think the ohter stations would jump on it.

They could get some better ratings by taking Fox viewers who would see the incompetance of the Fox mistake.

I bet Olberman is the only one who will pick it up.
You would think the ohter stations would jump on it.

They could get some better ratings by taking Fox viewers who would see the incompetance of the Fox mistake.

I bet Olberman is the only one who will pick it up.

Olbermann probably will pick it up, and do something funny with it.
This is absolutely pathetic. There is no way a professional news station should committ an error like this....well, if it was done in error that is. I think professional journalism is dying hard and fast.
"mostly all commercial salesmanship now, not journalistic in nature."

I agree. Pitching the ideas of one party or the other. It is truly pathetic. We cannot even trust the news to be honest brokers of what is happening in the world. If it isn't about politics it is about how some Barbie got kidnapped or Joe Dirt in a wife beater shirt getting arrested for pissing on a cop or something else insignificant in comparison to the true problems in the world.
Interesting.... Just the other day you were all, "Who is Olbermann?"

LOL. Damo, I know who Keith Olberman is. I asked that question in that thread, because he wasn't in any of the posts I had read, I didn't know who you were talking about. But then I went to one of your links, and I saw him mentioned.

I watch him most every night.

Hi Darla, how are you?

I'm great actually! I'm having a really good couple of weeks. I had a health scare with my mom, but everything came out good in the end, and plus some other stuff, but too steamy to get into here. ;) (that's for you SF, I did it again!)

Hope everything is as good with you. :)